
China controls the Pacific with ground forces, and they dare not sit still

author:Not later

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Since the last grand military parade attracted the attention of the world, the shocking performance of China's various types of missiles is impressive. Dongfeng series missiles, from short range to long range, let our country's military strength continue to move to new heights, especially the Dongfeng-41 missile, known as the "national protection artifact", can be called one of the most powerful weapons in the world.

According to domestic media, the DF-41 missile weighs 63.5 tons, has a diameter of 2.78 meters, and a length of 16.5 meters, which is amazing in size and weight. It can carry up to 12 MIRVs and is capable of simultaneously striking the enemy from multiple directions and destroying the opponent's defenses. The THAAD missile defense system, which is currently the most advanced in the United States, is also difficult to intercept because the DF-41 can achieve multiple ballistic changes and satellites are difficult to track. In addition, it can carry an inducing warhead to confuse the enemy. The DF-41 has a maximum range of more than 14,000 kilometers and a speed of 30,000 kilometers per hour, which makes the United States tired of coping. And its precision is very high, and the accuracy can be maintained at a range of 100 meters.

China controls the Pacific with ground forces, and they dare not sit still

For all kinds of missiles that China has, the United States naturally conducts in-depth research, especially the US Navy. Why is the US Navy paying special attention to Chinese missiles? That's because the U.S. has always believed it has the most advanced navy in the world, but China's land-based anti-ship missile strategy poses a huge threat to the navy. The U.S. Army and Air Force have relatively few opportunities for future engagement with the Chinese military, so the U.S. Navy needs to pay more attention to the development trends and prospects of PLA missiles.

According to the US media, there are discussions within the US Navy on how to deal with Chinese land-based anti-ship missiles. At present, the US military believes that this is the biggest threat to China, and they dare not sit still. Australian experts also said China's missile threat would continue to intensify.

China controls the Pacific with ground forces, and they dare not sit still

At the American Military Academy at West Point, there is a classic saying: "It is stupid for a ship to fight a fortress." However, a more accurate statement now might be: "It is foolish for American aircraft carrier battle groups to operate off the coast of China." The US Department of Defense noted that sea supremacy has always been an important goal for the armies of many countries, and without sea supremacy, the fleet cannot achieve its goals. However, the development of modern military technology has changed the way sea power is held, and the rise of land-based missile systems has changed the landscape of naval strategy.

China controls the Pacific with ground forces, and they dare not sit still

China's modernized anti-ship missiles already have a range of more than thousands of kilometers and are relatively low-cost, so China can use these missiles on a large scale, overwhelming the defenses of American ships. For example, China's DF-21D has been hailed as a "carrier killer." The American website "Popular Machinery" pointed out that the DF-21D has a range of 1800 kilometers, and the DF-26 can hit ship targets at a distance of 4000 kilometers. Even distant naval bases are not safe, and China's DF-26 missiles have been dubbed "Guam killers," threatening U.S. infrastructure on the island.

China controls the Pacific with ground forces, and they dare not sit still

While there have been no cases of large fleets entering waters monitored by enemy land-based sea strike missile systems, there have been similar events in history, such as the sinking of the Russian Navy's Moskva by a Ukrainian Neptune anti-ship missile, and the destruction of the British Sheffield by an Argentine Exocet missile in the Falklands War. The United States believes that the capabilities of China's land-based anti-ship missiles may have just begun, that these weapons will continue to improve, increasing range, speed and warhead size, and that the deployment of hypersonic missiles will make the survival of American ships more challenging.

China controls the Pacific with ground forces, and they dare not sit still

U.S. defense policymakers and naval strategists will need to adapt to the new reality or face defeat. To succeed in the future, the U.S. Navy needs to change its thinking and operations, and rediscover the dominance of the oceans over them.

In view of the current situation of China's missile forces, a team of experts put forward several suggestions. First, the U.S. Navy needs to consider adding smaller ships to mitigate the risk of larger ships becoming missile targets. Second, given the high cost of large ships, the U.S. Navy needs to revisit the cost issue because Chinese missiles are relatively low-cost. Third, develop unmanned platforms, allow long-distance piloted ships instead of manual labor, and strengthen the research and development of artificial intelligence weapons and unmanned warships. Fourth, re-examine the sea

China controls the Pacific with ground forces, and they dare not sit still

Warfare mindset to avoid naval fleets entering the opponent's anti-access or denial zone. In fact, the achievement of sea supremacy requires support from land, air, and cyber assets to ensure local battlefield dominance before the fleet enters potentially dangerous areas.

Looking back at history, U.S. success in the Pacific War during World War II also depended on a certain rhythm and coordination. Ensuring air supremacy allows naval ships to deploy ground forces ashore and establish new air bases, allowing the fleet to move forward in relative safety.

Today's challenges, however, are different, but require coordinated action across the services. Sea supremacy no longer depends solely on fighting at sea, but needs to be achieved from land. If the U.S. Navy is defeated, the adversary will also control the oceans through Chinese forces on land.

Overall, despite the new challenges facing the U.S. Navy, advances in Chinese missile technology will not change my confidence in the Chinese military. No matter how threatened the enemy is, our Dongfeng missiles will continue to be a solid backing for China's national defense.

In the future, the U.S. Navy will have to adapt to new realities and change its naval strategy to ensure national security. In any case, Navy-Army cooperation and coordination will become critical, and the U.S. Department of Defense will need to consider a variety of new factors in strategic planning to ensure competitiveness in the changing military landscape.

In the end, the struggle for sea supremacy will be carried out in all fields of land, sea and air, and the development of unmanned platforms and advanced technologies will become the key. Only by constantly innovating and adapting can the U.S. Navy continue to maintain its global maritime supremacy in this competitive era. Therefore, U.S. defense policymakers and military strategists must be prepared to ensure our nation's security and defense interests. This is a formidable challenge, but we are confident that the United States will be able to meet and overcome these challenges to ensure the nation's long-term prosperity and security.

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