
How hard is it to score 500+ points in 4 playoffs in a single season? Only 4 people in history have done it, and Jordan is second with 8 times

author:Erudite dragonfly Dk


The NBA playoffs, the supreme glory on the basketball stage, is undoubtedly the dream of basketball players. In this competitive arena, the performance of the stars often determines the fate of the team. Today, let's take a look back at the legendary players in NBA history who scored 500+ points in a single-season playoff game and feel their magnificent moments.

Kobe bryant

Kobe Bryant is undoubtedly one of the greatest scorers in NBA history. His scoring talent and perseverance were on full display in the playoffs. Back in 2002, Kobe Bryant passed the 500+ scoring mark in the playoffs, and that year, the Lakers became the championship, and Kobe Bryant's scoring contribution was 529 points.

How hard is it to score 500+ points in 4 playoffs in a single season? Only 4 people in history have done it, and Jordan is second with 8 times

2008 was the year the Lakers rose again, Bryant led the team to the Finals again, and for three consecutive seasons, his playoff total exceeded 500+, 633, 695 and 671 points, respectively. In the past three years, the Lakers won championships in 2009 and 2010, respectively, and Kobe was elected FMVP for two consecutive years, making his own legend.

Michael jordan

Michael Jordan, a legend in basketball history, his scoring ability is breathtaking. In his career, he has broken the 500+ scoring mark eight times in single-season playoffs. Jordan's dominance began to emerge in 1989, and his playoff performances have since gradually perfected.

How hard is it to score 500+ points in 4 playoffs in a single season? Only 4 people in history have done it, and Jordan is second with 8 times

Jordan's dominance continued until late in his career. Even at the age of 34, he still contributed 680 points in the playoffs to lead the Bulls to another championship. It was also his last spectacular performance in the playoffs, after which he said goodbye to the basketball court.

LeBron James

LeBron James, known as the "Little Emperor", has been in the spotlight for his playoff performances. In 2007, James led the Cavaliers to the playoffs for the second time, and his performance made history for the team, although the East was ultimately highly competitive, and James' playoff total was only 501 points.

How hard is it to score 500+ points in 4 playoffs in a single season? Only 4 people in history have done it, and Jordan is second with 8 times

Since 2011, James has dominated the East, scoring more than 500+ points in the playoffs for eight consecutive seasons, including the 2017-2018 season, where he led the team to the Finals almost alone, scoring a total of 748 points in the playoffs, but unfortunately failed to win the championship. In 2020, James achieved this magnificent achievement again with the Lakers, while also receiving his fourth FMVP trophy.

These stars have left their immortal footprints on the all-time stage of the NBA playoffs, and their 500+ scoring record is not only a personal achievement, but also part of basketball legends. Whether it's Kobe, Jordan, or James, they've all brought endless honors and memories to the basketball world.

How hard is it to score 500+ points in 4 playoffs in a single season? Only 4 people in history have done it, and Jordan is second with 8 times

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