
Makino: I just changed my Huawei mobile phone and defended my position in the battlefield without gunsmoke

author:Qin'an Strategy

【Editor's note】This article is authorized by the author, "Qin'an Strategy" is exclusively published originally, reprinted from the public account "Maki Zhiye", there are many wonderful content, welcome to pay attention.

Listen to the thunder in silence, the words of praise are not repeated, the large number wrote, I changed Huawei's mobile phone a few days ago, 10,000 words of praise is not as good as a practical action, and will not use foreign mobile phones in the future.

The impact of Huawei's matter is not only the breakthrough of new mobile phones or chip card necks, but also some other pattern changes.

Makino: I just changed my Huawei mobile phone and defended my position in the battlefield without gunsmoke

The first is the industrial chain.

As representatives of relatively high-end industries, mobile phones and automobiles are backed by the entire upstream and downstream industrial chain, thousands of companies.

Since the beginning of human industrial civilization, the core is such large-scale industries as automobiles, semiconductors, steel, textiles, etc., who dominates and who wins all, competition is also around these major nodes.

In the past, Huawei was an important competitor of Apple, and Apple thought that the US policy had stuck Huawei, but did not expect Huawei to have such a rapid breakthrough, and the future was in a dilemma.

If it continues to be carded, when Huawei makes all breakthroughs, Apple will face challenges again, and this challenge will affect the entire industry chain.

If it doesn't get stuck, Huawei can now use a variety of chips.

The second is the aspect of national security.

Third world countries will soon find that Chinese mobile phones represented by Huawei will provide a new option:

The only communication device that will not be monitored by the United States.

China's mobile phone + Beidou, if it can replace some mobile phones in developing countries, then the US surveillance plan may be greatly affected.

So in the future, in the United States and the West, it is foreseeable that it should soon be ready to start dismantling Huawei's 5G base stations, and then begin to restrict China's new energy vehicles.

The third is the strategic aspect of the Sino-US game.

This time, it did not spend a penny on publicity fees, but it made Huawei fire out of the sky.

The best propaganda in the world is what the enemy does for you.

Toshiba and Alstom were pinched to death, but Huawei was not.

So Huawei became a flag, like Guevara.

Makino: I just changed my Huawei mobile phone and defended my position in the battlefield without gunsmoke

Earlier I wrote an article about a breakthrough in chips, it was smooth, but it was 404, I did not understand at that time, now I can understand the attitude of the state.

At that time, many people left me messages saying that the news was false and that the reason was withdrawn, and I did not explain.

A year ago, almost all people in the semiconductor circle said that China could not make chips because of design and lithography machines. Moreover, at that time, it was still fighting corruption.

And then you don't have to spend any effort explaining anything.

The more the game heats up, we don't need so much foreshadowing, do more and say less or just do not say.

Because of saying so much nonsense, useless, wasting saliva and energy, we will never be able to wake up a person who pretends to sleep, and what causes fear of the opponent is the real strength.

Of course, Huawei's counterattack is also sharp, but what I admire more is that the hardest part, the most difficult mountain, is still won, and it is silent.

Not only Huawei, but also the entire Huawei people, HiSilicon people, did not participate too much in this carnival.

Although Huawei is single-handedly fighting the entire Western sanctions.

They did not question why China has only one Huawei, or spend too much energy on wrestling, always in the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, but frighteningly quiet.

Do your own thing, silently patriotic with actions.

Makino: I just changed my Huawei mobile phone and defended my position in the battlefield without gunsmoke

In stark contrast to Ren Zhengfei's "humbly learning from the United States" and "we reserve talents, not dollars" are some of the Chinese "elites" who queue up at the gates of Western embassies and consulates every day for immigrants.

Fortunately, the backbone of China is not them.

When a war started, it was sanctioned, and the first to run by plane was not Huawei.

In fact, there is not much difference between Huawei people and the volunteers on the Korean battlefield.

There are many Huawei friends around me, and they not only let me look up, but also tell me with action and silence, and I will tell everyone what a true patriot is.

When we are not as good as others, silent and tragic, relying on heroic temperament to move forward alone, is the only choice, not to blame this and that there.

Now, Huawei's breakthrough is actually only on the way, and we still have a lot to do.

It took fifteen years for the United States to suppress Japan's semiconductors, and for us, four years of semiconductor efforts are far from enough, and it will take at least ten years to catch up.

Moreover, I also want to tell you that what is approaching or has broken through is far from semiconductors, there are many, many more.

When Americans spend two days dismantling Huawei mobile phones, and then they will inevitably launch a public opinion war to use in the actions of black Huawei in the next year, and then at the same time desperately sell lithography machines and ordinary chips to China.

When foreign investment banking giants have been engaged in financial war + public opinion war against China for several months, they may now be ready to sing long.

But if you know a little logic, read a few books, and have a little sense of home and country, you should understand what they are afraid of, what they are flustering, and what we are firming.

It will not be washed in the brain by nuclear-contaminated water in the war of public opinion.

Makino: I just changed my Huawei mobile phone and defended my position in the battlefield without gunsmoke

The reason why I didn't write at that time was because there were many things to be busy with, and I didn't dare to forget the country, but I thought that instead of doing the icing on the cake, I should learn from Huawei and learn from thousands of silent Huawei people.

On the battlefield without gunsmoke, it is enough to hold your position and do even a little for this country.