
Latest Release! Another 16 confirmed patients in Nanjing met the discharge criteria

Source: Jiangsu News

On August 18, the Information Office of the Nanjing Municipal People's Government held the 29th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Nanjing.

Latest Release! Another 16 confirmed patients in Nanjing met the discharge criteria

Ding Xiaoping, deputy director of the Nanjing Municipal Health Commission, reported on the epidemic situation and the treatment of cases.

I. New cases. At 0-24:00 on August 17, 2021, there were no new confirmed cases of covid-19 and asymptomatic infected people in Nanjing. After the treatment of medical staff and the assessment of experts, 16 confirmed patients have met the discharge criteria and will be transferred to designated hospitals for rehabilitation today. As of 24:00 on August 17, a total of 235 locally confirmed cases have been reported in this round of the epidemic, and 75 cases have been discharged from hospital.

2. Medical treatment work. Up to now, there are 160 locally confirmed cases in Nanjing treated at the Nanjing Public Health Medical Center, including 31 mild cases and 129 ordinary cases, and all patients are in stable condition.


How do major hospitals in Nanjing do a good job in epidemic prevention and control while looking after patients?


Ding Xiaoping, deputy director of the Nanjing Municipal Health Commission: Seeing a doctor is just a need of the masses, and at present, in the face of a complex group of people, it is also testing the hospital's epidemic prevention and control capabilities. Only by doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control can we better complete the medical service work, so that the majority of patients and the public can rest assured that we must grasp it with both hands, and we must grasp both hands well, and there can be no relaxation in the slightest. On the one hand, strictly prevent and do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in medical institutions.

The first is to strengthen the management of the entrance of medical institutions. All personnel entering the medical institution are required to take their temperature and check the "health code".

The second is to strengthen the pre-examination triage and fever diagnosis of medical institutions. All medical institutions have set up pre-examination triage points to ask patients in detail about their epidemiological history and implement the first diagnosis responsibility system. In the face of common symptoms of the new crown, that is, the ten major symptoms often mentioned, patients with new crown pneumonia-related symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, decreased sense of smell and taste, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia and diarrhea, are guided to the fever clinic (clinic) in a timely manner according to the standardized procedures, and nucleic acid testing is carried out at the same time to implement closed-loop management.

The third is to strengthen outpatient emergency management. It is mainly to implement non-emergency appointment diagnosis and treatment to avoid crowd gathering; strictly implement "one doctor, one patient and one consultation room".

The fourth is to strengthen ward management. Advocate non-essential non-accompanying care, prohibit visits; strengthen ward access control, security management, and strictly prohibit irrelevant personnel from entering and leaving.

The fifth is to strengthen the management of hospital personnel. Including the health monitoring of hospital personnel, the implementation of nucleic acid testing "due diligence" for all personnel including medical staff, patients, and escorts.

On the other hand, it is still necessary to go all out to do a good job in various types of services.

The first is to do a good job in the daily medical services of medical institutions. We require all medical institutions to strengthen the arrangement of outpatient emergency departments, implement the registration of non-emergency appointments, and try their best to meet the daily medical services under the epidemic situation.

The second is to do a good job in medical services for special groups. Designated designated hospitals provide medical services for quarantine observers, including children's medical services, maternal medical services, hemodialysis services and other special medical services.

The third is to do a good job in medical treatment of acute and critically ill patients. For patients with acute and critical illness, it is clear that each medical institution arranges buffer wards for timely treatment, and nucleic acid testing is carried out at the same time. If the nucleic acid test result is negative, he shall be transferred to the general ward in time.

The fourth is to suspend the specialties of non-emergency medical services, and strengthen the allocation of emergency forces to meet the needs of these specialties.

Fifth, the advantages of Internet hospitals have been fully utilized to provide patients with health consultation, follow-up consultation and prescription services.

How to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control in rural areas and enhance villagers' awareness of prevention?

Yang Dong, deputy mayor of Qixia District, Nanjing: The agriculture-related areas of Qixia District mainly include Longtan Street, Baguazhou Street and Xigang Street Huashu Village, with an area of about 150 square kilometers and a rural population of about 90,000 people. In the previous stage of epidemic prevention work, some problems were also exposed, such as the villagers' awareness of independent protection is relatively weak, the health environment is relatively general, and there are more elderly people left behind. In response to these problems, we focus on three things.

I. Strengthen publicity and guidance to raise villagers' awareness of epidemic prevention and protection. We have joined hands with communication operators to push videos related to epidemic prevention and control to rural TV ITV users, and carried out a tv-side epidemic prevention and control poster carousel. Equipped with a wireless "big speaker", so that the mobile horn shuttles through the field, the villagers can receive the epidemic prevention and control prompt information at the first time without leaving home. Use billboards, construction site fences, and public notice boards at the end of the street at the end of the village to post posters and banners, and release epidemic prevention dynamics online through platforms such as the "Pocket Cloud Community" and social new media in the jurisdiction, and regularly push epidemic prevention and control and personal protection knowledge.

Second, implement the patriotic health campaign and jointly create a clean living environment. Give full play to the leading role of the village branch committee, the autonomous role of the villagers' committee, and the demonstration and leading role of the old party members, guide the masses to establish the concept of "the first responsible person for health", mobilize villagers to participate in the environmental "cleaning and disinfection" activities, clean up rural garbage, and eliminate health dead ends. We also arrange special personnel to eliminate and kill public areas such as farmers' markets, cold chains, supermarkets, farmhouses, waste collection stations, river ferry terminals, bus stations, and pension institutions in rural areas, so as to enhance the health awareness of villagers and develop healthy living habits through environmental remediation. We also care for special groups in rural areas, and organize village cadres and volunteers to regularly provide services such as delivering medicines to the elderly who are in difficulty and living alone.

Third, strengthen the control of key groups and key places, and build the first barrier into the village. The group of people coming to the village in medium- and high-risk areas is divided into categories, one person and one file. Implement 24-hour duty at key traffic card points such as Baguazhou Bridge, 312 National Highway, Yangtze River Ferry, and Village Entrance, check foreign vehicles, understand the itinerary, and feedback to the village at the first time. Classify and control 204 farmers' markets, pharmacies, hotels, supermarkets, waste collection stations and other business sites in rural areas, arrange for organizing village cadres to carry out daily inspections, and urge business entities to conscientiously implement epidemic prevention measures such as registration, code verification, temperature measurement, and disinfection.

In the case of zero new additions for many consecutive days, many people are happy and easy to relax their vigilance, how should the public protect their health at present?

Ma Tao, deputy chief physician of the Department of Acute Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of Nanjing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention: First of all, we must develop good personal hygiene habits. Insist on wearing masks and replace them regularly. Maintain hand hygiene, after contact with the public environment or public supplies, to wash hands in time, you can use soap or hand sanitizer to wash your hands, use the seven-step handwashing method to scrub, and then rinse with running water; when there is no running water, use hand sanitizer disinfection. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing. When eating, try to choose a divided meal system and use male spoons and chopsticks. Maintain indoor ventilation and keep the living environment as a whole clean.

The second is to develop good and healthy living habits. Reasonable diet, pay attention to food need to be washed, cooked and burned thoroughly, minimize raw and cold food consumption. Strengthen physical activity, enhance physical fitness, and improve the resistance to their own diseases. Smoking and alcohol cessation, smoking and drinking alcohol cannot prevent viral infections, and will also reduce the body's resistance. It is also necessary to maintain a positive attitude, scientifically understand the epidemic situation, and avoid excessive tension, anxiety and other bad emotions.

The third is to strictly do personal protection when going out. Try not to be necessary, not to leave the peace. When going out, try to take less closed or unventilated transportation, and try to avoid going to crowded public places. At the same time, personal protection is strictly done throughout the trip. To supermarkets, farmers' markets, shopping malls and other places with relatively large traffic, they must wear masks according to the requirements, actively cooperate with body temperature detection and health code inspection, maintain a one-meter social distance, give priority to non-contact scanning code payment, and do a good job of hand hygiene. Vaccination is an effective means of preventing COVID-19, and vaccination work has gradually resumed. Citizens who are eligible and have not yet been vaccinated against COVID-19 should be proactive and receive covid-19 vaccines as soon as possible.

Finally, we remind the general public friends that we must be the first responsible person for our own health, do a good job of self-health monitoring every day, such as fever, cough, dry cough and other suspicious symptoms, should immediately report to the community and employers, seek medical treatment in time, avoid taking public transportation during the medical treatment process, and be sure to do a good job of personal protection.

Bao Yunhai, a first-level researcher of the Propaganda Department of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee: Under the continuous efforts of all citizens to prevent and control the epidemic in Nanjing, the overall situation has continued to improve, with "zero new additions" for many consecutive days, patients have been discharged from the hospital, and the number of sealed and controlled communities has gradually decreased. But as long as the virus is still there and the potential risk points are there, it cannot be relaxed for a moment. Far from the time of "loosening up and resting", epidemic prevention and control is like climbing a slope, and if you are not careful, you will abandon your previous achievements. We must work hard to consolidate "zero new additions" and effectively prevent rebounds. Tighten the strings, rivet and strengthen, strictly implement various control requirements, and build a more stringent protective network. Epidemic prevention and control is inseparable from everyone's cohesion, starting from small things and developing good habits, such as washing hands frequently, wearing masks, ventilation, and gathering less. Let us work together to win the battle against the epidemic.