
What is ChatGpt? How does it help for ordinary people?


"Artificial intelligence will not eliminate anyone, but it will eliminate people who will not use artificial intelligence" was proposed by Li Yanhong, one of the founders of Baidu, at the 2017 Baidu AI Developer Conference.

In today's digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of society. ChatGPT is a language model based on open artificial intelligence technology that can interact with humans in natural language and provide various forms of help and information. This article will explore what ChatGPT is and how it can help the average person.

What is ChatGpt? How does it help for ordinary people?

1. What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It is trained on large-scale natural language processing and deep learning to understand and generate human language. ChatGPT is unique in that it focuses on natural language conversations and interactions, allowing it to have conversations with humans, answer questions, give suggestions, perform tasks, and many other uses.

What is ChatGpt? How does it help for ordinary people?

How can ChatGPT help the average person?

ChatGPT provides helpful help to ordinary people in several areas, some of the key aspects will be discussed in detail below:

1. Information access and education: ChatGPT can answer questions on various topics to provide users with accurate information. This is great for students, researchers, and self-learners who can get the knowledge they need, anytime, anywhere. ChatGPT can also explain complex concepts and help people better understand academic and professional fields.

2. Problem solving: ChatGPT can help users solve various problems, from technical support to family problems. For example, users can consult how to solve problems such as malfunctioning electronic devices or cooking recipes. This technique saves time and effort and provides practical advice.

3. Creative applications: ChatGPT can not only answer questions, but also generate text, including creative writing, story creation, and poetry, etc. This is a powerful tool for writers, creators, and anyone interested in word creation.

4. Assisted work and life: ChatGPT can play a role as an assistant in career and daily life. It can assist with documentation, planning, time management recommendations, and more. In a business setting, ChatGPT can also be used for customer support, automated tasks, and data analysis.

5. Multilingual communication: ChatGPT supports multiple languages and helps promote cross-cultural communication and understanding. This is important for transnational corporations, international cooperation and a globalized society.

6. Personalized experience: ChatGPT can learn and adapt to the preferences and needs of users, providing more personalized services and suggestions. This enhances the user experience and makes it feel more respected and understood.

What is ChatGpt? How does it help for ordinary people?

While ChatGPT has many beneficial applications, there are also some potential issues and challenges, including:

1. Privacy and data security: ChatGPT requires a lot of data for training, which may contain the user's personal information. Ensuring the privacy and security of user data is an important issue.

2. Misleading information: The information generated by ChatGPT is not always accurate, and sometimes misleading answers appear. Users need to be cautious about the information obtained from ChatGPT and independently verify.

3. AI bias: ChatGPT's training data can be influenced by biases and stereotypes, so the responses generated may not always be neutral and unbiased. This can lead to inappropriate views and biases being propagated.


ChatGPT represents a huge advance in artificial intelligence in the field of natural language processing and conversation. It offers a variety of beneficial applications for the average person, from education to problem solving to creative creation and personalized experiences. However, we must also recognize the challenges associated with it, such as privacy and information accuracy. Therefore, the use of ChatGPT requires care and wisdom to ensure that it maximizes its benefits to human society. Ultimately, ChatGPT represents a combination of technology and human ingenuity that opens up new possibilities in our lives and work.