
The first park sports season is here!

author:Shangguan News

This September, Caohejing Development Zone is about to blow a boom of participating in sports and embracing health! The first Hongmei Cao Development Park Sports Season, led by the Party Working Committee and Office of Hongmei Street, Xuhui District, will be unveiled in September, which will span the entire third and fourth quarters of 2023, fully demonstrating the vigorous and healthy vitality of Hongmei Cao Development Park, and adding luster to the upcoming 40th anniversary of the establishment of Caohejing Development Zone.

The first park sports season is aimed at employees of enterprises under the jurisdiction of Hongmei Street and Caohejing Development Zone, with a total of four categories: football, basketball, water sports and building fitness sports, the number of registered participants is expected to exceed 3,000, and the number of employees participating in building fitness exceeds 10,000. The event is expected to reach an unprecedented scale of "100 enterprises, 1,000 participants, and 10,000 attention". This is another vivid practice of the party and masses leading, the park enterprises working together, and innovating the integration of party building and production and operation since the establishment of the Xuhuicao Development Park Co-construction and Co-governance Alliance.

Football game in eights

Park enterprises expand "circle of friends" on the court

The first park sports season is here!
The first park sports season is here!

The 2023 "Cao Development Hongmei Innovation Cup" Corporate Football Invitational Tournament is scheduled to kick off on September 9, 2023, and the winner will be determined on October 28, spanning 7 competition weeks and featuring a total of 128 matches, which is an unprecedented scale as an amateur football event!

According to the organizers, at the opening ceremony of the "Caodai Hongmei Innovation Cup" Enterprise Football Invitational Tournament, a top football celebrity from Shanghai will come to the scene to cheer for all the participating players. It is reported that the opening match is planned to be played on the natural grass football field of the Xuhui campus of East China University of Science and Technology, which is also the first public appearance of the court. At present, the registration for the competition has closed, a total of 64 participating teams, including many of the world's top 500 enterprises, with a total of nearly 2,000 participants.

Corporate Basketball Invitational Tournament

Let the "metaverse" help slam dunk

The first park sports season is here!
The first park sports season is here!

Following the pace of the Enterprise Football Invitational Tournament, in October, the 2023 "Huaxin Hongmei Cao Development and Innovation Cup" Enterprise Basketball Invitational Tournament is about to debut. This is the first large-scale amateur basketball event jointly held by Hongmei Street, Xuhui District Sports Bureau, Caoyuan Development Corporation, Huaxin Real Estate and other parties. The scale of the event will be the same as the football competition, and a total of 64 teams are planned to be recruited, and more than 1,000 players are expected to sign up. At present, the registration channel for the competition has not yet been opened, and all basketball experts in the jurisdiction are requested to pay close attention to the next notice of the organizer.

It is reported that the opening game of this basketball tournament has been finalized to be held in the AI basketball court of SenseTime, an enterprise in the jurisdiction, combining the basketball event with metaverse elements, when the real anchor and virtual anchor will be hosted on the same stage, and interact with the audience of the players, allowing people to experience the shocking experience of the real life scene of the metaverse technology landing up close.


The river in front of your house is clear enough to "play in the water"!

The first park sports season is here!
The first park sports season is here!
The first park sports season is here!

What's it like to roam the river next to your company and on your doorstep? Now, come to the waters of Shangtang Ao! Hongmei Street plans to hold a water sports competition in the Sheung Ao Tong area in late September. The activity is divided into enterprise group and family parent-child group with fun sports as the medium, respectively set up water racing projects and paper boat DIY production, and invite competitors from enterprises and residential areas in the jurisdiction to use environmentally friendly materials to make "battleships" full of era characteristics, corporate characteristics or family creativity.

In recent years, under the leadership of the district party committee and the district government, under the guidance of the district river chief's office, Hongmei Street has always practiced the new development concept of green environmental protection, always put ecological environmental protection and water environment pollution prevention and control in a prominent position, the current water quality has reached the standard of holding water sports, its waters are clear and calm, the depth is moderate, and it has favorable conditions for carrying out water sports. The organizer will invite professional athletes to conduct water sports exhibition competitions, carry out fierce water battles in the clear and beautiful waters of Shangtangao, and demonstrate the vivid practice of the street and the river protection volunteer service team of enterprises in the jurisdiction to jointly build a beautiful Hongmei, reflecting the outstanding results of protecting water resources, preventing and controlling water pollution, maintaining water ecology, and ensuring the health of rivers and lakes.

Building fitness

Turn physical exercise into "food delivery" into office buildings

The first park sports season is here!
The first park sports season is here!

The office is the training ground, and the surrounding colleagues are the training partners! According to the actual needs of the majority of employees in the park for physical exercise, the relevant departments of Hongmei Street will deliver fitness projects tailored for enterprise employees to their doors. This "Building White Collar Fitness Carnival" is planned to promote the daily and daily life of sports, carry out sports projects that are close to employees, convenient to participate in, and have various forms, so that consciously participating in physical exercise has become a good habit and lifestyle for employees.

After years of accumulated experience, the building fitness exercise of Caodai Development Park has a mature system. The theme of this year's Building Carnival is the theme that both white-collar men and women pay attention to - "fat loss and body shaping". Employees of enterprises in the park can form a group to sign up and challenge the transformation for 6 weeks by participating in a training cycle of weight loss training camps, training at least 2 times a week and systematic health monitoring interventions for 45 days! The organizer hopes to provide fun, safe and effective fitness services to white-collar workers in the building.

The first park sports season is here!

The first Hongmei Cao Development Park Sports Season is about to begin, whether it is the participants who strive to be the first on the field, the fitness enthusiasts who do not forget to exercise after work, or the enthusiastic spectators who love sports, they can participate in and integrate into this sports event in the park and enjoy the fun brought by sports and fitness together!

Reporter: Yang Yixiu

Editor: Chen Siyi

Proofreader: Geng Jieyu

Reviewer: Wei Li