
Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

author:The sea is gentle


Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

After autumn, the temperature becomes cooler, the autumn air is refreshing, the appetite becomes better, most people's meat consumption will exceed the amount of vegetables, and many people have the bad habit of "not eating vegetables". If eating more of a certain vegetable must be "balanced", spinach is one of the vegetables that is recommended for consumption. Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Spinach is known as a "nutritional model student", which contains vitamin C, dietary fiber, vitamin K, mineral potassium and other nutrients are relatively rich, regular food can help the body prevent the corresponding "nutrient deficiency". It has the effect of nourishing blood and stopping bleeding, supplementing iron and calcium, calming the liver and moisturizing, protecting eyesight, moisturizing the intestines and laxative, and increasing appetite. Whether it is cold stir-fried or stuffed soup, spinach is a good delicacy, and people who love spinach will definitely not be in bad health.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

The first homemade recipea: peanut butter with spinach

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Ingredients: 1 bundle of spinach; Crushed peanuts, garlic, peanut butter, oyster sauce, salt, sugar, light soy sauce, vinegar.

Method: spinach to remove the old leaves and roots, clean it, boil the water in the pot, point a few drops of oil, add a little salt, put in the cleaned spinach, blanch for about 1 minute, spinach contains more oxalic acid, hinder the body's absorption of calcium, so when eating spinach, it is advisable to first use boiling water to soften, fish out or stir-fry or mix, add some salt and oil when blanching to make spinach more green.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

After blanching the spinach, remove the supercooled water and remove the water. If you like it, you can cut it into pieces, spinach is small or not, I choose spinach leaves.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Garlic peeled, washed, chopped, prepare a box of Four Seasons treasure peanut butter, this peanut butter is delicate and silky, children especially like, or 0 sucrose 0 salt 0 addition, 0 trans fatty acids, the elderly and children can eat with confidence.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Put all the ingredients in a pot, add minced garlic, crushed peanuts, a pinch of salt, vinegar, light soy sauce, sugar, oyster sauce to taste, add two spoonfuls of peanut butter and mix well. If you like spicy taste, you can add some millet spicy.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

On a plate, the super refreshing cold spinach is served, delicious and nutritious, and it is instantly on the disc.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

The second homemade recipe: spinach with garlic

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Ingredients: 400g spinach; 5 cloves of garlic; Oil, salt, five-spice powder, green onion, oyster sauce.

Remove the roots and old leaves of the young spinach, rinse it repeatedly, cut the spinach into sections, boil water in a pot, light a few drops of oil, add a little salt, put in the washed spinach, blanch for about 1 minute, and chop the garlic.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Add an appropriate amount of oil to a wok, fry the five-spice powder and chopped green onion, add spinach segments over high heat and stir-fry quickly, add garlic and stir-fry.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Add salt and oyster sauce to taste, if you like, you can add a little chicken powder to taste, I don't feel that the taste is very delicious.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Remove from the pan and put on a plate, delicious and cooking.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

The third homemade recipe: spinach egg soup

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Ingredients: 200g spinach; 1 egg; Sesame oil, green onion, red bell pepper, coriander, mushroom powder, starch.

Method: Prepare all the ingredients, pick and wash the spinach.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Boil water in a pot, add a few drops of oil and a small spoon of salt, add spinach and blanch for about 1 minute, this can remove most of the oxalic acid contained in spinach, and then cook spinach without astringency, while retaining other vitamins will not be destroyed, the color is more turquoise, take out the supercooled water to remove the water and cut into sections for later.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Green onions, coriander and red bell peppers are washed and chopped separately, mainly used for seasoning and toning to increase appetite.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, boil the water into the spinach segments, and bring to a boil again. Beat the eggs, sprinkle the egg liquid to form egg flowers when the spinach is boiling, add water starch to thicken the juice, and finally add sesame oil, salt, chopped green onion, chopped coriander, crushed red bell pepper, mushroom powder to taste, and take out of the pan.

Spinach is delicious and has a know-how, learn 3 homemade practices in 1 minute, often eat rosy face and good health

Spinach is delicious and has a knack, learn 3 homemade methods in 1 minute, often eat ruddy and radiant. Welcome to leave a message, communicate together, like this article, please follow, like, forward and share, thank you for your support!

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