
Why people get angry, understand the reason for anger and control their own emotions and those of others

author:Zizi tells stories


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People get angry because they are angry, disappointed, or offended by an action, statement, or situation. Anger is an emotional reaction that can be caused by a variety of reasons. Here are some of the reasons why people can get angry and their further explanation:

First, unfair treatment is one of the common causes of anger.

When a person feels that they have been treated unfairly, they are likely to feel angry. This unfairness may involve unfair treatment in the workplace, social groups or at home. For example, an employee who puts in the same effort but is limited by lower pay or promotion opportunities can provoke anger over unfair treatment. Unfair treatment in social groups or families can manifest as unfair distribution of resources or feelings of neglect.

Why people get angry, understand the reason for anger and control their own emotions and those of others

Secondly, being violated personal interests is also one of the reasons why people are angry.

People also get angry when an individual's rights, privacy, or personal space are violated. Acts that violate personal interests include violations of property, speech, opinions, or personal safety. For example, if a person finds out that their personal belongings have been stolen or damaged, they will feel angry and violated. Similarly, anger can be provoked when a person's speech or opinion is questioned or personally attacked.

Why people get angry, understand the reason for anger and control their own emotions and those of others

Again, disappointment and frustration are also one of the reasons why people get angry.

When people expect a certain outcome or behavior, but it doesn't end up being achieved, they feel disappointment and frustration, which in turn turns into anger. This can happen in all aspects of life, be it work, study, or relationships. For example, a person may expect a promotion to a position, but end up skipping. This frustration and disappointment can cause them to feel angry.

Why people get angry, understand the reason for anger and control their own emotions and those of others

In addition, quarrels and conflicts are also common causes of anger.

Quarrels, disagreements, and conflicts between people can be caused by differences of opinion, position, or opinion. When people's views, positions, or opinions are questioned or challenged, they may lose patience and feel angry. Quarrels and conflicts are common ways of communicating between people, but if these emotions are not properly handled and controlled, they can lead to greater conflict.

Stress and emotions also often cause people to get angry. Prolonged stress and emotional repression can trigger angry emotions. Various pressures in life, such as work pressure, study pressure, family pressure, etc., may accumulate to a certain extent, and eventually lead to angry emotions. In addition, emotional distress is also an important factor that causes people to get angry. When a person is constantly in negative emotions such as anger, frustration, anxiety, etc., they are prone to be overly sensitive to things, and then produce angry reactions.

Why people get angry, understand the reason for anger and control their own emotions and those of others

Finally, situations that trigger fear and anxiety can also cause people to get angry.

When people feel threatened, scared, or anxious, they are also prone to angry emotions. This condition triggers defense mechanisms that trigger impulsive and angry responses. For example, when in danger or threat, people may feel scared and respond in an angry way.

In summary, people get angry because they are angry, disappointed, or offended by an action, statement, or situation. Unfair treatment, being violated personal interests, disappointment and frustration, arguments and conflicts, stress and emotional distress, and situations that trigger fear and anxiety are all common causes of anger. Understanding these causes can help people better manage and regulate their emotions, avoid overly strong angry reactions, and thus communicate and get along with others more harmoniously.