
How to stir-fry cabbage fried meat to be delicious, learn these 5 skills, delicious and delicious, delicious rice

author:Trendy fashion knowledge

Have you ever encountered such a problem: the stir-fried cabbage fried meat does not taste good, not flavorful enough, and the meat quality is easy to harden. Don't worry, today I will share some tips for stir-frying delicious cabbage and stir-fried meat!

How to stir-fry cabbage fried meat to be delicious, learn these 5 skills, delicious and delicious, delicious rice

1. Choose quality meat and vegetables

First, choose high-quality meat and vegetables. Meat should be fresh, elastic, preferably with pork belly or lean slices. In terms of vegetables, choose tender cabbage, the taste is more crisp.

2. Marinate meat

Before stir-frying the meat, you can marinate the meat with salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine and other spices for a while, which can make the meat more flavorful.

How to stir-fry cabbage fried meat to be delicious, learn these 5 skills, delicious and delicious, delicious rice

3. The heat is properly mastered

When stir-frying meat, first stir-fry over high heat to allow the surface of the meat to shrink quickly, which can maintain the tenderness of the meat. Then add the cabbage, switch to medium heat and stir-fry slowly, so that the cabbage can fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning.

4. Pay attention to the time of adding seasonings

In the process of stir-frying, the timing of adding seasonings is also important. In general, salt and MSG are added first, followed by cabbage and meat slices. This can make the cabbage more flavorful, and the stir-fried dish has a more delicious taste.

How to stir-fry cabbage fried meat to be delicious, learn these 5 skills, delicious and delicious, delicious rice

5. Add seasoning in moderation

When stir-frying, do not add too many seasonings to avoid affecting the texture and taste of the ingredients themselves. You can add salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white sugar and other spices according to your taste to achieve a better taste.

The above are the tips for stir-frying delicious cabbage and stir-fried meat. Hopefully, these tips will help you stir-fry more delicious food and enjoy the food!