
How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

author:Sports sink


With the development of society, people's aesthetics have undergone earth-shaking changes. In the past, the pursuit of skinny beauty is no longer popular, but more pursuit of healthy and curvy beauty. According to a survey data, more than 80% of women aspire to have hips, which also reflects that peach buttocks are an important charm sign for women, but ordinary sports are often difficult to effectively exercise the muscles of the buttocks, if you want to shape the perfect peach buttocks, you need to use some training methods specifically for the buttocks.

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Know the four points, do three movements and keep your hips up!

1. It takes time to train the buttocks, and you also need to pay attention to muscle coordination

Many people dream of having a perfect buttocks, but this is not something that can be achieved overnight. In order to shape a good-looking buttocks, you need to adhere to the correct training method for a long time, while paying attention to the coordination of the muscles in all parts of the body. Only in this way can the growth of the buttock muscles be effectively stimulated, making the buttocks firmer and more straight.

In real life, women with beautiful buttocks don't come out of nowhere. They all put in a lot of sweat and effort and regularly undergo professional training for the buttocks. They also flexibly adjust the intensity and frequency of training according to their physical condition to achieve the best results.

This not only improves the nerve's ability to control the muscles, but also increases the elasticity and toughness of the hip muscles, making the buttocks more upturned. If you also want to have an enviable buttocks, then you have to work your hips like them.

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

2. Pay attention to warm-up, which is conducive to activating the target muscle group

Many people do not feel the soreness of the gluteal muscles after doing buttock training, but the tightness of the legs or lower back? This may be because your glutes are weak and unable to participate effectively in movement, causing muscles in other parts to compensate, which increases the burden on your knees and back.

There are many causes of gluteal weakness, the most common of which is chronic lack of exercise or prolonged sedentary movement. If your work or lifestyle makes you sit in a chair for a long time, then your glutes will gradually lose vitality and elasticity, becoming loose and atrophied. Such glutes not only affect your body aesthetics, but also affect your physical health and athletic performance.

How can you rejuvenate your glutes? It's actually not that hard. On the one hand, it is necessary to change the habit of sitting for a long time and exercise more often. Another aspect is to warm up and activate well before doing any form of hip training.

This raises your body temperature and heart rate, increases your joint flexibility and muscle elasticity, and reduces the risk of injury. At the same time, it can also awaken your sleeping glutes and keep them excited before training begins, so that you can better feel the force process of the target muscles, rather than letting the muscles in other parts complete the task instead of them.

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

3. Gradually increase the weight of buttocks

Many girls like to use light weight equipment in the gym, feeling that this can keep the body soft and elegant. But in fact, this is not ideal for shaping the buttocks. If you want to have a firm and elastic buttocks, you need to add some buttocks-specific weight training to the extent that you can tolerate it.

This allows your target muscles in your hips to be more strongly stimulated, which promotes muscle growth and toning. Don't worry about weight training making your hips too big or losing their curve, as long as you control your weight and frequency, along with diet and rest, you can create a perfect hip.

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

4. Reducing body fat rate is the premise of training buttocks

Many people want to have the perfect body, but don't know how to do effective toning training. In fact, the premise of shaping training is to have a reasonable body fat rate, otherwise your efforts will be in vain. Why? Because if your body fat rate is too high, your muscles will be covered with a thick layer of fat, no matter how you exercise, you can't see muscle lines and contours, and even you don't know your muscle development, which will make your toning training lack direction and goals.

On the contrary, if your body fat percentage is low, your muscles will be exposed to the surface, and you can clearly see your body strengths and defects, so that you can choose the right shaping training movements and intensity according to your needs and preferences, so as to achieve the best shaping effect.

Therefore, before doing toning training, you need to evaluate whether your body fat percentage is appropriate. If the body fat percentage is too high, then you should make fat loss a priority first, and consume excess fat by controlling your diet and increasing aerobic exercise. Losing fat is not difficult, as long as you have enough perseverance and methods. If you want to know how to lose fat scientifically, please click [here] to view our fat loss guide for you. If your body fat percentage is moderate or low, then you can start your toning training.

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

Here are 3 convenient movements, keep doing it and practice peach buttocks

1. Weight-bearing wide distance squat

Prepare a pair of dumbbells that fit your weight, then stand on a flat ground with your feet shoulder-width apart to guarantee your stability and safety. Then, keep your back straight and hold the end of the dumbbell on your shoulder, which can increase the load and challenge on your upper body. Next, do the squat movement, similar to the squat. After squatting until your thighs are parallel to the ground, resume your starting motion.

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

2. Elastic band squat

This simple yet effective elastic band training move. This movement can effectively exercise your inner thigh muscles, help you build a firm leg shape, and also improve your balance and coordination.

Prepare an elastic band that fits you and secure one end of it to a stable object about the height of your knee. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, tiptoe forward, and hold your hands in front of your forehead. Keep your back straight, don't bend or hunch, lean forward slightly, and do squats.

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

3. Romanian deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is a very effective lower body and lower back muscle building movement that can also be called a straight leg deadlift. While performing this movement, make sure your waist is naturally curved and your back is straight to reduce the potential risk of injury. Gradually increase the weight to suit your level of ability and always use the correct posture.

Stand in front of a bar (or holding dumbbells) with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly forward. Make sure the barbell or dumbbell is in front of your thigh, close to your body. Hang your hands naturally and hold the bar or dumbbell with your palms facing down. Bend your knees slightly and push your hips back to keep your back straight. Slowly lean forward while sliding the bar or dumbbell down your thigh. Until the barbell or dumbbell descends to the knee or slightly below the knee. By using the strength of your hips and thighs to drive, slowly pull your body back up and return to your starting position.

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

Write at the end

Peach buttocks is the dream of many people and the goal of many people. However, having a pair of firm and elastic buttocks is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires you to put in the hard work and practice professional and effective training. Moreover, in the process of training, you must also pay attention to the standard and correctness of movements, so as to achieve the best exercise effect, and at the same time avoid unnecessary damage to the body. Peach buttocks are not born, but nurtured and shaped. As long as you have enough perseverance and approach, you can also have enviable peach buttocks!

How do you train flat buttocks into peach buttocks? Understand the four points and do three movements to keep your hips up

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