
If you dream of someone, it means that the other person is thinking about you? Psychology tells you the truth

author:Magic Grapefruit fiK

The first morning light gradually reflected out the window, and in that calm morning, the mystery of the dream seemed to be gently lifted. The ancient wise men once said: "Thinking during the day, dreaming at night", this seems to be an eternal puzzle left by dreams. Dreams are a mysterious territory, full of unknowns and difficulties in interpretation. To unravel this mystery, we will delve into the mysteries of dreams.

From ancient times to the present, human beings have a strong interest and curiosity in dreams. In ancient times, the Eastern Han thinker Wang Fu was convinced that dreams did not occur for nothing, but had a clear cause. However, the complexity of dreams is elusive, and sometimes the plot of the dream has nothing to do with real life and has no logic at all. Why do we dream? How do the people and things in the dream relate to real life? Perhaps by digging deeper into the following, we can get a glimpse of the mystery.

If you dream of someone, it means that the other person is thinking about you? Psychology tells you the truth

Dreams are a physiological phenomenon that is closely related to our brain activity. When we go into deep sleep, the nerve cells in the brain go into a resting state, but as soon as they are weakly stimulated, they become active again, triggering the production of dreams. This phenomenon reveals a strong connection between dreams and sleep.

The ancient "Zhou Gong Interpretation of Dreams" divided dreams into seven types, and many people still interpret their dreams based on this book. However, sometimes the results of dream interpretation are confusing and seem to have nothing to do with the dream itself. This raises an important question: Why do we dream?

If you dream of someone, it means that the other person is thinking about you? Psychology tells you the truth

Everything in dreams, including sight, hearing, taste, touch, and emotion, is rooted in our memories. When going to sleep, consciousness relaxes briefly, leaving the brain vulnerable to stimuli, resulting in dreams. Freud's dream theory holds that dreams are a way of satisfying desires, a product of unfulfilled desires expressed in disguise. This theory holds that when desires cannot be satisfied, they are repressed, and dreams become an outlet for releasing repressed emotions, which are more appropriate than other unhealthy ways.

If you dream of someone, it means that the other person is thinking about you? Psychology tells you the truth

However, Swiss psychologist Jung put forward a different view than Freud, arguing that dreams reflect factors in the collective human subconscious. This means that dreams are a reflection of the deep unconscious within an individual, a collective genetic trace. Dreams are produced to make the person more complete, and they represent the unconscious hidden in the deepest layers of personality. This view gives dreams more profound meaning.

In addition, there is a perception that dreams may be a warning of future events. The plots and processing methods that appear in dreams can be applied to real life to some extent, with a certain degree of foreknowledge. For example, some people frequently dream of a child being taken away by a cat or dog in their dreams, which may be a warning of a lack of maternal experience in real life. In general, dreams are a manifestation of external sensations and internal states, just as the alarm clock in the morning becomes the bell for class in a dream, and the result of drinking too much water at night is looking for a toilet in a dream.

If you dream of someone, it means that the other person is thinking about you? Psychology tells you the truth

During sleep, sometimes our consciousness remains awake, we are able to clearly perceive that we are dreaming, and we can even control our body language. This state is called lucid dreaming, and it allows us to be aware of changes in dreams and rhythm shifts. Conversely, sometimes we know we are in a dream but are unable to recall the content of the dream, usually because we have entered a deep sleep, the hippocampus is dormant, and we fail to record the details of the dream.

If you dream of someone, it means that the other person is thinking about you? Psychology tells you the truth

The content of dreams is varied and seems to be irregular. Sometimes we dream about the same episode for many days in a row, and in other dreams we encounter all kinds of strange people and things. These dreams are often accompanied by strong emotions, and emotional fluctuations can also affect the development and change of dreams.

However, despite the complexity and elusiveness of the plots in dreams, in real life, we are often able to find clues related to them. Normally the strangers we see in dreams have actually met in reality, but our brains don't store these memories effectively.

If you dream of someone, it means that the other person is thinking about you? Psychology tells you the truth

Therefore, we often have the illusion that time and space are seamlessly connected and transformed in dreams, the correspondence between names and things is confused, and we also have a sense of familiarity with people we have never met, and even can dream of things that have not yet happened. This phenomenon shows that there is a complex connection between dreams and reality, and this connection is deeply woven in the subconscious.

So, when we often dream about a particular person or episode, does it mean that that person is missing us? In fact, it is more worth exploring the dreamer's emotional attitude towards the people and things that appear in the dream, which may be a reflection of the subconscious. Emotional experiences in dreams are often related to our inner depths, and they can reveal our emotional relationship to a particular person or situation, not just what others miss us.

If you dream of someone, it means that the other person is thinking about you? Psychology tells you the truth

The unconscious mind is an important concept in the field of psychology and plays an integral role in human evolution and survival. It includes primitive instincts, environmental shaping, psychological imprints, concepts, personalities, impulses and other elements,

If you dream of someone, it means that the other person is thinking about you? Psychology tells you the truth