
Perilla: China's ancient treasure plant, the magic of the magic is revealed

author:Wilderness Cow Cow


Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt.: Discover this unique plant

Hello everyone, I'm Niu Niu, a blogger for wilderness life. Today, we'll explore the amazing plant of perilla, learn about its morphology, growing environment and origin, and delve into its efficacy and value.

Perilla: China's ancient treasure plant, the magic of the magic is revealed

**Morphological characteristics**:

Perilla is an annual erect herb with a stem up to 2 meters tall, green or purple color, and a quadrangular shape, which is one of its distinctive hallmarks. Its leaves are broadly ovate or rounded , with flattened petioles 3–5 cm long , and the leaves may be green or purple above and pubescent below. The flowers are white to purplish-red and usually appear in pairs on inflorescences. The fruit of perilla is small nut, approximately spherical, and gray-brown in color.

**Origin and distribution**:

Perilla originated in China and has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years. In addition to China, it is also found in Bhutan, India, Indochina, Indonesia (Java), Japan and North Korea. Perilla is widely cultivated throughout China, showing its adaptability and popularity.

**Growing Environment**:

Perilla prefers warm, humid climatic conditions and grows most vigorously during the hot and rainy season. It has relatively low soil requirements and only requires well-drained sandy loam. Although perilla can tolerate high temperatures, if high temperatures are accompanied by drought, it will have a certain impact on plant growth. The most suitable temperature range for its growth is around 25 degrees Celsius.

Perilla: China's ancient treasure plant, the magic of the magic is revealed

**Efficacy and Value**:

Perilla is a versatile plant. The Materia Medica's Huiyan records its various effects, including dissolving cold, relaxing qi, calming the fetus, analgesic, sedative and detoxifying. This makes perilla widely used in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, which can treat symptoms such as cold and cold, chest tightness and vomiting, and fetal restlessness.

In addition, the leaves of perilla are edible, and cooking them with meat adds to the deliciousness. The oil pressed from its seeds is called Suzi oil, which is not only edible, but also has antiseptic effects, so it also has uses in industry. In addition, perilla seeds are rich in protein and a variety of amino acids, which are rich in nutrients.

Perilla: China's ancient treasure plant, the magic of the magic is revealed

Overall, perilla, despite its mundane appearance, is a much-loved multi-purpose plant with rich efficacy and value. Hopefully, through this article, you have a deeper understanding of perilla. If you're interested, try adding perilla to your wilderness life and enjoy its benefits!

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