
Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

author:Sohu has fan

The bill for the summer vacation here has not yet been understood, and then it was cut by the "three-piece" set of the start of school.

Little genius watch, AI learning table, smart learning pen, whether it is useful or not, anyway, "no matter how poor you can't be poor education", buy it right!

How much does it cost to raise a child now?

But whenever you go to the school gate to interview a parent, he can complain to you for half an hour without heavy words.

School district housing, make-up fees, and gift giving have become the "three mountains" that crush modern parents.

Especially young parents, in order to keep their children from losing at the starting line, are usually painstaking.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Network

A Weibo netizen posted a complaint: ". ”

The annual "Teacher's Day" is coming, and "whether to give gifts", "what to give", and "how to send" have become a big test of emotional intelligence for parents.

When it is done, the teacher is satisfied, the child is happy, and the parents are assured; If you go a little wrong, the whole semester will be tied up in anxiety.

A good Teacher's Day, how can it become a nightmare for parents?

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Teacher's Day gifts, who exactly is rolling

"Starting at 2000, there is no cap."

When a fifth-tier city is enrolled in a primary school, the standard of "Teacher's Day" in the first semester has allowed countless netizens to break their defenses.

A class of 50 people, one person 2000 yuan, calculated that is 10W...

The netizen posted a complaint on the Internet, saying that he was married to the northeast from other provinces, and his child was in elementary school, but the closer to the start of school, the more anxious he became.

Mainly because the school parent group is compared, especially every year "Teachers' Day" has to express to the teacher.

At first, she felt that her child was excellent in all aspects and did not need to do this useless work.

Until she found that her children sat in the back rows of the class for the rest of the semester, never changing seats.

A well-connected parent once reminded her in a private message: "Other parents will send it, you don't send it, wait for the teacher to "wear small shoes" for your child!" ”

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Little Red Book

Regarding the increasing volume of Teachers' Day gift-giving, parents have slowly reached a consensus from resistance, questioning to compromise: children go to school to give gifts.

Children who have been sending flowers and greeting cards to teachers since they were young have now become parents and have begun to send cards and money to teachers. On the road to raising a baby, they never admit defeat.

How many volumes can there be for "Teachers' Day" gifts?

A red book is searched casually, and the message content of netizens is simply refreshing the three views.

There are even rumors that in Shenyang, 500 in Dadong District, 1,000 in Tiexi, and 2,000 in others...

Gift-giving, all of which can be sent out of the regional chain of contempt.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Little Red Book

Sending money and cards is nothing new, there is a friend of Fan Jun, and several parents pooled money to carry a 20W car to the teacher.

No wonder some netizens commented: "We can't afford to learn this." ”

And the most frightening thing is that once the child changes a new teacher halfway, all the work is wasted, and parents have to start all over again.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Roll while complaining

What are parents afraid of?

Parents have been giving gifts for a long time, why do they keep rolling?

You Fan Jun asked a few friends around him, basically very Buddhist, but once the children go to school, they are all forced to be caught in the storm.

In their words, no one wants to compare, but they can't help themselves. "We don't want to be good, we just want our children to be like other children in school."

Some parents even said that giving gifts to teachers does not want the teacher to remember, but only to "not be remembered by the teacher".

In this way, "differential treatment" has become the "seven inches" of most parents.

Although there are many complaints and helplessness, but just like the netizen said at the beginning, in such a circle, what can she do?

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: "Charlotte Troubles"


A parent on the Internet did not respond to the call of the "parent committee", and finally the child's name was enlarged and a black box was added to the group.

The reason was that the school year had started, and the parent committee decided to buy gifts for the teachers in the name of the class, so they solicited the opinions of parents in advance because they wanted to start the class fee.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Xiaohongshu users

In the hearts of many parents, the summary of the parent committee: the mouth is sweet, and there are many things.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Moments of Friends

This frightening magical organization has also been criticized on the Internet for a long time.

Originally for the better growth of children, it is convenient for parents to communicate with teachers and schools to establish an organization, but over time it has changed its taste and become a show for some "cash bags".

It is not uncommon to use one's position to improve one's relationship with a teacher, and turn his head and isolate a student.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: "Thirty Only"

Does the PTA have the right to use the class fee to buy Teachers' Day gifts at its own discretion?

The answer is definitely no.

In this regard, a parent of the committee came forward to say.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Little Red Book

But even if it is "asking for consent", parents have no idea in their hearts?

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Little Red Book

Everyone has their own value perception in their hearts, and everyone can feel at ease with and without gifts.

But once this individual behavior becomes a collective battle, and even involves the child's "future" in school, the problem of "Teacher's Day gift-giving" becomes complicated.

Previously, the head of a family in Liuzhou, Guangxi, was forced to leave the group because he opposed pooling money to give gifts to teachers.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Weibo

The enthusiasm of the parent association has become a moral kidnapping of parents.

This typical transgression also opened an opening for the teacher's peaceful teaching career to some extent, and finally made the honorable teacher become a pit master.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Parents and teachers, who brought whom badly

In the context of "double reduction", the education department is carrying out a special rectification of "paid supplementary classes in primary and secondary schools and teachers' illegal acceptance of gifts and gifts" from top to bottom.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Ministry of Education official website

Especially at the beginning of school and Teachers' Day, various whistleblowing calls are coming and going.

Previously, a teacher mistakenly sent the gift list to the parent group, and finally ruined his career.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Network

In this photo that was mistakenly posted, a total of 15 people's names were written, and each name had a corresponding amount of money behind it.

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Network

After the incident became serious, the county education bureau soon set up a special investigation team for the matter, and finally the person concerned was suspended.

And this behavior, to some extent, also hurts those good teachers who teach hard and do not accept gifts.

For these teachers, "how to refuse gifts from parents on Teachers' Day" has become a big problem. In a red book, we were able to find posts related to "the teacher's refusal to accept gifts".

It seems that for gift-giving, the teachers are also shouting injustice?!

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: Little Red Book

There is even a teacher group on Douban, where many teachers share some of their experiences of not accepting gifts.

In this regard, a netizen's comment below lit up: The teachers who do not accept gifts are in the Douban teacher group.

Parents accuse teachers of accepting gifts, and teachers accuse parents of comparison.

So who brought who brought whom badly to such a bad trend as rushing to give gifts to teachers?

In ancient times, students paid tuition to their teachers, which was equivalent to buying out the teacher's personal resources. Therefore, both gift-giving and receiving are private acts, and both parties are voluntary, and there is nothing wrong with it.

However, after the founding of New China, teachers' salaries were allocated by the government, and education became a public resource.

Not to mention that the mainland began to implement nine-year compulsory education in 1986, and in the 21st century, it proposed "promoting equity as the country's basic education policy".

In the 90s of the last century, Teachers' Day gifts were mostly made by students themselves, with costs ranging from 1-10 yuan.

After 2000, the Teachers' Day economy began to prevail, and the cost of giving gifts increased to thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan.

In this way, the teacher who receives the gift turns the public resources of education into a tool for his own profit.

While pretending to refuse, the other is privately giving and accepting. As one parent said: If you don't take it, who can send it?

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?

Source: "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class"

After all, teaching and educating people is a work of conscience.

Once upon a time, there was a sentence written on the wall of Fan Jun's school: Teaching is the most glorious profession under the sun.

Putting an end to unhealthy tendencies is not only the responsibility of parents and teachers, but also the dignity of everyone who wants to keep the noble profession of teachers.

Discussion at the end of the article: If you are a parent, will you give gifts on Teacher's Day?

Teacher's Day 2000 red envelopes start, not capped! Should parents give gifts to teachers?