
In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

author:Grace Point

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On April 7, 1947, at noon, the streets of Qingyang City, Gansu Province were heavily guarded, and Kuomintang soldiers armed with live ammunition, three steps and one post, five steps and one sentry, firmly guarded the city.

"Look, the executioners are going to be executed again." The shopkeeper of a hotel muttered, and many citizens expressed concern.

"yes, these guys don't know anything but kill!" The cobbler on the side of the road taunted, anger overflowing.

"Kill, kill! One day, God will punish these evil scoundrels. An old man selling sugar gourds said angrily.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

At the same time, a Kuomintang officer arrived on horseback, and the high horse shouted at the pedestrians, brandishing a leather whip to open the way for the advance. Behind him were three cars, a police car in front and behind, and a prison car in the middle.

Police cars and prison cars passed through the crowd and went to the execution site, followed by many citizens to witness the tragedy that was about to unfold.

Near the execution ground, police cars and prison cars stopped, and Kuomintang soldiers escorted several burly prisoners onto earthen platforms to prepare for the upcoming execution at three o'clock in the afternoon.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

The prisoners, dressed in rags and with open skin, had apparently been tortured in prison, but they looked calm and fearless.

The execution site fell into an eerie silence, and the citizens were speculating about the identities and crimes of these prisoners, wondering what they thought in their hearts and whether there were still relatives waiting for them.

However, the prisoners exchanged glances with each other and gazed firmly and calmly into the distance, as if this was not the place of execution, but the starting point for a journey to a better world, looking forward to the journey ahead.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

Suddenly, one of the prisoners standing in the front row became uneasy, constantly looking around, seemingly hesitating, as if something made it difficult for him to give up.

The citizens in the audience thought that he had lost his courage and began to cheer for him, encouraging him to stand up and be indomitable.

"Brother, after eighteen years he is a good man again!" Someone shouted loudly.

"Yes, be strong, don't give in!" Another joined the shouting.

However, the prisoner suddenly opened his eyes, his gaze like a fierce tiger, and he searched around, as if looking for something suspicious. Then, suddenly he shouted loudly:

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

"There are dogs at home, come home quickly! There is a dog at home, come home quickly! "

The shouts caught the attention of the citizens, many of whom thought the prisoner had collapsed and hurried home.

However, the prisoner, of course, did not lose his mind. His shouts are a code word that sends an important message to the outside world.

The prisoner's name was Chen Bin, and he was the party secretary of Qingyang County in Gansu Province. From 1936 to 1947, Qingyang was under the control of the Communist Party, only a few tens of kilometers from the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, where the flames of revolution had long spread.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

However, with the outbreak of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Chiang Kai-shek went down the mountain, not only to pick peaches, but also to eradicate the Communist Party and implement one-party dictatorship. Qingyang became the primary target of the Kuomintang army's offensive.

On March 13, 1947, the Kuomintang troops commanded by Hu Zongnan launched an attack, and the outer city of Qingyang was captured. The Kuomintang army was hostile to the control of the communists, and adopted a policy of blockade of Qingyang, cutting off water and food, and restricting the freedom of citizens.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

Communists and progressives became targets of the Kuomintang and were severely persecuted. The situation in Qingyang was critical, and the Kuomintang army intended to stifle the influence of the Communist Party there.

At this critical juncture, Chen Bin and Li Ye became Qingyang's hope. They decided to break the Kuomintang blockade and pass on everything that happened in Qingyang to the organization, striving to organize troops to rescue them.

However, it is not easy to act in such dangerous circumstances. Outside communications were completely cut off, and the Kuomintang troops had set up a defensive line in the city.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

Chen Bin volunteered to serve as a breakout

Li Ye's death caused deep condolences in Qingyang County and even the entire Gansu Province. Her tenacity, courage and selfless dedication became a legend in the hearts of the local people, and her name was etched in the memories of countless people and passed down forever.

Li Ye's life was full of hardships and sacrifices, but she stuck to her original intention, braved hardships and dangers, and practiced the belief in communism with her actions. Her story has also become a role model for generations of young people, inspiring them to forge ahead for a just cause.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

Rural life in Qingyang County is not easy, but Li Ye has never complained. She worked with her hands, kept the fields in order, and her crops were always stronger than those of her neighbors, becoming the village's agricultural master. She also actively participates in rural cooperatives, providing technical support and guidance to villagers to help them improve their production and live a better life.

In addition to farmland, Li Ye is also enthusiastic about community affairs. She organized rural women to learn cultural knowledge, improve their cultural literacy, and persuaded young people to establish a correct world outlook and outlook on life. She firmly believes that education is the key to changing destiny, so she has been committed to helping rural children get a better education and encouraging them to go out of the countryside and pursue a broader future.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

Li Ye's family and villagers all respected her and considered her a great person. Her tenacity and perseverance make people feel admired, and her kindness and selflessness make people feel touched. She transmitted great power in her ordinary life and became the spiritual leader of the community.

Li Ye's death is a great loss for Qingyang County, but her spirit lives on. Her story will be passed on and inspire people to remember their original intentions, remember their mission, and strive for a better tomorrow.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

At Li Ye's grave, people silently offered flowers to express their respect and gratitude to her. Her cemetery has become a simple and solemn memorial site, attracting many people who come to pay their respects every year. Although Li Ye has passed away, her spirit will always guide the people of Qingyang County to a brighter future.

Li Ye's story tells us that justice and bravery will never be forgotten. In difficult times, someone will not hesitate to stand up for justice and morality. Her life is the best interpretation of communist ideals, and her dedication will always inspire us, strengthen our faith, and work tirelessly for a better world.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

At Li Ye's grave, people vowed to carry on her legacy and pass on her deeds. Her name will forever be engraved in the history of Qingyang County and become an eternal brilliance. Li Ye, you are our pride, and your spirit will always shine in our hearts.

In 1947, a revolutionary suddenly shouted on the execution ground: There is a dog at home, return quickly! Heroes deserve admiration

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