
Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere

author:Hungry cats who love health

Hello, I'm Gluttonycat, a blogger who loves food and wellness. Today I want to share with you some tips and delicious recipes for autumn health, I hope you like it.

Did you know that autumn is a season of convergence, we must follow nature and eat more moist, yin-nourishing and acid-increasing foods to protect lung qi and liver. Among the many foods, there is a vegetable called leek flower, which is the first fresh in autumn, it is not only cheap and delicious, but also has a lot of nutritional value and eating effect.

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere

Leek flower is a kind of flower of leek, with a unique floral aroma and edible. Chives flowers are rich in water, protein, fat, sugar, ash, mineral calcium, phosphorus, iron, provitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and dietary fiber. Leek flowers have the following effects:

Tonify kidney warm yang: leek flowers are warm and spicy, and have the effect of tonifying the kidney and yang. It is suitable for people with yang deficiency and weakness, impotence and sperm loss.

Liver and stomach: leek flowers can regulate liver qi, increase appetite and enhance digestive function. It is suitable for people with indigestion and loss of appetite.

Qi and blood: The spicy smell of leek flowers has the effect of dispersing blood stasis and activating blood, and the effect of qi conduction. It is suitable for people with poor qi and blood, high blood pressure, etc.

Moisturize and nourish yin: leek flowers can nourish yin and moisturize the lungs, nourish and quench thirst. It is suitable for people with dry autumn, dry mouth and sore throat.

So, how can you make such good ingredients into delicious dishes? Below I will introduce you to three simple and delicious leek and cauliflower recipes.


Homemade leek flower sauce

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere

This is a common condiment in the north, which can be eaten with steamed buns, buns, noodles, etc., and can also be used as an accompaniment to pickled or stir-fried dishes.

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere


500g fresh leek flowers, 50g salt, 10g sugar, 20ml white vinegar, 20ml sesame oil

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere

Production process

  1. Wash the fresh leek flowers, dry and cut into small pieces.
  2. Put the cut leek flowers in a large bowl, add salt and mix well, and marinate for about half an hour.
  3. Squeeze out the pickled leek flowers and place them in a clean glass bottle.
  4. In a small bowl, mix the sugar and white vinegar well and pour into a glass bottle.
  5. Finally, drizzle with sesame oil, close the lid tightly and refrigerate to store.
  6. Before serving, take out an appropriate amount and stir well.
Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere


  1. Leek flowers should be selected fresh, not flowering, otherwise it will affect the taste and preservation time.
  2. When pickling leek flowers, use a sufficient amount of salt to prevent spoilage and mold.
  3. The ratio of white sugar and white vinegar can be adjusted according to personal taste, and some peppers, garlic, etc. can also be added to add flavor.
  4. Homemade leek sauce can be stored for about a month, and should be kept in the refrigerator with a clean spoon each time.


Stir-fried meat with leek flowers

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere

This is a home-cooked dish that is simple and easy to make, fresh and delicious, suitable for autumn.

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere


200g fresh leek flowers, 100g pork tenderloin, 20g cooking oil, 10ml light soy sauce, 10ml cooking wine, 5g starch, 3g salt, 5g ginger, 5g garlic

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere

Production process

  1. Wash the pork tenderloin, cut it into thin slices, put it in a bowl, add light soy sauce, cooking wine, starch and mix well, and marinate for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash the fresh leek flowers, cut into pieces of about 3 cm, drain and set aside.
  3. Wash the ginger and garlic, finely chop and set aside.
  4. In a wok, pour in cooking oil, cook until 60% hot, add marinated meat slices, stir-fry until discolored, and fish out for later use.
  5. Leave a little oil in the pot, add minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add leek flowers and stir-fry evenly.
  6. Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, then pour in the fried meat slices, continue to stir-fry a few times, and put on a plate.
Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere


  1. The pork tenderloin should be thinly sliced so that it can be quickly flavored and cooked through.
  2. Fry the slices over medium-high heat to keep the meat tender and juicy.
  3. When frying leek flowers, use high heat to maintain the fragrance and crispness of leek flowers.


Stir-fried shredded beef with leeks flowers

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere

It is a dish with tender and juicy beef, crisp leek flowers, and delicious rice or noodles.

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere


200g fresh leek flowers, 100g beef tenderloin, 20g cooking oil, 10ml light soy sauce, 10ml oyster sauce, 10ml cooking wine, 5g starch, 3g salt, 5g ginger, 5g garlic

Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere

Production process

  1. Wash the beef tenderloin, cut it into fine strips, put it in a bowl, add light soy sauce, cooking wine, starch and mix well, and marinate for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash the fresh leek flowers, cut into pieces of about 3 cm, drain and set aside.
  3. Wash the ginger and garlic, finely chop and set aside.
  4. In a wok, pour in cooking oil, cook until 60% hot, add the marinated shredded beef, stir-fry until discolored, and fish out for later use.
  5. Leave a little oil in the pot, add minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add leek flowers and stir-fry evenly.
  6. Add salt and oyster sauce to taste, then pour in the sautéed shredded beef, continue to stir-fry a few times, and put it on a plate.
Don't forget to eat "the first fresh in autumn" in September, only 2 yuan a catty, the eating period is short, and now the countryside is everywhere


  1. Beef tenderloin should be cut into fine strips so that it can be quickly flavored and cooked thoroughly.
  2. When stir-frying shredded beef, use medium-high heat to keep the beef tender and juicy.
  3. When frying leek flowers, use high heat to maintain the fragrance and refreshing taste of leek flowers.

The above are the three leek and cauliflower recipes I want to introduce to you today, they are all good choices for autumn health, not only delicious and nutritious, but also simple and easy to make. Do you have any hearts? Go ahead and try it!

Warm tips for hungry cats: Although leek flowers are delicious, you can't eat too much, because it belongs to spicy food, and excessive consumption will irritate the gastrointestinal tract and skin. In addition, leek flowers have a short consumption period, and they can generally only be bought fresh in September. So, if you want to eat leek flowers, you have to hurry, and if you miss it, you will have to wait a year!

Well, that's it for today's sharing. If you like my article, please like, comment and retweet me! I'm a gluttonous cat, see you next time!