
Japan is closely following the United States on the anti-China road, China began to "pull the list", will Okinawa become independent?

author:Green waves 1123

In the international political arena, tensions in East Asia have been attracting attention. In the Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States, Japan is located at an important strategic fulcrum, and the two countries are intertwined, and the closeness of their relationship directly affects regional stability. However, despite the reality of interdependence between China and Japan, many Japanese and some Japanese politicians do not seem to fully appreciate this. Today, Japan seems more dependent on the United States, tying itself to the so-called "Indo-Pacific chariot" in an attempt to use it as a front line against China.

Japan is closely following the United States on the anti-China road, China began to "pull the list", will Okinawa become independent?

History often tells us that the future is unpredictable, so while enjoying the pleasures in front of us, we should also remain vigilant and avoid burying hidden dangers. In recent years, Japan has been engaged in a number of actions against China, which have long been closely documented. Recently, however, an operation called "Pull List" has begun to surface.

According to reports, Okinawa Prefecture's deputy governor Yoshimi Teruya held a meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao, and the two sides discussed many issues in depth. Okinawa, a land of beautiful scenery, is little known to have been part of the Chinese domain many times in history, and was called Ryukyu in ancient times. Although the decline of the Nakahara Dynasty gave Japan the opportunity to invade the Ryukyu Kingdom, after the end of World War II, the Potsdam Proclamation clearly defined the scope of Japan's territory to the main islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu, and other islands designated by the Allies.

Japan is closely following the United States on the anti-China road, China began to "pull the list", will Okinawa become independent?

However, Okinawa's status has not been fully recognized from an international perspective. Nevertheless, Japan took Okinawa to itself in the San Francisco Treaty of Japan with the United States in 1951. This history and the question of Okinawa's ownership were disputed under postwar international rules and became one of the reasons for the rise of the Okinawa independence movement.

The people of Okinawa are dissatisfied with this, especially with regard to the large number of US military bases stationed in the Okinawa Islands. These bases not only disrupt the normal life of local residents, but also threaten their production order and personal safety in some cases. Therefore, the residents of Okinawa are full of strong opinions on the issue of US military bases. The current governor of Okinawa Prefecture, Tamaki Denny, was even elected on the main issue of opposing US military bases.

Japan is closely following the United States on the anti-China road, China began to "pull the list", will Okinawa become independent?

At present, Japan seems to be moving further and further away from the path of reconciliation with China, placing itself under the influence of the United States and becoming an important casualty in the event of war. However, the residents of Okinawa are not willing to become pawns in this game by the United States.

In the face of this reality, how to better develop relations with China to ensure that their homeland is protected from war has become a question that Okinawa prefectural leaders must seriously consider. We can use Okinawa as a breakthrough point and continue to cultivate a force friendly to China among the Japanese people, which will help gradually dismantle the Japanese Government's anti-China attitude. If necessary, the issue of Okinawa's status could even be raised at the right time to further increase its influence over the Japanese government.

To sum up, the Okinawa issue is not only about geopolitics, but also about regional peace and stability. Okinawa's choices and development paths will shape the course of the entire East Asian region in the future, and the residents of Okinawa must recognize this and take action to ensure that their future is not overshadowed by war.

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