
China's first minister of justice, concerned about the Beiyang Navy, also asked for the immediate removal of Ding Ruchang

author:A noon bell ringer

October 7, 1886, the tenth day of the first month of September in the old calendar. The Navy Yamen and the Divine Machine Camp played in detail, detailed the regulations of the Kunming Lake Water Exercise, and tried small steamships in the lake.

From 1875 onwards, the Qing court decided to rule the navy, and by 1886, after more than ten years of development, the navy had begun to take shape, especially the Momentum of the Beiyang Navy. However, the Manchu Qing government saw that tens of thousands of officers and men in the navy were all Han Chinese, and in order to strengthen its control over the navy, to cultivate Manchu naval talents, and to find excuses for misappropriating naval funds to build the Summer Palace, the Qing court decided to set up a school dedicated to training Manchu naval officers.

China's first minister of justice, concerned about the Beiyang Navy, also asked for the immediate removal of Ding Ruchang

Kunming Lake Water Teacher's School Water Exercise Map

In January 1887, the Royal Naval School of the Manchu Qing Government, the Admiralty Inner School, was officially established, which was also known as the Kunming Lake Water Division School because it was located near the Kunming Lake of the Royal Forbidden Garden.

The school is affiliated to the Shenji Battalion, with 1 general office, 1 transfer, 3 foreign language teachers, and 2 Chinese teachers. Because the main purpose is to train naval officers, there is only a driving major, and the semester is 5 years, and the subjects include "Western calculation, astronomy, and driving".

Students were selected from the Jianrui Camp and the Outer Firearms Camp composed of eight flags, and han Chinese were strictly prohibited from enrolling, with the first admission of 40 people.

In addition to normal study, students are also tasked with driving steamships to tow the imperial ships. Due to the late establishment of the Kunming Lake Marine Division School, only a group of students were trained (the school was abolished in 1895 after the Sino-Japanese War), and this only group of students graduated when the Chinese Navy was fragmented after the Sino-Japanese War, most of the students were transferred out of the Navy through various channels, and only 3 people remained in the first line of the Navy, and these 3 people served as the captains and deputy captains of the two capital ships of the Navy when the Qing court rebuilt the Beiyang Naval Division.

October 7, 1889, the thirteenth day of the ninth month of the old calendar. Li Hongzhang called the navy's yamen and said that the ships of the Jiangnan Marine Division would go to Yantai tomorrow to load coal and return to Shanghai within 20 days.

China's first minister of justice, concerned about the Beiyang Navy, also asked for the immediate removal of Ding Ruchang


October 7, 1894, the ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth month of the old calendar. The Qing court promulgated an edict approving the "Statute of Punishment and Persuasion of the Navy" requested by Li Hongzhang, stipulating that in the future, any ship of the navy that was charged and burned by a former enemy and the lieutenants and officers on board survived shall be exempted from punishment.

On the same day, the Qing court issued an edict giving the named commander-in-chief, the "Zhiyuan" ship pipe belt Deng Shichang, the "Jingyuan" ship pipe belt Lin Yongsheng all in accordance with the governor's routine, and Deng Shichang gave the title of "ZhuangJie" to Him. Promoted to guerrilla Chen Jinyi according to the general soldier's routine. The staff general, the "Super Courageous" ship pipe belt Huang Jianxun, and the "Yang Wei" ship pipe belt Lin Luzhong each followed the original official titles from the preferential treatment.

China's first minister of justice, concerned about the Beiyang Navy, also asked for the immediate removal of Ding Ruchang

Battle of the Yellow Sea

On the same day, Dai Hongci, the son of Zuo Shu, played a strategy to subdue the enemy, saying that it was advisable to cruise the Korean ocean with the Beiyang warship, hold the Japanese army's grain route, and use the Nanyang warship to cruise the sea, specialize in attacking the warships, cut off the road, and use the Beiyang warship to escort the transit, and defend Haiwei and Lushun. And please immediately dismiss Ding Ruchang, admiral of the Beiyang Navy.

China's first minister of justice, concerned about the Beiyang Navy, also asked for the immediate removal of Ding Ruchang

Dai Hongci, the son of Zuo Shu

Who is this Zuo Shuzi Dai Hongci? First of all, understand the official title of a zuo shuzi. From the Baidu entry, it was found that after the Han Dynasty, it was one of the kinds of princely attendant officials, called Zhongshuzi during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and after the Tang Dynasty, the left and right Chunfang were set up in the prince's official office, and the left and right Shuzi were divided into subordinates, and the Zhongshu Ling was compared to the Shizhong and Zhongshu Ling. From then on, it was used in the Qing Dynasty to prepare for the transfer of Hanlin officials. It was abolished at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

Let's talk about Dai Hongci, and Kang Youwei are fellow countrymen, both from Nanhai, Guangdong. In 1876, he entered the army,

He first appointed the Editor of the Hanlin Academy, and then successively served as the Rebbe, the Hubu Waiter, the Law Department Shangshu, the Feast Lecturer, the Minister of State Affairs, the Rebbe Shangshu, the Assistant University Scholar, the Military Aircraft Minister, and the Prince Shaobao.

In 1905, Dai Hongci, the right attendant of the Household Department, as one of the five ministers, sent an envoy to Europe and the United States to investigate politics. After returning to China, he strongly advocated the replacement of autocracy with a constitutional form of government. The Punishment Department was changed to the Law Department, and Dai was the first Shangshu. He also advocated that in order for China to become rich and strong, it must "consolidate the frontiers," "revitalize industry," and open mines, study, and build railways.

Dai Hongci was known as "knowing the new" and "daring to speak", and was known as the "first person to enter the picture by military aircraft" in Guangdong in the Qing Dynasty, the highest official among the Guangdong officials in the Qing Dynasty, the first government of the Qing Empire, and the first minister of justice in Chinese history (Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice).

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