
Douyin pushes the strictest new rules in the live broadcast industry!

author:Harbin Radio and Television Station

On September 7, Douyin Live launched the latest upgrade measure for the hierarchical and categorical management of live broadcast accounts - Health Points. The system will be fully implemented for Douyin live broadcast content anchors. The health score of high-quality anchors will be further expanded with that of offending anchors. For anchor accounts with low health scores, the platform will take measures such as reducing live broadcast recommendations, restricting the use of PK and tipping functions, suspending illegal live streaming proceeds fund withdrawals, and even reclaiming live streaming permissions.

Douyin pushes the strictest new rules in the live broadcast industry!

This is by far the strictest regulation in the live streaming industry. Based on this rule, daily minor violations by anchors will also be accumulated and punished, which puts forward higher requirements for anchors

According to the Douyin Live "Health Score Trial Operation Announcement", in the new regulations, the live broadcast health score is 100 points; Through the application of high-quality anchors, the maximum score can be increased to 110 points; By applying for a professional streamer, the maximum number of points can be increased to 120 points. Compared with the old version of Health Score, the new version of the rules adds a number of punishment measures for anchor accounts with a health score of 70 or less, including: completing education and learning before the broadcast, not being allowed to enter the leaderboard, prohibiting the use of PK functions, violating the withdrawal limit of the proceeds of the session, turning off the gift income function, and prohibiting the start of broadcasting as an anchor.

Douyin pushes the strictest new rules in the live broadcast industry!

▲ The health sub-reward and punishment rules "Douyin Live Health Score Deduction Management Specification" shows that the content information or live broadcast behavior generated by the anchor contains vulgar display and promotes unhealthy views on marriage and romance; Hype, eyeballs, and hot spots, including but not limited to hype with scripts such as selling misery, cheating, domestic violence, showing off wealth, leading wars, spoofing, abuse, quarrels or deliberately creating exaggerated, weird, bizarre gimmicks and other methods and situations, constitute a first-degree (serious) violation. For anchors who have first-level violations, the platform has the right to deduct 4-8 health points each time to the anchor account according to the severity of the host's violation circumstances.

Douyin pushes the strictest new rules in the live broadcast industry!

▲ The health score status constitutes a second-level (medium) violation for sexually suggestive, vulgar and interesting content, advocating pseudoscience, containing bad values, advocating deformed aesthetics or violating public order and good customs, insulting or slandering others, etc., and the platform has the right to deduct 2-4 health points for the anchor account each time according to the severity of the host's violation. Level 3 (general) violations include revealing dress, horror, indecency, vulgar language, dangerous behavior or unsafe behavior that may cause users to imitate, multi-account broadcasting, etc. For anchors who have Level 3 violations, the platform has the right to give 1-2 health points to the anchor account each time according to the severity of the anchor's violation.

Douyin pushes the strictest new rules in the live broadcast industry!

▲Health score below 70 points

In addition to the violation itself, the influence of the streamer will also be linked to the deduction amount. The "Health Score Trial Operation Announcement" clarifies that the deduction of health points is determined by the severity of the current violation of the anchor and the level of the anchor. Considering the impact of the violation on the platform and viewers, the platform will deduct an additional 1-5 health points for anchors with high fan counts or average viewers in the live broadcast room.

According to the announcement, the health sub-management system began trial operation on September 7, 2023, covering all content anchors by the end of October, and is expected to officially take effect before the end of the year. In order to help anchors familiarize themselves with and understand the relevant rules, only points will be deducted during the trial operation of health points, and no specific penalties will be enforced. After the official effect, the score will not be switched, and the management will be performed according to the trial operation score.

As early as 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China and other seven departments jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Online Livestreaming, proposing to further strengthen the positive guidance and standardized management of the online livestreaming industry, focus on regulating online tipping behavior, promote the categorical and hierarchical management of anchor accounts, and promote the high-quality development of the online livestreaming industry. In 2022, the "Opinions on Further Regulating the Profit-making Behavior of Online Live Streaming to Promote the Healthy Development of the Industry" and the "Code of Conduct for Online Anchors" were issued one after another. In 2023, the Cyberspace Administration of China launched a series of special actions "Qinglang", including the "Qinglang Network Temperament Rectification" special action, aiming to rectify the problems of the live broadcast link, and take unified measures to deal with all their accounts for some anchors evading supervision and using "trumpets" to carry out vulgar behavior, and those with egregious circumstances are included in the blacklist.

The trial operation of the new version of the health sub-management system or the further implementation of the "requirements for the classification and hierarchical management of online anchors" by the live broadcast platform. Platforms should provide a mechanism for high-quality content anchors to open up grades and stand out; Put a tight curse on middle-tier content anchors to protect the interests of viewers; Set up severe punishment measures such as "permanent blocking" for low-quality content anchors.

The person in charge of Douyin live broadcast said on September 7

The platform has been trying and exploring hierarchical management methods of hierarchical classification, avoiding "one-size-fits-all" and "uncontrollable", hoping to create a good content, good ecology and good mechanism of online live broadcast platform through diversified management measures such as health classification, and also create a good atmosphere for the healthy and orderly development of the online live broadcast industry.

Source: Peninsula Morning News, 39 Degrees Video Chief Reporter Zhao Hui's copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact us ID: samf727

Business cooperation: WeChat laoluotuo0451

Editor: Guo Zhe Responsible Editor: Yu Yang

Reviewed: Zhou Xiaoning

Douyin pushes the strictest new rules in the live broadcast industry!
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