
People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

author:Dong Ge said things vv

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Since the moment he left the city of Rostov, Wagner chief Prigozhin seemed to have disappeared, and for 36 hours in a row, foreign media reporters around the world were anxiously waiting for news of him. However, he never appeared, and there was no indication that he had reached Belarus. At a time when people began to worry about whether Prigozhin had already encountered an accident, he finally reappeared.

According to a report by Phoenix on June 27, Prigozhin released an 11-minute audio speech that solved the mystery of the Wagner mutiny.

People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

The speech clarified a number of key issues, including the reasons for the mutiny, its course and Prigo's own position. First, Prigozhin said that the Wagner mutiny was the result of "last resort" and that they were forced to act. According to him, the Russian Ministry of Defense plans to disband Wagner on July 1, and before that, 98% of mercenaries refuse to sign new contracts with the Ministry of Defense, which will lead to the dispersal of experienced soldiers and commanders, depriving them of effective combat effectiveness. However, just as they were preparing for the disbandment, Wagner's camp was shelled by Russian troops, killing dozens of people, forcing them to act.

People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

Secondly, Prigozhin stressed that the purpose of the mutiny was to "clean up the side of the monarchy", not to overthrow state power. Wagner's mutiny, which lasted only 24 hours, was codenamed "March of Justice" and split into two teams, one capturing Rostov, the headquarters of the Southern Russian Military District, and the other heading to Moscow, which traveled 780 kilometers in just one day. Prigozhin said their actions were aimed at pursuing "the responsibility of those who made significant mistakes" rather than overthrowing the regime. Therefore, when they were still 200 kilometers from Moscow, they stopped advancing, because they did not want a civil war in Russia, they did not want to see rivers of blood.

People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

Prigozhin also noted that Wagner's actions enjoyed popular support and hardly resulted in bloody clashes. During their nearly 800-kilometer march, they did not kill any ground soldiers, only shot down a helicopter when forced to do so because the other side fired bombs and missiles at them. In addition, Prigozhin described people standing on the side of the road, waving Russian flags and Wagner's badge, warmly welcoming them, many writing slogans of support, and only a few disappointed that they stopped advancing.

However, Prigozhin did not just clarify the mutiny, he also mocked the capabilities of the Russian army and challenged Putin's prestige.

People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

He said that Wagner's one-day march distance is equivalent to the distance of the Russian army to Kiev when the Russian-Ukrainian conflict broke out, and if the Russian army can be as good as Wagner, then it is possible to solve the Ukrainian problem in one day, and this mutiny is a "free lesson" for the Russian army. Prigozhin mocked the incompetence of the Russian army, especially under Putin, and although he did not publicly accuse Putin, this is undoubtedly weakening Putin's authority.

To sum up, Prigozhin's public speech clarified his position, stating that the purpose of the mutiny was to clean up internal corruption, not to overthrow the regime.

People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

He stressed that Wagner's actions had popular support and that there was little bloodshed. However, he questioned the capabilities of the Russian army and weakened Putin's prestige in a mocking way. The speech could be the beginning of Prigozhin's political rise, and if he continues to be active in Russian politics, he could become a formidable political force and even replace Putin. Therefore, the Wagner Mutiny may have had two purposes: first, to preserve its position and avoid being banned; The second is for political rise, for which he made military merits and political preparations. Prigozhin's political intelligence surpassed that of ordinary people, his deep understanding of how to win the hearts and minds of the people, and his military and political preparation, which made him hope to make a name for himself in Russian politics.

People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

However, his

The road to political rise is challenging. He needs to consolidate his position on the political stage while dealing with Putin's pushback. Putin has begun actions to try to thwart Prigozhin's political future, including a criminal investigation into him and an investigation into Wagner's rebellion's ties to the West. Putin intends to limit Prigozhin to some extent to prevent his return to the Kremlin.

Prigozhin, however, is not an easy person to be contained. He has already shown his political wisdom and leadership skills, and has successfully stirred up the Russian political situation.

People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

His military exploits in the Wagner Mutiny gave him strong support among the Russian people, and his political skills brought him international attention. If he finally succeeds in coming to power, the global geopolitical landscape is bound to change dramatically.

One of Prigozhin's key tactics was to question the legitimacy and necessity of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which won him the support of a part of the Russian public. He pointed to the government's concealment of the truth, the number of casualties and the treatment of military personnel, which are long-standing grievances of many Russians. Prigozhin's voice has shown those disappointed with the government a possible change, a more just and transparent future.

People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

However, his political rise also comes with risks. Some believe that he may be an agent of Western power support, and his political position is completely opposite to Putin's. If Prigo comes to power, it could lead to a gradual rapprochement between Russia and the West, while China could face pressure from the United States and Western powers in isolation.

Overall, Prigozhin successfully rose from a banned leader to a political superstar through the Wagner Mutiny. His political acumen and military prowess have given him a foothold in Russian politics, but he also faces pushback from Putin and challenges at home and abroad.

People must not look, and the sea cannot be measured! Prigozhin may replace Putin, triggering a global upheaval

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