
China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

author:Xiao Han explained

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The Deep Space Exploration Laboratory's latest plan, which will achieve kinetic energy impacts on asteroids by 2030, has attracted a lot of attention around the world. Behind this plan is the protection of the Earth, because the impact of an asteroid could have devastating consequences. To better understand this plan and why it's so important, let's dive into the story behind the asteroid defense mission.

The story behind the asteroid defense program

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

Behind modern science lies a series of astonishing discoveries and profound warnings. In 1980, Nobel laureate Luis Alva proposed the theory of "asteroid impact", pointing out that an asteroid hit the Earth hundreds of millions of years ago, causing catastrophic consequences, including huge fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, and dust covering the world. This event led to the extinction of about 75% of species, including dinosaurs. This theory not only makes us aware of the threat of asteroid impact, but also evokes concerns about the safety of life on Earth.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

In 1991, a crater about 200 kilometers in diameter was discovered on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, known as the Chicxulub crater. Studies have shown that the crater is the remains of an asteroid that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, further confirming the theory of an asteroid impact.

This theory is further supported by numerical model analysis studies, showing that the asteroid, which is about 17 km in diameter, slammed into Earth at an astonishing speed, causing massive damage. At the same time, Barringer-crater in Arizona, USA, is also a trace of an asteroid hitting Earth, which occurred 50,000 years ago but is still well preserved, reminding us that the danger of asteroid impact has not decreased.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

In 1908, an asteroid exploded over Tunguska, destroying large areas of trees in Siberia, an event that is still shocking even 50,000 years ago. Also in 1994, Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 struck Jupiter, causing huge impacts, which once again reminded us of the devastating threat of asteroid and comet impacts on Earth.

In light of this series of events, scientists and the public once again recognized that the impact of asteroids and comets poses a great threat to life on Earth, and therefore measures must be taken to protect the safety of the Earth and humans. In 1999, the International Asteroid Federation began classifying small body impact hazards in order to increase public awareness and monitoring of asteroid impact hazards.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

As of April 27, 2023, nearly 1.2 million small solar system objects have been discovered, and the number is increasing. These small bodies fall into different categories, including near-Earth asteroids, main-belt asteroids, Trojan objects, centaur objects, and overseas objects. Among them, most of the asteroids are located in the asteroid belt, and some asteroids may be captured by Jupiter's gravity, reducing the risk of hitting the Earth, so Jupiter is known as the guardian of the Earth.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

However, some asteroids will still enter near-Earth space and become near-Earth asteroids with relatively unstable orbits and the risk of impacting Earth. The number and frequency of these asteroids depends on the size of their diameter. The most interesting targets are potentially threatening asteroids, with diameters of more than 140 meters and a minimum intersection distance of 0.05 AU from Earth. These asteroids are seen as prime targets for asteroid defense.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

The asteroid defense mission actually contains two main parts, one is the monitoring and early warning of potential threat asteroids, and the other is the response to change orbit. Although many near-Earth asteroids have been discovered, there are still many asteroids less than 1 km in diameter that have not been observed, and there may be potential threats among these unobserved asteroids. Therefore, timely monitoring and impact assessment of these asteroids is essential.

At present, Earth-based telescope projects, such as the Catalina Sky Survey Program, the Pan-Star Survey Program and the Asteroid Land Impact Continuous Warning System, are dedicated to surveying near-Earth asteroids with diameters greater than 140 meters. The goal of these projects is to provide timely observational data for asteroid defense.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

There are various methods of asteroid defense, including kinetic impact, nuclear explosion

The asteroid defense mission plan of the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory has aroused widespread attention and heated discussion. People are paying more attention to the potential threats around the Earth and thinking about how to protect our home from asteroids.

The asteroid impact event is not an astronomer's fantasy, but a realistic scenario that has been played out many times in Earth's history. As mentioned above, there have been many asteroid impacts on Earth, the most famous of which was the one that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. This event changed the pattern of Earth's ecosystems and had a profound impact on life on Earth.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

However, not only in ancient times, the threat of asteroids has always accompanied the existence of Earth. In recent years, there has been growing concern about this issue, as an asteroid impact event can cause serious damage to human societies and ecosystems. In 2013, for example, an asteroid explosion over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk injured thousands of people and nearly destroyed a factory building in the city. The event was a modern reminder of the asteroid threat and sparked an urgent need for asteroid defense.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

To counter the threat of asteroids, scientists and engineers have come up with a variety of defense options. These schemes include kinetic impact, nuclear weapon detonation, rocket engine push-away, gravitational traction, high-energy laser cautery, electric propulsion and other means. Each scenario has its own unique advantages and challenges, but their common goal is to change the orbit of an asteroid or break up an asteroid to reduce its threat to Earth.

Kinetic energy impact is one of the more mature asteroid defense methods at present, and some experiments and exercises have been carried out internationally. For example, the International Asteroid Warning Network conducted a global planetary defense exercise targeting the 2012 TC4 asteroid to test the ability of a real-time coordination and interactive network. In addition, the U.S. dual asteroid redirection test mission successfully hit a near-Earth asteroid called Dimophus, verifying the feasibility of kinetic impact defense technology.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

The China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory has also embarked on an asteroid defense mission and plans to conduct an asteroid kinetic impact mission in the near future. Although the continent's asteroid defense started late compared with some international advanced countries, we have rich experience in space exploration, such as the successful development of Chang'e and Tianwen series of missions, as well as in-depth exploration of asteroids and comets, which provide a solid foundation for the continent's asteroid defense technology.

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

The asteroid defense mission is not only to protect the safety of the earth and human beings, but also to promote the development of science and technology and stimulate human enthusiasm for exploring the universe. Through these missions, we will have a deeper understanding of the nature and behavior of asteroids, accumulate more experience in space exploration, and improve the technical level of human access to space.

In summary, asteroid defense missions are one of the major challenges facing the world today. It is not only about the safety of the earth, but also about the prospects of human future space exploration. With the tireless efforts of scientists and engineers, we can hope to better understand and monitor

China's defense plan this time is really fierce - Earth Knowledge Bureau

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