
The tide of enterprises "going to the cloud" is surging——Observation of China International Digital Economy Expo 2023

author:New Hunan

Enterprises "go to the cloud" and integrate into the wave of digitalization

The robotic arm swings up and down freely, and the grasping action is precise and smooth... At the booth of China Unicom, the core exhibition area of the industrial Internet of the expo, the picture of the operation of the 5G-A industrial Internet laboratory of Great Wall Seiko Automation Technology Co., Ltd. 5G-A automotive flexible trial production line attracted the audience to stop.

"The biggest feature of this production line is that the traditional copper wire medium industrial control bus is replaced by a 5G-A wireless network, which significantly improves the connection rate and delay capabilities, and realizes 'one network efficiency'." Yuan Zhanjiang, deputy general manager of the industrial intelligence division of Great Wall Seiko Automation Technology Co., Ltd., said that the traditional hard-wired network production line will cause dozens of hours of downtime due to network communication failures a year, while 5G-A wireless network can greatly reduce downtime, and it is expected that a single factory can increase the delivery of 800 million yuan of output value per year.

Behind the potential of enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency is the "blessing" of advanced technologies such as "5G + industrial Internet". Peng Saijin, an industrial Internet expert of Unicom Xiongan Industrial Internet Co., Ltd., introduced that enterprises in many traditional industries such as mining, steel smelting, textiles and garments, electric power, and petrochemicals use China Unilink's Unilink industrial Internet platform to achieve "cloud". The number of industrial enterprises served by the platform exceeds 170,000.

At present, the wave of digitalization driven by a new generation of information technology such as 5G, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence is rapidly spreading to all walks of life, and enterprise "going to the cloud" has become a new trend. Gao Dan, business director of CCID Consulting, and other experts said that the development of the cloud market has changed from the "consumer interconnection" of the virtual economy to the "industrial interconnection" driven by the real economy.

The tide of enterprises "going to the cloud" is surging——Observation of China International Digital Economy Expo 2023

On September 6, visitors experienced active 3D glasses at the 2023 China International Digital Economy Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Xuefeng

Walking into the core exhibition area of the industrial Internet, Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent, Inspur, China Telecom and other enterprises have demonstrated rich scenarios that use advanced technologies such as industrial Internet and large models to empower thousands of industries and promote the digital transformation of traditional enterprises.

In front of the HUAWEI CLOUD Pangu Model booth, the staff demonstrated the use effects of large models and a series of scenario models in mining, medicine, electric power, meteorology, and other industries, and explained to the audience that pharmaceutical companies can greatly improve the efficiency of drug design by using the Pangu drug molecule model, reduce the R&D cost in the pilot drug design stage by 70%, and shorten the R&D cycle. Smart mines use technology to replace labor, and the accuracy of foreign object identification of the main belt can reach 98%, which can effectively reduce the number of personnel on duty in the mine...

In recent years, Mainland China has continued to deepen the integration of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing, promoted the digital, networked and intelligent transformation of enterprises, and achieved quality improvement, cost reduction and efficiency increase. At present, Hebei has accumulated more than 85,000 "cloud" enterprises, the "cloud rate" of industrial equipment is 20.6%, and the numerical control rate of key processes is 61.6%, and it is expected that by 2025, there will be 100,000 "cloud" enterprises in the province. Looking at the whole country, the industrial Internet is fully integrated into 45 national economic categories, and the "5G + Industrial Internet" has created 20 typical application scenarios in key industries such as mining, ports, and electric power, helping thousands of industries accelerate digital and intelligent transformation.

The tide of enterprises "going to the cloud" is surging——Observation of China International Digital Economy Expo 2023

This is a flexible AMOLED display portable medical kit taken at the 2023 China International Digital Economy Expo on September 6. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Xuefeng

Yu Xiaohui, president of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and chairman of the Industrial Internet Industry Alliance, believes that the industrial Internet is the key path for digital transformation. The industrial Internet is driving the accelerated fission of traditional industries, manufacturing technology and digital technology two evolution paths in parallel, is currently in the critical period from technology integration to upgrading and change, the future will build a more open, platform, intelligent and wireless new supply system.

Platform empowerment to help intelligent production

The bar finishing workshop of HBIS Group Shigang Company is like a robot factory: dozens of different types of robots perform their own duties, unpacking, grinding, baling, labeling, and storing the rolled bars, and the whole set of actions is completed in one go. Relying on the "Digital Intelligence Green Short Process Special Steel Pilot Enterprise" project, Shigang Company was selected as the first batch of "Digital Pilot" enterprises in China.

Behind this, the "invisible hand" of HBIS Digital WeShyper Industrial Internet Platform is running efficiently. "Relying on the platform, Shigang has built an integrated digital intelligence system, comprehensively focusing on the practical application of production scenarios, realizing the information collaboration of the whole process of design, research and development, production, supply chain, procurement and logistics, and promoting lean process improvement, production efficiency improvement and product quality improvement." Feng Xing, deputy general manager of HBIS Digital Industrial Internet Business Unit, said.

It starts with steel, but it doesn't stop there. At the HBIS Digital booth, more than 10 screens full of science and technology displayed HBIS Digital's digital solutions for different industries and fields. Taking advantage of the technical advantages in the field of intelligent manufacturing, HBIS Digital has continuously improved its cross-industry and cross-field service capabilities, and has entered multiple subdivisions such as safe production, quality control and manufacturing, serving 8 key industries such as steel, mining and chemical industry, with more than 520,000 platform equipment connections, and built more than 10 national intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories and typical application scenarios.

The tide of enterprises "going to the cloud" is surging——Observation of China International Digital Economy Expo 2023

On September 7, visitors visited and experienced smart kitchen machines at the 2023 China International Digital Economy Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Xuefeng

At the expo, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of new cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms in 2023, and 23 enterprises such as HBIS Digital were selected. As a representative of the development level of the mainland industrial Internet, the "double-cross" platform strongly supports the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

"At present, there are 50 cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms in China, with an average of more than 2.18 million industrial equipment connected and more than 234,000 service enterprises, helping thousands of industries accelerate digital and intelligent transformation." Zhao Zhiguo, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said.

At this expo, iFLYTEK brought the Antelope Industrial Internet platform equipped with the Xunfei Spark cognitive model. "As the saying goes, 'interlacing is like a mountain', and 'mountain' is a huge knowledge barrier between industries. Some factories always have a teacher who can solve many important problems because of his experience, but when he retires, the technology is difficult to pass on. Wang Rui, vice president of Antelope Industrial Internet, said that they are using the iFLYTEK Spark cognitive big model to build "digital craftsmen" to solve the problem of knowledge transfer and reuse in similar scenarios.

The Antelope Industrial Internet Platform has also developed intelligent enterprise service assistants and launched more than 200 AI tools, covering industrial production and manufacturing scenarios such as R&D design, manufacturing, supply chain, and market sales. As a national-level "double-cross" platform of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Antelope has more than 402,000 registered users on the industrial Internet platform and has served more than 1.766 million times in total.

The tide of enterprises "going to the cloud" is surging——Observation of China International Digital Economy Expo 2023

On September 6, at the 2023 China International Digital Economy Expo, the staff introduced the portable lifting folding screen to visitors. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Xuefeng

Zhang Hongke, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that the industrial Internet is that the industry should use the network to achieve digitalization, networking and intelligence, and at the same time, the network should expand the application with the help of industry to upgrade the industry from basic manufacturing to the height of intelligent high-end. For enterprises, it used to be a single platform, but after the integration of the industrial Internet, it became system engineering.

Digital leadership promotes high-quality development

Using the rail transit industrial Internet platform and industrial ecosystem based on digital twin, CRRC Tangshan shortened the product manufacturing cycle by more than 20% and reduced the manufacturing cost by more than 20%. At the booth of Shijiazhuang Tianyuan Technology Co., Ltd., the excavator operator can remotely control the excavator 8 kilometers away, which greatly reduces the construction risk; The extreme supercomputing system developed by Beijing Shengtong Zhaohe Technology Co., Ltd. can respond to massive heterogeneous big data in milliseconds to microseconds, providing computing power support for various AI applications... At the expo, innovative technologies and constantly "new" application scenarios opened the eyes of the audience and accumulated strong potential for the rapid development of the digital economy.

The tide of enterprises "going to the cloud" is surging——Observation of China International Digital Economy Expo 2023

On September 7, at the 2023 China International Digital Economy Expo, the staff of Beijing Shengtong Zhaohe Technology Co., Ltd. (second from left) introduced the extreme supercomputing system to visitors. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Xuefeng

The digital economy has become an important driving force for high-quality development. Some experts said that at present, the mainland has built a large-scale and technologically advanced mobile communication network, with more than 3.05 million 5G base stations, and the total scale of data center racks in use in the country exceeds 7.6 million standard racks, ranking second in the world in terms of total computing power, and the new digital ecology continues to be enriched, laying a solid foundation for the development of the digital economy. From January to July this year, the mainland's information technology service revenue was 4.3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.8%. Among them, cloud computing and big data services achieved revenue of 640.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.2%, continuing to maintain a high growth trend.

The tide of enterprises "going to the cloud" is surging——Observation of China International Digital Economy Expo 2023

On September 7, visitors experienced the low-altitude patrol of 5G networked UAVs at the 2023 China International Digital Economy Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Xuefeng

Scientific and technological innovation and scenario application will continue to deepen rapidly. The mainland will vigorously promote the research and development of 5G enhancement technologies, accelerate the cultivation of internationally competitive digital industry clusters, accelerate the promotion of 5G network and gigabit optical network deep coverage, and accelerate the establishment of a chief data officer system. Focus on building an upgraded version of the development of "5G + industrial Internet" and deepen the integration and application in key areas such as equipment manufacturing and electronic information. Accelerate the formulation of digital transformation roadmaps by industry, promote standardization, facilitation, and the model of "large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises", and promote the development of integration with the "chain" digital transformation of large and small enterprises.

The tide of enterprises "going to the cloud" is surging——Observation of China International Digital Economy Expo 2023

On September 6, at the 2023 China International Digital Economy Expo, the staff introduced the 5G+ smart factory project to visitors. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Xuefeng

Tan Jianrong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that the future industrial Internet mainly focuses on the high-end and popularization of intelligent manufacturing, the development of industrial cloud platforms, the application of edge computing, the application of artificial intelligence, and the application of digital twins. Industrial interconnection is not only the interconnection of industrial manufacturing, but also the interconnection of science and technology, the interconnection of talents, the interconnection of markets, and the interconnection of resources, which requires both hardware interconnection, software sharing, and data integration.

The digital economy, with its sonorous steps, surging kinetic energy and broad future, will surely inject strong impetus into the economic development of the mainland and continue to lead the ship of high-quality development to sail far!

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