
After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

author:The most characteristic
After getting cancer, she regretted Dink
After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

At the age of 50, Ye Tan personally refuted the news of his death.

In June 2023, some media broke out that Ye Tan, once known as the "financial woman", died of illness at the age of 50. Soon, Ye Tan personally posted a Weibo to refute the rumors, she said:

"I am alive and the treatment is effective."

At this time, the public learned that in the 9 months since she disappeared, she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, walked on the edge of death, and now her life is saved, but the follow-up treatment is still long and difficult.

As one of the few female commentators in China's financial circles, Ye Tan has attracted a lot of attention for a long time with her unique and spicy views on the stock market and real estate.

Those who like her call her "China's conscience" and "financial heroine", and those who don't like her tone define her as "poison".

For these comments, Ye Tan accepted them all, but he still went his own way.

In life, she has created a kind of female narrative: work is always put first, the weight of love and marriage is constantly reduced, and after marriage, she Dink, separated from her husband, only sees each other a few times a year.

As if in an extremely consistent life pattern, Ye Tan enjoys it, and is comfortable, and even plans for his old age: go to a nursing home, the most expensive kind.

Until that serious illness appeared, Ye Tan's life model was forced to restart, and she gradually regretted the past.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink
After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan began to feel that something was wrong, it was the beginning of 2022.

In the second half of 2021, she had a physical examination, and after getting the results, the doctor reminded her that "there are some problems here in the breast, and you need to pay more attention."

At first, Ye Tan did not care too much, on the one hand, chest tingling has been an old problem for more than ten years, on the other hand, compared to physical discomfort, she is more anxious about the company's revenue.

At that time, the cultural company founded by her was not profitable and its income plummeted, Ye Tan said: "Every day when I open my eyes, a company of more than 60 people will have to go out at a cost of more than 100,000 yuan." ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan

In reality, Ye Tan began to try live broadcasting, from preparation to the end of the live broadcast, she often needed to work more than ten hours a day, her sleep was greatly compressed, and her pressure continued to increase.

In this process, Ye Tan's chest became more and more painful, the red envelope on her chest gradually became larger, and at the most serious time, she couldn't even put on underwear.

On June 30, 2022, although she already felt very unwell, Ye Tan still insisted on live broadcasting, in order to cover her pale face, she wore very heavy makeup that day.

After the live broadcast, Ye Tan found that he couldn't stand up.

She was taken to the hospital for a thorough examination, and MRI results showed that her entire spine had turned white under the attack of cancer cells.

The doctor told Ye Tan that her breast cancer was stage 4, and bone metastasis, the 5-year survival rate was only 22%, and there was no point in surgery, and she could only be treated conservatively.

Later, talking about the day he was "sentenced", Ye Tan said: "I thought it would be serious, but I didn't expect it to be so serious. ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Overnight, "how to live" became the most important thing in Ye Tan's life.

The battlefield moved from the company to the hospital, and over the next few months, she completed several rounds of chemotherapy, and she tried almost everything from targeted drugs to bone injections.

Because of the treatment, she began to lose a lot of hair, her body appeared puffy, her physical strength was lost rapidly, and her walking became a little shaky.

This kind of moment inevitably reminds people of the days when she just entered the financial circle more than 20 years ago and was known as "the first beauty in Chinese finance", and more than ten years ago, with her spicy and unique evaluation, she was called "financial woman" by readers.

In those years, she was one of China's most famous female financial commentators, creating her own voice in male-dominated circles.

There is even a legend in financial circles of "Beihu Nanye", "Beihu" refers to Ms. Hu Shuli, the founder of Caixin Media, and "Nanye" refers to Ye Tan, who was born in Hangzhou.

A financial writer once commented: "With 'North Hu Nanye' there, the gender power in Chinese financial criticism is balanced." ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan

Later, Ye Tan began to start a business, and she successively established her own studio and culture co., LTD., worth more than 100 million.

In her team, everyone has their own flower name, and Ye Tan uses Yang Guo's title "aunt" for Xiaolongnu in "The Condor Heroes".

Nowadays, Ye Tan and Xiaolongnu have many similarities. For example, they are also strong in martial arts, and they can always survive in adversity; For example, I don't care much about the views of the outside world;

The most important point is that they all have strong vitality and vitality, even if they fall to the bottom, they can still survive.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Before becoming a "heroine", Ye Tan was a Jiangnan woman who grew up by West Lake.

In 1973, Ye Tan was born in Hangzhou. The mother is a young scholar, when she cut the queue, she knew Ye Tan's father, the two fell in love and got married, giving birth to 5 daughters, and Ye Tan ranked third.

Because her parents were busy with work, Ye Tan was sent to her grandparents' house in the countryside when she was 1 year old, and her parents did not take her back until she was 6 years old when she was studying.

At that time, she lived with her family in the courtyard next to West Lake, where several families lived together, Ye Tan said: "At that time, I lived a typical city life, although everyone was neighbors, but more like relatives. ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan's father

After graduating from high school, Ye Tan was admitted to the history department of Hangzhou University, 4 years of college, Ye Tan's professional course results are not too good, most of the time, she is immersed in the library, compared to history, she is more interested in finance and economics related books.

Therefore, after graduating from her bachelor's degree, she was admitted to the history department of Fudan University for master's and doctoral studies, specializing in political history and economic history, and whenever she had time, she would run to the classroom of science students to audit.

In the impression of many Fudan University professors, Ye Tan likes to ask questions after class, often asking questions, and asking about fields other than history.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Old photo of Ye Tan

After graduating in 2000, Ye Tan first stayed at Fudan University to teach, and soon after was transferred to the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

To some extent, Ye Tan lived a stable life that many people envied - a quiet job, a good income, and a certain social status.

But Ye Tan didn't like it.

On the one hand, she felt that this life was too boring and boring, and on the other hand, she gradually realized that no matter how much energy she spent on a paper and scientific project, she would only be able to be read by less than 10 people.

It was also at this stage that she began to try to write financial reviews at the invitation of a friend. At first, Ye Tan just wanted to "do a friend a favor", but gradually, she felt free and energetic.

In her view, financial commentary affects the wealth income of tens of millions of families: "This is a job, but also the mission of an intellectual." ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Old photo of Ye Tan

In 2004, Ye Tan, who had accumulated a lot of experience, decided to resign and joined the "Daily Economic News" newspaper, responsible for the commentary page.

On the day he smashed the iron rice bowl, Ye Tan's outlook on life was overturned and restarted: "Everything is not important, what I want to do is the most important." ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

When he first entered this industry, Ye Tan had a lot of pressure.

One is because she is not from a professional background, and the other is because of her "female identity".

In the interview, Ye Tan once talked about the doubts he had suffered in the industry:

"If you're a man, people will only discuss your point of view, but if you're a woman, you face an attack where people question your logic, your EQ, and your IQ."

But soon, Ye Tan used his strength to break this gender bias.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan

At that time, in the financial circle, Ye Tan paid special attention to the stock market and real estate, and the financial commentary style she wrote was unique, professional and to the point.

Mr. Ye hopes his comments will protect investors who are not in the right place: "There is always a need for someone to tell them what happened and what they should do." ”

From 2007 to 2008, Ye Tan's career was rising rapidly, and she successively opened financial columns in mainstream media such as Southern Metropolis Daily, Southern People Weekly, and Beijing News.

At the same time, she has also published many financial books, including "What to Save China's Economy" and "Real Estate War", and occasionally made guest appearances on TV financial channels to comment on economic news.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan at work

In those years, she was a frequent guest on the talk show "Three's Company", in which she and host Dou Wentao talked about the current economy, the marriage market, and the concept of young people, and often exported sharp views, such as:

"In China, if a man doesn't have a house by the age of 40, he is living."

"In the current marriage market, the mother-in-law economy is popular."

"Young people should not start a business easily, if they don't think well, they are not fighting, but gamblers."

"The hukou in big cities is not worth much, what is valuable is the opportunity to attach to these cities."

In this process, some people objected to her arguments, feeling that her theoretical professionalism was insufficient, and her evaluation of many things was "hindsight". Some people also liked her and named her "financial heroine" and "contemporary Lu Xun".

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan in "The Threesome"

On the other hand, it is not unreasonable that Ye Tan is being embraced, and her views have indeed helped some people point the way in investment in those years.

One year, Ye Tan went to Guangzhou for a meeting, and after that, an elderly woman approached her and took a sum of cash to shove into her hands.

Later, I learned that a few years ago, she listened to Ye Tan's point of view and bought several houses in Guangzhou. Today, the price of these houses has multiplied several times.

In 2012, with the rapid rise of new media, 39-year-old Ye Tan decided to start a business, and she set up her own financial studio, which operates 5 public accounts.

The studio grew from five or six people to more than 60 people. In 2017, Ye Tan established his own Culture Co., Ltd.

Looking back, the hidden danger of her body was buried at that time.

Because of the surge in workload, Ye Tan began to work day and night upside down, and later she said: "For more than ten years, I slept in the middle of the night, and it was even more common to work until dawn. ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan at work

For a while, Ye Tan's biological clock was disordered, and if it was dark outside, she couldn't sleep, and she had to wait until the sky was dark before she felt sleepy.

In those years, Ye Tan gave up almost all her personal life, she hardly had time to have dinner with friends, and the only two impressions related to shopping were once buying formal clothes for work, and the other was buying her favorite cheongsam.

Ye Tan never cared about the life that was fully occupied, and most of her happiness in life at that time came from work.

However, what she did not expect was that the tiredness accumulated at work was like constantly filling a closed container with water, and if it only went in and out, the water would eventually overflow out of the boundary.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Although Ye Tan always talks about topics related to the economy, she is very resistant to talking about love and marriage.

Therefore, people know very little about Ye Tan's private life, only that she got married in 2008, the year she was 35 years old.

After marriage, because of work, she and her husband were separated, her husband worked in the United States, and Ye Tan stayed in China, they could only see each other a few times a year, and the average time they spent was less than a week.

In this process, the matter of "becoming a mother" was also abandoned by her.

Later, Ye Tan said: "When you are young, you are busy with work, you don't want children this year, you don't want children next year, naturally you will be Dink." ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan's life photo

Because of her busy schedule, Ye Tan rarely has time to spend with her family, and in most cases can only see her mother once or twice a month.

In 2019, she and her mother participated in a talk show called "Hello Mom".

During the process, the two talked about Ye Tan's decision to Dink, and the mother said that although she was initially dissuaded, she also understood that whether to have children or not was a personal choice, and she could only respect it.

Her only worry is that in the future, when Ye Tan is old and no one is around to take care of her, but Ye Tan has already made plans and plans to live in a nursing home when she is old, she also said to her mother:

"If you want to live in the future, no matter how expensive it is, I will send you there."

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan (left) and mother (right)

But unexpectedly, just 2 years later, Ye Tan's thoughts changed drastically.

After being diagnosed with cancer, Ye Tan began to question whether his original Dink was right or not.

When people reach fifty, there are many uncertainties and winds in life, Ye Tan feels that life is a little out of balance, and also begins to regret:

"I knew this earlier, I made a firewall, or one or two children are more secure." If given another chance, I might choose to adopt a few children. ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Talking about this again, Ye Tan's mother also choked up: "If I had been a little ruthless and forced Ye Tan to give birth to one or two babies, the situation would have been better than now." ”

In addition to the change in mentality, Ye Tan's life has also undergone earth-shaking reconstruction.

In an interview, Ye Tan's attending doctor once attributed Ye Tan's breast cancer to her long-term high-pressure, high-intensity work and irregular schedule.

Before falling ill, Ye Tan's daily schedule was accurate: she arrived at the office before 9 o'clock every day, breakfast was mostly a slice of bread and a glass of milk, and in the car, she would finish today's reading work.

After that, when she came to the office, she started a dozen hours of high-intensity work, even going to the bathroom, which would be regarded as a waste of time. Around 11 o'clock in the evening, Ye Tan will go home and review the day's work while eating dinner.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan working photo

Sometimes because she works too long, her brain will be in a state of extreme excitement, and after going to bed at two or three o'clock, she is still sleepy, and insomnia all night is the norm.

When she is highly fatigued, Ye Tan always wants to eat some junk food, among which her favorite is fried chicken and curry rice, she rarely takes vacations, and even occasionally lies in bed, her heart will be full of guilt.

And such details of life were completely stifled after she fell ill, and nothing remained.

The time that had been cut into pieces by her in the past began to re-bond, and she had to spend a lot of time facing life again.

Now, every morning after waking up, she eats breakfast seriously, listens to music for a while, and then goes to the yard to bask in the sun and fiddle with the vegetables she grows.

Because of his illness, the food Ye Tan eats now is basically boiled in white water. Among them, she loves corn the most because it tastes the sweetest.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Leaf tan after illness

In the afternoon, she will walk in the community, and when she is physically good, she can walk 20,000 steps, and when she feels a little weak, she can only walk a few thousand steps.

Ye Tan began to spend a lot of time with herself, and she still has a strong desire for life, she said: "Although everyone knows that they have an end, they don't want to see the end so quickly." ”

Ye Tan was looking forward to his end being farther away, a little farther.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Because of work, Ye Tan and Dong Mingzhu met for a long time.

Dong Mingzhu is 19 years older than Ye Tan, in private, the two have a good relationship, once Dong Mingzhu and Ye Tan said that they wanted to buy a small island, and when they retired, they went to live on it together to retire.

Today, 70-year-old Dong Mingzhu is still working on the front line and has no plans to retire, but Ye Tan's life has ushered in a huge turn because of a serious illness.

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Ye Tan and Dong Mingzhu

On social media, Ye Tan used to wear a professional suit and tell her various views on the economy, but now her image has changed to wearing a headscarf, watching flowers in the garden and meditating by the window.

She said: "I used to be a financial woman, and now I am your sister Tan. ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Today's photos of Ye Tan's life

Now, after several rounds of treatment, Ye Tan's condition has been controlled, but in the future, she still has a long way to go.

Like a path full of mines, Ye Tan had to walk alone and complete the journey.

For cancer patients, "relapse" is a matter of returning to the prototype, so every three months, Ye Tan has to do a detailed physical examination.

After that, she also has to make sure that her condition is stable for 1, 2 years, and 5 years before she is medically cured.

Ye Tan describes this process as "opening the blind box": "There is an uncertain thing above your head, and you don't know what will come out every time." ”

Although he regretted not being able to become a mother, when asked how he would choose to do it all over again, Ye Tan was still firm:

"If I had been back to where I was, I would still fight like that. Because youth is for hard work. ”

After getting cancer, she regretted Dink

Old photo of Ye Tan

After many years of ups and downs in the financial industry, Ye Tan has long understood a truth:

Many risks are uncontrollable and unforeseeable, but investors cannot abandon their investments and stay where they are because of these potential risks.

The real key is how to get through the risk as smoothly as possible when encountering risks.

And now Ye Tan is like making a wrong investment, in the biggest and unavoidable risk of her life, she has already accepted the worst outcome, but she is still trying to build some turnaround, and a bigger exit.

Ye Tan didn't know what the road ahead was, but for her, the important thing was always the process.

Just like for a woman, what she cares more about than the end of the story is always to break into the rivers and lakes.