
Delay failed, drunk driving man said the big truth: "I want to consume the result"

author:Bayannur City Traffic Police
Delay failed, drunk driving man said the big truth: "I want to consume the result"

Recently, in Baoding, Hebei, the Anguo Traffic Police Brigade seized Wu, a man driving a motorcycle under the influence of alcohol, in a night investigation, with a breath detection value of 34mg/100ml. Seeing this result, Wu, who claimed to have "only drunk a bottle of beer", believed that it should not meet the standard of drunk driving, repeatedly said that he "felt very wronged", and said that he did not recognize the test results.

However, when the police said that they could draw blood for testing in order to eliminate their doubts, Wu pushed back and forth, and finally found that he could not escape, so he told the big truth:

"Don't smoke, I admit it."

"To put it bluntly, I want to spend a while to see if (the value) can be low."

In the end, the traffic police imposed a fine of 1,000 yuan on Wu for driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol, and his driver's license was demerited for 12 points and suspended for six months.

Delay failed, drunk driving man said the big truth: "I want to consume the result"

■ Notice from Bayannur Public Security Bureau and Bayannur Market Supervision Administration on the sale and purchase of electric vehicles

■ Summer Action | Zero tolerance for continuous efforts! More than 400 cases of drunk driving were investigated and punished!

■ @党员干部. Public officials drunk driving cost accounting, the consequences are serious!

Delay failed, drunk driving man said the big truth: "I want to consume the result"


Audit | Tian Xin

Edit | He Tian

Source | Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security