
Every child is an angel

author:Renko loves life


A 10-year-old boy in Fuzhou especially likes to doodle and draws for two or three hours on the floor, on the wall and on the sofa at home, drawing burgers he usually eats, elements from cartoons, and so on.

Looking at the huge graffiti he painted on the white wall, he showed his super painting talent.

Every child is an angel

Around us, we often see some children on Douyin, who have become the leading dancers of square dances, and the dance rhythm is very strong, which can be called the king of kings.

Every child is an angel

I firmly believe that every child has their own unique talents, some are excavated, some are buried; Every child is also born a genius, some are delayed, some are snuffed.

Every child is an angel

Maria Montessori, a well-known expert on children's education, once speculated that if the ability of adults is compared with children, what children can accomplish in only 3 years, we adults need 60 years of hard work to complete. When a child learns to turn lights on and off, his brain uses more energy than the most complex computer on Earth. When a nine-month-old utters the first word, this is a huge advance that represents millions of years of human evolution.

Every child is an angel

Every child is an angel, TA is born kind, pure, with good hopes to come to this world, but in the process of socialization, gradually covered with dust, as the age increases, the dust becomes thicker and thicker.

Every child is an angel
Every child is an angel

How to let children always have the original enthusiasm, kindness and talent, this is an esoteric learning, which requires the careful care and efforts of parents, teachers and the whole society, and requires us to educate ourselves at the same time when educating children, to love, gratitude, dedication and altruism.

Every child has a beautiful heart. It's just that no one tells them how to show this beauty; How to practice this beauty.