
Auschwitz, China, Lushun Prison

author:A brick in Chang'an

Lushun Prison, also known as Lushun Japanese-Russian Prison, is a magic cave set up by Tsarist Russia and Japan on Chinese soil to imprison and slaughter Chinese people, and has a history of more than 100 years.

Auschwitz, China, Lushun Prison

In 1902, in order to strengthen its rule over the Chinese people, Tsarist Russia forcibly occupied a large area of cultivated land in the Lushun Yuanbao House and began to build the Lushun Prison. Due to the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, the prison was forced to stop construction after only 85 cells and the front building. After the war, the Japanese occupied the Luda area and carried out a large-scale expansion of Lushun Prison. The number of cells was increased from 85 to 253, kilns and vegetable fields were added outside the walls, 15 workshops were built in the courtyard, prisoners were forced to produce military supplies and daily necessities, and a red brick wall with a circumference of 725 meters and a height of 4 meters was built around the prison, and a power grid was erected, covering an area of 26,000 square meters.

Auschwitz, China, Lushun Prison

There are usually hundreds of "prisoners" in Lushun prison, and after the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1942, the maximum number of prisoners was 2,000. Most of the prisons are Chinese, but also North Koreans and Japanese. Chinese prisoners are subjected to the harshest persecution here. Prison regulations allow Japanese prisoners to eat white rice in prison, Korean prisoners to eat millet, and Chinese prisoners to eat moldy sorghum rice in prison. Chinese if you eat white rice, you can immediately be punished as an "economic offender".

Auschwitz, China, Lushun Prison

The execution chamber on the second floor of the prison was covered with hanging bars, tiger chairs and other torture instruments. During the execution, the victim is stripped naked, a wet towel is gagged in his mouth, tied face down and back up to a tiger bench or hanging bar in the shape of a "fire", his limbs are tightened by belts, and he is beaten in turn with lead-filled bamboo strips, which is called "flogging". The Kanto Prefecture Penal Code Ordinance at the time stipulated that flogging should only be used for beating Chinese, not Japanese prisoners. After some prisoners were tortured and knocked unconscious, the guards splashed them awake with cold water and beat them again; Some were beaten to the bone, the flesh and blood were blurred, and even killed. Prisons stipulate that "flogging" is carried out at a time of less than 30 lashes, and if the number of lashes is increased by 30 lashes, an additional execution will be added. That is, if it is 60 lashes, 30 lashes are given first, the prisoner is dragged back to the cell, and after a few days, when the wound is about to heal, another 30 lashes, and so on. This leaves the wounds of the torturer unable to heal for a long time, decay and suppuration, and even maggots.

Auschwitz, China, Lushun Prison

Every day, incarcerated people also pass through the "ghost gate" - the examination room. The prisoners first took off their prison clothes, then raised their hands naked and crossed the wooden bars, changed into work clothes, and went to work in various workshops in the prison. After work, he stepped over the wooden bar naked and changed into a prison uniform. This is the case every day of the year, and in the harsh winter, many old and weak people are destroyed to death.

Auschwitz, China, Lushun Prison

The prison has a diagnostic room and 18 cells. On the surface, many sick people were sent here for treatment, but in fact, only some of the mildly wounded were simply disposed of and then sent back to service, while those with infectious diseases or serious illnesses were directly given "life booster shots" or put on special leather clothing and bloodied in their eye sockets and nostrils to hasten their death.

Auschwitz, China, Lushun Prison

In addition to ordinary cells, there are also secret cells, known as "prisons within prisons", each of which is only 2.5 square meters, dark and damp. The walls of the cell have a large inner and outer round hole, and the outer wall has sliding iron plates for the guards' surveillance. In addition to leg irons, those who are thrown into the prison are also put on a special "leather handcuff", which fixes the prisoner's wrists to the waist, making it difficult to sit, get up and lie down. In just a few days, prisoners can die a painful death in prison.

Auschwitz, China, Lushun Prison

In the northeast corner of the prison, there is a two-story secret killing field, the gallows room. During the execution, the executioner covered the face of the executed person with a white cloth, forced him to sit on a trapboard, put a noose around his neck, and then suddenly opened the trap to strangle him. The body was then curled up and stuffed into a barrel and nailed to the lid and buried in a wasteland outside the prison. According to incomplete statistics, in 1942~1945 alone, more than 700 people were hanged here.

Auschwitz, China, Lushun Prison

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