
The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

Twenty years ago, it was impossible to foresee how rapidly the Internet would evolve that the vision of the Internet of Everything is now realized. The Internet, as a vast system, makes it possible to have conversations in different places, times and places. All these achievements are inseparable from the support and guarantee of the root server. The network needs to rely on a reliable server to support it, and the number of servers in the world has reached 13, of which 10 are in the United States, and the remaining three are located in Sweden, Japan and the United Kingdom.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

Root server is an important concept that refers to the ability of a machine to process data on multiple devices at the same time, which is critical for businesses. Because businesses need to constantly process data to ensure that they can function properly. However, Mainland China has not yet established a complete server architecture system. In the current era of critical Internet importance, some people argue that once war breaks out, the United States has the right to directly terminate the operation of the mainland network. Whether this claim is true remains to be verified? The emergence of this argument actually stems from a deep understanding of the nature of things.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

Historically, the United States used a similar strategy to balance Iraq in 2003. At that time, Iraq's official website suffered the fate of being shut down, and the country's state-owned television website was permanently banned. At the same time, the United States has successfully obtained a large amount of intelligence information by using advanced Internet technology and relying on its informatization advantages. They built vast intelligence networks around the world and used them in war. The Internet is used as a basis and even comprehensive surveillance technology to obtain various Iraqi intelligence information. In the heat of the battle, we succeeded in defeating Iraq with minimal economic losses.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

However, the mainland will not stand idly by and watch as much as Iraq does with U.S. control over us. In fact, we have already taken countermeasures. Will the root-level server be disconnected in China? As we all know, root servers play a vital role in the online world, as many domain names can be shared across the country. Root servers are also very fast in accessing websites. As soon as there is a domain name problem, our web pages are throttled by the root server and cannot function properly.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

In the early stages of history, the Internet was not widely used in everyday life, and its main purpose was to provide services for military warfare. At that time, people could only exchange and communicate with others by telephone or computer, and this technology was called the "Internet". Subsequently, scientists in the United States made a proposal, and they shared this high technology without reservation. However, over time, people began to gradually perceive America's sinister intentions and gradually surfaced. At the time, the Internet was controlled by ICANN, and this organization was subordinate to the American organization, and the IPv4 address was used in the initial use.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

Although the importance of root servers is self-evident, we cannot underestimate the value of root servers in the United States. Over the past few years, root servers have been snubbed as an unreliable product due to factors such as technology and economics, and it is still not well promoted to this day. At present, the role of basic servers in the United States in our development process is limited to two negative effects. First, we avoid the presentation of real addresses; Second, our gaze is directed in another wrong direction.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

Mainland has been lacking its own root servers in the IPv4 space, due to the relatively late start of the Internet. Until recent years, some enterprises began to use root servers to achieve data storage and exchange, but these are foreign backgrounds, and domestic has not yet formed a complete system. As we grew, we deeply realized the importance of root servers, so we made a request to the United States to get a root server and place it on the mainland. However, this request was firmly rejected by the United States.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

Therefore, only by relying on its own strength can we gain a foothold in the vast world of the Internet. In this process, mainland scientists proposed mirror technology, which uses networks and computers to share and transmit information. With the unremitting exploration of mainland scientists, we have successfully developed a root server that can realize image transmission. The core of this technology is to use the principle of mirroring to copy the data generated by all root servers on the Internet to achieve comprehensive data replication. This enables unified management and control of all root servers globally. As a result, the continent became the destination for all data migration from the US root server hub.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

This is a good thing for the continent, because it allows us to learn more information and knowledge. At the same time, the United States has lost the opportunity to intervene in the mainland Internet. Therefore, there is no need for the mainland to buy foreign domain names to build websites. Although they cut off the root server for mainland domain name resolution, we still have the ability to independently realize network interconnection. However, IPv4 has shortcomings in generating IP addresses, its maximum capacity is limited to more than 4 billion, and it cannot be automatically allocated to different users.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

As a result, the total number of IP addresses available worldwide is only about 3.6 billion, which is a staggering number. Compared to the sheer size of the world's 7.5 billion people, this figure clearly falls short of demand. At this moment, we individuals often have multiple IP addresses, such as smartphones, computers, tablets, etc., which are essential for our lives. Therefore, in 2011, the algorithm address in the United States has been distributed without any additional operations. Since the original IPv4 address could not meet the global demand, the global use was limited.

With the continuous growth of the global population and the continuous innovation of Internet technology, more and more people put forward higher requirements for the functions and performance within the name server. In 2011, there were not enough IPv4 addresses. And as one of the network technology projects supported and developed in the national "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". Under the leadership of the Internet Engineering Center, Continental has planned a snowman project to create a digital and intelligent snowman cultural ecosystem. The primary goal of Project Yeti is to abolish the original iIPv4 protocol and adopt a new IPv6 domain name in order to achieve more efficient and sustainable use. As a result, U.S. dominance in the root server field will be directly subverted.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

At the same time, achieving the goal of common development and mutual checks and balances among many countries is also a task of great significance. How many benefits are the benefits of IPv6? The first priority is to promote more countries to build their own infrastructure to better support their development. At present, we know that many countries in the world connect to the Internet by establishing a root network. At present, Continental has one primary root server and three auxiliary root servers, forming a huge server network. These are our country's own root servers, which provide many information services for the mainland, such as news releases, e-commerce, etc., and can also cooperate with some large international companies to carry out related business.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

With the implementation of the mainland-led Yeti program, the mainland's leading position in the field of Internet technology has been consolidated and has become an important force that other countries do not have. IPv6's maturity in information confidentiality and technology has surpassed IPv4 and has become a highlight of IPv6. Jointly create a pure network environment to ensure that network information and security are more reliably maintained and protected. The scale of IPv6 adoption has been expanding, from 2017 to 2022, in just five years, to achieve a 20-fold increase. Based on a series of countermeasures taken by the mainland, it can be concluded that the claim that the United States directly shut down China's network is an unfounded fallacy.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

Continental has made remarkable achievements in many areas of the Internet, and in addition to this field, we have also made remarkable achievements in other areas. At present, the Internet has become one of the most active and fastest-growing technologies in the world. Such as artificial intelligence e-commerce, network security, five-G communication and other fields, showing no less powerful strength and unlimited potential than the United States. In the face of various US suppressions, the mainland did not fall into a situation of self-pity, but every time showed fearless courage and bravely launched an offensive.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

When it comes to root server software, Continental has kept pace with the world. In the development of the root server, the mainland has successfully achieved an effective check and balance on the original system of the United States, which has injected new vitality into the development of the mainland. Continental's innovation in the IPv6 protocol network has laid a solid foundation for the realization of curve overtaking, and also injected new vitality into the development of Continental. This is because we have the courage to break the mold and dare to break through the limits of tradition.

The courage and supremacist spirit of the mainland have prevented the United States from gaining any benefits on the mainland, which is why we are not afraid of failure and difficulties. However, for those who claim that the United States will shut down Chinese networks, we must reflect on our actions. If we do not make good use of Internet technology and means to safeguard national interests. Perhaps the wind is rain, distorted by illegal forces abroad.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

Online, we are a vulnerable group, but we cannot completely succumb to the strong. In this intricate and networked world, we must have unique discernment to meet a variety of challenges. Especially under the influence of the United States, this thinking has lost its depth and breadth. Only in this way can we more effectively promote the unity and cohesion of the whole nation, so as to achieve the common prosperity of our country.

The "heart" of the global network, the United States, has 10 root servers, will the Chinese network be shut down during wartime?

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