
The former US ambassador to China warned the Biden administration not to provoke China, otherwise it will push China and the United States to war

author:Sleep every day without waking up R4vA

A civilian unmanned airship from China mistakenly entered US airspace due to interference from the westerly wind belt, and this incident provided an opportunity for some "anti-China" politicians in the United States to publicize. They used this as an excuse to strongly demand action from the Biden administration. Under pressure, the Biden administration sent fighter jets to shoot down the airship and blacklisted six Chinese entities for their role in promoting the development of China's aerospace industry. At a time of tension between China and the United States, former U.S. Ambassador to China Baucus also warned of U.S. actions.

The former US ambassador to China warned the Biden administration not to provoke China, otherwise it will push China and the United States to war

Baucus said in an interview that former US House Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is not out of real "support" for the Taiwan region, but more for the accumulation of its own political interests. Now, McCarthy is under the same pressure to travel to Taiwan because Pelosi has already been. Republicans in the House will be upset if McCarthy does not go, so we hope that the Biden administration will take steps to reduce the risks that McCarthy's trip to Taiwan may entail.

The former US ambassador to China warned the Biden administration not to provoke China, otherwise it will push China and the United States to war

On the issue of Biden's statement of support for Taiwan, Baucus said that from a strategic point of view, Biden would be wiser to maintain a strategic ambiguity to make the Taiwan region better serve the United States. Some politicians argue that the United States should clearly set red lines and abandon strategic ambiguity, but this approach will only raise more problems and is not desirable. China does not advocate the use of force to solve the problem, but the United States' provocation will only increase tensions between China and the United States, even close to the brink of conflict.

The former US ambassador to China warned the Biden administration not to provoke China, otherwise it will push China and the United States to war

In addition, Baucus offered his views on the inevitability of war between China and the United States. He pointed out that the possibility of a military conflict between China and the United States is very small, however, the constant exaggeration of the war atmosphere by the United States will only make things worse. He also warned that frequent discussions of war at the top of the military would only increase the likelihood of war.

In his seventies, Baucus served 36 years in the U.S. Senate and was the senior senator representing Montana. Although Baucus took a tough stance against China on issues such as exchange rates and trade in the decade since China joined the WTO, he actively promoted U.S.-China engagement during his tenure as U.S. ambassador to China during the Obama administration. Last July, Baucus and several other prominent figures in U.S. politics, business, and academia jointly formed the U.S.-China Dialogue Group to rebuild the rapidly deteriorating U.S.-China relationship through dialogue of mutual respect and equality. On the whole, Baucus has played a constructive role in dealing with China, but he has also taken a tough stance and shown relative rationality.

The former US ambassador to China warned the Biden administration not to provoke China, otherwise it will push China and the United States to war

During the epidemic, the United States politicized epidemic prevention and control, and attacked and smeared China without restraint. Baucus bluntly said that the US government's rhetoric on China is moving towards "McCarthyism", which may lead to the deepening hostility of the American public to China. He called on more people to come forward and spread the truth. Baucus also stressed that while China and the United States are still on the same boat, the current U.S.-China relationship has irreversibly changed. He hoped that China and the United States would stop pointing fingers at each other and promote a new bilateral relationship in a more constructive and respectful way to jointly address the challenges ahead.

With the continuous increase of China's comprehensive national strength, the United States is also worried about China. In order to contain and suppress China's development, the United States has adopted various means, not only intervening in the Taiwan issue, but also trying to win over Japan, the Netherlands and other countries to form an encirclement circle against China, especially in the field of high and new technology. From Bocas's statement, we can see that he has recognized that the root cause of the deterioration of Sino-US relations lies in the continuous provocations of the United States, so he sounded the alarm to the Biden administration.

According to data released by the US Department of Commerce, in 2022, the total trade in goods between the United States and China reached a record high, reaching $690.6 billion. Sino-US trade is highly interdependent, and it is difficult to change this complementary structure in the short term. In the era of global economic globalization, the deterioration of Sino-US relations will have a major impact on the global economy. Therefore, both China and the United States have the responsibility to properly manage the points

to ensure peace and prosperity for the international community. As the world's largest economies, the United States and China share a common responsibility and need to work together to maintain international order and global stability.

However, despite Bocass's rational views and warnings, tensions in U.S.-China relations remain. The U.S. government and some political forces remain steadfast in trying to contain China's rise. Such an approach poses a threat not only to the U.S.-China relationship, but also to global stability and prosperity.

For China and the United States, cooperation is far more beneficial than confrontation. The two countries have many common interests on global issues, including climate change, trade, counterterrorism and other areas. If the two countries can abandon confrontation and hostility and seek a win-win solution, not only China and the United States, but the world will benefit a lot.

In summary, the complexity and tension of the U.S.-China relationship requires rational and constructive dialogue. Baucus's view underscores the importance of resolving differences through dialogue and cooperation. Only with joint efforts can China and the United States jointly address current and future challenges and safeguard international peace and prosperity. At the same time, the international community also needs to pay close attention to the development of China-US relations and play an active role in promoting global stability.

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