
Innovative exhibition, rich experience, immersive exhibition - technology lights up "fun" and "beauty"

Source: People's Daily

Innovative exhibition, rich experience, immersive exhibition - technology lights up "fun" and "beauty"

The "Swamp Secret Path" scene of the Botanical Hall of Beijing Shiyuan Park.

Photo courtesy of Beijing Shiyuan Park

Innovative exhibition, rich experience, immersive exhibition - technology lights up "fun" and "beauty"

Shanghai Planetarium "Home" exhibition area.

Photo by Gao Qianjun (Photo China)

Innovative exhibition, rich experience, immersive exhibition - technology lights up "fun" and "beauty"

Tourists visit inside the Grand Canal Museum of China in Yangzhou.

Photo by Meng Delong (Image China)

Core reading

In recent years, immersive cultural tourism projects have continued to emerge in various places, bringing people a new visiting experience. Among them, the immersive exhibition using new digital exhibition technology turns the transmission and acquisition of knowledge into an immersive experience that can be seen, perceptible, participated in and interacted with.

With the blessing of new technologies, scientific and cultural knowledge is combined with trendy audio-visual forms, making the exhibition more fresh and interesting, and further promoting the in-depth integration of culture and tourism.

With the accelerated application of new technologies such as the Internet, big data, and virtual reality (VR) in the field of cultural tourism, immersive cultural tourism projects continue to emerge in various places, and immersive exhibitions have attracted widespread attention.

What kind of new experience will the immersive exhibition bring to the audience, and how will it promote the deep integration of culture and tourism? The reporter conducted an interview.

Beijing Shiyuan Park Botanical Hall——

Get up close and personal with Cretaceous flora and fauna

58 kinds of ancient and modern animals and plants, 50 projection facilities to create a sense of shock and immersion, more than 1,000 animation effects triggered by interaction... Walking into the "Billion Years of Evolution - Plant Adventures" exploration and experience exhibition hall located in the Botanical Hall of Beijing Shiyuan Park, a fantastic world of light and shadow composed of ancient plants, animals and aquatic animals and plants comes to mind, and the audience feels like they are in the Cretaceous period, immersed in the fun, beautiful and long knowledge of "Plant Adventures".

"It took hundreds of millions of years for plants to evolve to become what they are today. However, plants can't speak, and how to carry out vivid popular science education for children, we have been exploring. Liu Yingkai, director of the Botanical Museum of Beijing Shiyuan Park, said that the 1,000-square-meter immersive space presents a major archaeological discovery - the Rehe biota in Liaoning. Through interactive and contextualized participation, the rich vegetation and ecological environment of northern China before and after the Cretaceous period are digitally displayed in front of the audience.

Two years ago, the exhibition debuted attracted many children, and "immersion and interactivity" became the distinctive label of this exhibition - the ground and wall sensor radar system, which can give visual and sound feedback in real time according to the audience's actions, allowing the audience to fully interact with the characters and objects in the scene, so as to obtain a unique feedback experience.

The reporter saw at the scene that the children were in it, touched with their hands, stepped on them with their feet, and pasted them with intelligent props, and they could transform into expedition members to travel to the Cretaceous period and have "zero-distance" contact with their favorite dinosaurs and ancient plants.

"The whole journey can be travelled, touched, observed, and heard, and the overall story scene presents a unique sense of artistic beauty, which stimulates curiosity, guides exploration, and learns knowledge through fun and beautiful experiences, so that fossil and plant science knowledge comes alive." Liu Yingkai said that the experience exhibition has realized the deep integration of technological innovation and cultural creativity, and is generally favored by the audience. In the future, the exhibition will also open up venue cooperation, launch a national tour, and continue to expand its influence.

Shanghai Planetarium——

Experience the beauty of the universe with immersive settings

Under the starry sky, the huge earth and moon appear in front of you. The earth's surface is characterized by the changing seasons and changing winds and clouds, and the lunar surface simulates a scene of uneven potholes. Not far away, there is a large red fireball on the huge projection screen, and when you get closer, you can feel the heat wave rushing towards you... In the "Home" exhibition area of the Shanghai Planetarium (Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Branch), which has been open for two years, visitors feel like they are in the vast universe.

Through grand immersive scene design, 3D printing high-fidelity three-dimensional models, visually impactful visual images, AR interaction and large-scale OLED curved interactive media and other technical means, the "Home" exhibition area vividly shows the relationship between the sun, earth and moon, leading the audience to re-examine the earth home from the perspective of the universe.

"We're creating an experience." Lin Qing, director of the Astronomy Research Center of the Shanghai Planetarium, said that the planetarium was designed and built with this concept in mind, paying more attention to the audience's sense of experience, so immersive experience projects abound.

The architecture that fully reflects the beauty of the streamline, the exhibition area exhibits full of cosmic elements... Shanghai Planetarium cleverly uses environmental atmosphere, lighting and sound effects and high-simulation scene simulation methods to display a panoramic view of the universe; It adopts advanced display methods such as somatosensory interaction, data visualization, AR, and VR, integrating sight, hearing and touch, fully mobilizing the audience's emotions and senses, thus bringing a new tour experience.

Lin Qing listed some immersive experience projects that are very popular with the audience: in the "Sky Planetarium Hall", lying on a sandbag, looking up at the bright starry sky, quietly listening to the sound of frogs and cicadas, as if in the wild; In the sci-fi film "Flying Over the Galaxy" in the Dynamic Theater, get on the autopilot "spaceship", experience the scene of sailing the ship into the sky, and simulate space exploration.

In addition to permanent exhibitions, temporary exhibitions often bring surprises, such as the situational original exhibition "Life on Mars", which takes the future human life on Mars as the main line, leading the audience to immerse themselves in clothing, food, housing and transportation on Mars. The exhibition "Collecting Light and Space", which is currently on display, puts the audience in a dreamlike world of light and shadow.

Lin Qing said that at the end of this year, the Shanghai Planetarium will cooperate with the Dunhuang Academy to launch the temporary exhibition "The Starry Sky of Dunhuang", using scientific and artistic means to present a dialogue between ancient and modern with the theme of the starry sky.

Yangzhou Grand Canal Museum of China——

See the exhibition in a puzzle-solving way

"During the customs clearance, I learned a lot about canal culture before I knew it." Not long ago, Liu Siyao, a first-year junior high school student in Nanjing, Jiangsu, went to Yangzhou with his classmates to play, and his first stop was to visit the Grand Canal Museum of China in Yangzhou. Among them, what surprised him the most was the immersive exhibition hall of "Canal Lost".

The exhibition hall takes the Grand Canal as the background, and under the guidance of the plot and props, it uses layers of puzzle solving to deduce the answer and advance the plot. In this process, Liu Siyao and his friends need to sort out the brief history of the Grand Canal, understand the knowledge related to the Grand Canal, feel the urban development that thrives due to the luck, learn knowledge in the exhibition hall, answer puzzles, and finally clear the customs.

"In one of the units, we enter Yangzhou City from the pier through the Grand Canal, and the street scene and market are presented one by one, solving the puzzles about the post station and the pier in an immersive way; In the 'Against the Tide' unit, we combined videos and learned simple physics. Liu Siyao said that when the last piece of evidence was finally put together and the mission was completed, they were all very excited.

Liu Siyao's mother, Ms. Yao, told reporters that when her son was "solving the puzzle", she visited several other immersive exhibition halls such as "Boat on the Canal" and was deeply impressed. "When we stood on the real sand spaceship, felt the tide surging, looked at the video images in front of us, listened to the storytelling and shouting on both sides of the strait, at that moment, it was as if we were on the Grand Canal and felt the canal life."

In the Grand Canal Museum of China in Yangzhou, immersive exhibitions can be found everywhere: "River Love" exhibition uses four chapters of "water", "transport", "poetry" and "painting", using "science and technology + art + culture" to integrate realistic natural and humanistic scenery with abstract visual art, reflecting the theme of "flowing culture"; The exhibition "Boats on the Canal" combines physical and digital virtual experiences to tell the evolution of canal boats and the changes in canal life.

"Through popular methods, such as interactive games and digital expressions, the moisturizing objects convey exhibition knowledge silently, which is very popular with visitors." Zheng Jing, director of the China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou, told reporters that cultural places have many knowledge points, large amount of information, and the focused, differentiated, relaxed and pleasant immersive exhibition can not only relieve visual fatigue, but also make visitors of different ages willing to come, stay, deeply impressed and rewarding.

Typography design by Cai Huawei

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