
Chinese and American and Russian warships are assembled along the coast of Pakistan and Iron, multinational navies will conduct joint military exercises, and India is excluded

author:Cool movies

A global alliance to maintain peace at sea

The Oman-2021 Joint Maritime Military Exercise 2021, a grand military exercise aimed at maintaining maritime peace and stability, is in the spotlight. Despite the global impact of the pandemic, navies from more than 30 countries have actively participated in it, demonstrating their commitment to global maritime security. However, the importance of the exercise is not only because of its grand scale, but also because of India's absence, which has sparked widespread discussion.

India, a country with a large population and vast territory, has long aspired to become an international power, even seeking permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council.

Chinese and American and Russian warships are assembled along the coast of Pakistan and Iron, multinational navies will conduct joint military exercises, and India is excluded

However, India does not match its ambitions in practice. Take the Omani exercise, for example, India's geographical location close to the Arabian Sea, for which maritime transportation is crucial, but it has remained silent. India's choice has sparked widespread speculation, especially as it claims to be a great power on the international stage.

India's international reputation has been tarnished by frequent frictions with its neighbors in recent years, particularly in Kashmir's heavy-handed lockdown. India not only did not change its behavior, but also vigorously increased its armaments and purchased expensive military equipment, but this also made the cost of maintenance and upgrading extremely high, and India failed to effectively develop the domestic military industry.

Chinese and American and Russian warships are assembled along the coast of Pakistan and Iron, multinational navies will conduct joint military exercises, and India is excluded

However, cooperation is the only way for States to maintain maritime security. With nearly 90% of the world's trade done by sea, the ocean presents both opportunities and challenges. No country can tackle these challenges alone, so India should be more actively involved in international cooperation, especially in maintaining maritime security.

The importance of the Oman-2021 joint maritime military exercise cannot be underestimated, and many countries including the United States, Russia, and China will participate in it to jointly face the challenges of maritime security. As Admiral Niazi mentioned in his speech, countries should join forces to achieve win-win results and jointly face threats to maritime security.

Chinese and American and Russian warships are assembled along the coast of Pakistan and Iron, multinational navies will conduct joint military exercises, and India is excluded

Such cooperation could help address not only piracy, but also regional tensions, such as Iran's relationship with the United States, Iran's relationship with Saudi Arabia, and unrest in Yemen.

India has a responsibility to play a more active role in the international arena. If India continues to cling to isolationism, buying expensive armaments without strengthening its domestic defense industry, its dream of great power may become increasingly distant. India should learn from the experience of other countries and seek cooperation with its neighbors and the international community to jointly maintain maritime peace and stability in order to achieve its ambitions.

In conclusion, the Oman-2021 joint maritime military exercise is an important measure to maintain maritime peace and stability, and India's absence raises questions about its international role.

Chinese and American and Russian warships are assembled along the coast of Pakistan and Iron, multinational navies will conduct joint military exercises, and India is excluded

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