
Pursuing the Red Sports Imprint: From Guerrilla to Martial Arts Team, the Immortal Wuxiang "Martial Soul"


Taiyuan, 3 Sep (Xinhua) -- "There are world champions in our village. When it comes to martial arts, Cui Wufeng, the village branch secretary of Donghe Village in Shibei Township, Wuxiang County, said proudly.

The world champion is named Cui Bihui, who won the 15th World Wushu Championship Taijiquan Championship in 2019. "Wuxiang people love to practice martial arts since ancient times, and every village has martial arts that they are good at, such as long fists and darts. In ancient times, the environment here was not good, and they all relied on walking darts and selling art to eat. Cui Wufeng said.

Following Cui Wufeng's words, the red history of this hometown of martial arts slowly unfolded.

Pursuing the Red Sports Imprint: From Guerrilla to Martial Arts Team, the Immortal Wuxiang "Martial Soul"

Li Yisan, born in a martial arts family

Li Yisan, the first Communist Party member in Wuxiang, was born into a martial arts family. According to "Wushu and Wuxiang Revolution", Li Yisan, influenced by his grandfather, was bent on taking the martial arts exam, but due to social unrest, he was unable to do so. In 1932, after many years of revolutionary baptism, Li Yisan returned to Wuxiang, and with his efforts, in August 1933, the Wuxiang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and the local party organization was able to grow rapidly. Most of the early communists in Wuxiang were peasants who practiced martial arts, and a young man named Wei Mingyang was among them.

Wei Mingyang's nephew Wei Shuwen recalled: "Only our family in Zaoyan village is surnamed Wei, and my grandfather went to Zaoyan Village to work for the landlord for a long time and then settle down. ”

Wei Mingyang joined the Chinese Communist Party in July 1933, his father died when he was 8 years old, and he practiced martial arts to strengthen himself in order not to be bullied. He used the method of zaken (i.e., opening a boxing gym) to recruit party members, leading to the establishment of the "Guoshu Troupe", which at its peak numbered nearly 600 people.

"The 'National Art Troupe' is those who practice martial arts, and they are bold." Wei Shuwen said.

Pursuing the Red Sports Imprint: From Guerrilla to Martial Arts Team, the Immortal Wuxiang "Martial Soul"

Wei Mingyang (right) teaches martial arts

Wei Mingyang is best known for his role as a guerrilla leader. The "Taihang Famous Guerrillas" are famous in Wuxiang, and the common people have always referred to them as "Famous Guerrillas". Although it was only a guerrilla group, it numbered more than 800 at its peak. They shouldered the duties of guarding and escorting chiefs, often shuttling through the most dangerous war zones, and also made no small contribution in the battle of 100 regiments.

"It can be said that if there is no foundation for martial arts training, he will not have such great appeal." Wei Shuwen said, "Without martial arts, there would be no Wei Mingyang. ”

After the founding of New China, Wei Mingyang served in the Military Service Bureau of Yangquan City, Shanxi Province, felt that his education level was not high, and took the initiative to apply for retirement when he was in his fifties. But he did not leave martial arts, in the early 70s of the 20th century, he founded the Taiyuan Black Dragon Pond Wushu Team, often took apprentices to practice martial arts in the Taiyuan Zoo at that time, and also promoted the development of the mass martial arts movement in Taiyuan City.

Infected by his father's generation, Wei Shuwen spearheaded mass martial arts activities when he served in the propaganda department of the Wuxiang County Party Committee. "I have learned a lot from them, I want to pass on the martial arts, and those who practice martial arts are not afraid of hardship and have courage, which is a heritage that needs to be protected." Wei Shuwen said, "People who practice martial arts have supported the revolution and resistance in Wuxiang, which in turn has made Wuxiang's martial arts more precious." ”

Pursuing the Red Sports Imprint: From Guerrilla to Martial Arts Team, the Immortal Wuxiang "Martial Soul"

Weapons used by the "National Art Regiment"

In recent years, every Spring Festival, martial arts exhibitions and performances are an indispensable highlight in the village, and a group of martial arts athletes such as Cui Bihui often appear. Because of the red memory, people here attach great importance to the inheritance of martial arts, and activities such as martial arts entering the campus organized by the Wuxiang County Sports and Service Center have been continuously carried out.

In the martial arts arena as a sport, Wuxiang people also have high performances. In the 17th National Wushu Hometown Competition in May this year, the wushu athletes of Wuxiang County won 14 gold medals, 10 silver medals and 8 bronze medals, and won the "Wude Style Award", creating the best results in the competition.

Walking through the streets and villages of Wuxiang, you will see that red memory engraved on bricks and tiles. There are the former site of Wang Jiayu, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the brick wall site of the General Headquarters of the Hundred Regiments War, the red sitcom "On the Taihang Mountain", and the Taihang Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army with a full house... From living from martial arts, to revolutionizing with martial arts, to practicing martial arts for fitness; For thousands of years, the people of Wuxiang have walked through wind and frost and artillery fire on this thick land, and finally ushered in a new life; And the martial soul of Wuxiang carries a red imprint and is passing on with a brand new look.

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