
When you are old, you often gather!

author:A little whisper
When you are old, you often gather!

The best way to live when you are old is to get together with old friends!

Life, a few months, a few years, most of a life has passed.

In this way, dangling and getting old.

Life, money has not been saved, time is fast, and before you know it, it will be decades.

We have been living half of our lives, golden iron horses, overcoming thorns, for the sake of children, for the sake of the family, but we have left ourselves alone.

Friends invite, we are busy; Get out and about, we're busy; When it comes to parties, we are busy.

Busy and busy, his body is busy, his friends are busy and far away, and people are busy and old.

When you are old, you often gather!

I remember deeply that there was such a line in a movie:

You can come and see me more often when you have time, because I don't know which time, it will be the last time.

The protagonist of the movie has limited mobility, and the people he wants to meet cannot be seen often.

Life, that's it, walking and walking will be old, old and old will be gone, no one knows which time to meet again, who will be missing.

As we get older, we should think more about ourselves in the first half of our lives for our children and families, and in the second half of our lives.

When our children are older, in fact, their greatest hope is not to let us earn mountains of gold, but that we have the ability to take care of ourselves and be safe for the rest of our lives.

What is the most expensive thing in this life?

Good body and good mood! As we get older, we exercise more, have more hearts, and live full of sunshine, even if we are old, we are also happy to age!

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, don't always worry about children, sometimes experiencing wind and rain, in fact, is not a bad thing, but can achieve children!

When you are old, you often gather!

The best way to live when you are old is to get together with old friends!

A few people walk around, feel the pace of life slowing down, take a look at the scenery that they didn't have time to see before, and complete the places they didn't have time to go before!

If you can't drink alcohol, you drink tea, you can't climb the mountain, just go to the stream, let your life slow down, slow down, make yourself feel better, have a little fun!

Three or five friends, chat, things you can't figure out, tell your friends about it, and your troubles will be halved; If you have happy things, share them with your friends and your happiness will be doubled.

As for the children, we should teach what we should teach, they should learn what they should learn, some things are enough to take ideas, don't worry too widely, let yourself be tired.

When you are old, you often gather!

In this life, the happiest thing is that there is a lover who knows the cold and the hot by the side, there is a friend who accompanies him all the way, and the relationship of decades is the most precious, we must cherish it!

Life, less than a hundred years, do what should be done early, don't hesitate when it's time to get together, don't leave regrets for yourself, don't let yourself live alone!

When you are old, get together often, less cranky, less dusty, let yourself be open-minded, let yourself live happily, even if it is occasionally muddy, you must put happiness first!