
Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

author:Green waves 1123

Thousands of years of ancient country, the culture is brilliant, moisturized, far-reaching. Neighboring Korea, despite its own script, is heavily influenced by mainland Chinese characters, especially in important texts such as the Codex, which are inscribed with wisdom. Even on their identity cards, in addition to Korean, mainland Chinese characters stand tall as a bridge for recognition.

However, more different from South Korea is neighboring Japan, which borrows mainland Chinese characters to give it a unique life. Kanji and kana in Japanese are skillfully blended to create an elaborate language system. What makes people wonder is why on Shinzo Abe's tombstone, Chinese characters stand far away, but the Japanese style disappears?

Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

Back in time, there was a national leader, Shinzo Abe, who was assassinated during his speech, and the world paid attention. The funeral was solemn and solemn, perfectly reflecting the Japanese style, but after that, people were surprised to find that the tombstone of Shinzo Abe was engraved with mainland Chinese characters. The epitaph reads "The Tomb of the Abe Family", and the subtlety is that the word "zhi" is rarely used in Japanese, but is expressed in a special kana. Obviously, Chinese characters are unquestionable protagonists.

Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

The Japanese language inherits kanji, which can be seen in the way it is written. In the early days, Japan did not yet have the concept of writing, and the Han Dynasty had long been at its peak, and Chinese characters became a symbol of feudal society on the mainland. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Japan sent envoys to study, but because there was no local script, it had to imitate Chinese characters.

However, culture cannot be borrowed. For Japan, which has no written foundation, kanji are large and difficult to control. As a result, they simplified complex kanji, extending hiragana and katakana into their own language system. Although simple sentences are easy to understand, pronunciation seems out of reach.

Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

The Japanese language is actually the continuation of kanji in a foreign land. Foreign words are often pseudonymous, which is awkward and confusing. However, it is undeniable that Japan has a lot of respect, especially on formal occasions such as meeting banners, where Chinese characters occupy important positions. Solemnity places, such as temples and Buddhist halls, Chinese characters show more status, higher than the solemnity of Japanese.

Shinzo Abe's epitaph profoundly shows this. For the Japanese, funerals are solemn events, and kanji condense solemnity. Isn't that exactly how Chinese characters manifest themselves at this moment?

Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

In any case, the road to learning Chinese characters is long and not easy. South Korea and other countries, in the face of Chinese characters, may have challenges, but due to the limitations of the written language, they often resort to mainland Chinese characters. Chinese characters are not only a medium for recording important content, but also a symbol of wisdom. In contrast, Japan blends kanji with kana to create a unique Japanese system, but its essence is still the inheritance of kanji. The tortuous path of learning continues to this day.

Needless to say, learning Chinese characters is difficult, involving pinyin, tone, polyphonetic characters, etc. Compared to Korean phonetic scripts, Chinese characters are undoubtedly more difficult. Being able to control Chinese characters is naturally admirable. The same is true of the Japanese, who retain traditional kanji in their Japanese language and continue to use them to this day. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the national strength was at its peak, countless masterpieces were born, and Japan was fascinated to learn Chinese. Today, Japanese people are proud to be able to read these poems fluently.

Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

However, learning Chinese characters is not an easy task, let alone creating them. Being able to speak Chinese, or even write Chinese characters, must be a highly learned person. Therefore, Japan respects Chinese characters, just like Korea, and respects people who understand Chinese. On formal occasions, the banner is made in kanji, and even in serious places, such as Buddhist halls and temples, kanji occupy a seat alone, which is more respectful than Japanese.

In short, mainland culture has a long history and spreads in all directions, and Chinese characters, as the essence of hieroglyphics, contain infinite charm. No matter how lengthy the foreign language is, Chinese idioms are incisive and can be accurately expressed. The unique literary nature of Chinese characters is difficult to appreciate in the West, and the cultural systems are very different. Since ancient times, Japan has absorbed the essence of mainland culture, from culture to writing, all of which are imitations, sending Tang Dynasty envoys to inherit from generation to generation, so that the Japanese language system can be formed.

Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

In the long years

In the long years, mainland Chinese characters have become the medium and bridge of culture of neighboring countries. The magic of Chinese characters is that on the one hand, they can accurately convey meaning, and on the other hand, they also give people unlimited imagination. To this day, Chinese characters remain one of the most difficult scripts in the world. Countries such as South Korea, although they had doubts about Chinese characters, have gradually realized the unique value of Chinese characters. The limitations of phonetic writing often confused their meanings, making Chinese characters the only choice for recording important content. When important content needs to be permanently inscribed, when tombstones representing identity and glory need to be solemn, Chinese characters are obviously the best choice, and without words, a sense of solemnity flows in it.

Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

Our neighbor South Korea, although it already has its own script, uses mainland Chinese characters on important occasions, which is not only a cultural inheritance, but also a recognition of the value of Chinese characters. However, Japan, as another neighbor, has taken a different path than South Korea. Japan's journey of kanji began in the Han Dynasty, and after a long period of learning and assimilation, it eventually formed a unique language system that allowed people to flow freely in communication.

The evolution of the Japanese language, both influenced by kanji and incorporating kana. This unique double writing system makes the Japanese language more flexible in expression. However, when Mr. Abe's tombstone is written in Chinese characters, it seems to convey a deep respect. Although the essence of the Japanese language is in kana, they still regard kanji as an important cultural heritage, especially on solemn occasions, and the use of kanji is more solemn and solemn, embodying respect for history and tradition.

Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

Looking back at history, Japan sent emissaries to learn mainland culture, a process that made them deeply fascinated by Chinese characters. Chinese characters are symbols of meaning and witnesses of history on the mainland, but the Japanese gradually discovered the rich connotations they contain in the process of learning Chinese characters. Revered poems and beautiful articles all inspire Japanese people to understand kanji

Shinzo Abe is Japanese, why did he have Chinese characters engraved on his tombstone after his assassination?

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