
Biden got his wish, China finally gave enough face, and at a critical moment, the United States convened five countries to sail through the Taiwan Strait

author:Take history as a mirror 789
Biden got his wish, China finally gave enough face, and at a critical moment, the United States convened five countries to sail through the Taiwan Strait

Recently, China and the United States have reached a series of consensus in the economic and trade fields, laying an important foundation for the stable development of bilateral relations and innovative cooperation. Under the current international situation, the resilience of Sino-US economic and trade cooperation has become the focus of attention from all walks of life. This series of consensus not only helps to ease tensions between the two countries, but also provides a more stable environment for cooperation between the two countries in the economic field.

Biden got his wish, China finally gave enough face, and at a critical moment, the United States convened five countries to sail through the Taiwan Strait

Establishment of a working group on bilateral commercial issues

The establishment of the Working Group on Bilateral Commercial Issues is one of the important consensuses reached between China and the United States. The establishment of this mechanism provides a platform for the two sides to resolve differences, resolve contradictions and explore cooperation. In economic and trade cooperation, it is inevitable that some differences and contradictions will arise, and through the consultation of the bilateral working group on commercial issues, the two sides can find ways to solve problems, avoid the escalation of contradictions, and provide guarantees for the stable development of economic and trade cooperation.

Biden got his wish, China finally gave enough face, and at a critical moment, the United States convened five countries to sail through the Taiwan Strait

Another important consensus was the launch of the Export Control Enforcement Information Exchange Platform. This measure is aimed at avoiding the unilateral imposition of export control measures and preventing them from causing losses to normal cooperation and exchanges between the two countries. In the context of a globalized economy, cooperation and exchange are the key to promoting economic growth and innovative development, and through this platform, the two sides can better coordinate policies, promote cooperation and reduce unnecessary restrictions.

Establishment of technical protection mechanisms

The two sides also agreed to seek mechanisms for mutual secret protection in the field of technology to avoid extreme repression under the pretext of national security. Technical cooperation played an important role in the modern economy, and technical security issues were often used as an excuse to limit cooperation. By establishing a technical protection mechanism, the two sides can better protect their legitimate rights and interests and promote the stable development of technical cooperation.

Biden got his wish, China finally gave enough face, and at a critical moment, the United States convened five countries to sail through the Taiwan Strait

The two sides also agreed to hold regular ministerial meetings to conduct in-depth communication on economic and trade issues. This measure reflects the development trend of institutionalization and regularization of consultations in Sino-US relations. Through regular meetings, the two sides can exchange views more directly, resolve differences and promote cooperation. The implementation of this measure will help strengthen bilateral cooperation in the economic and trade fields and stabilize bilateral relations.

The achievement of this series of consensus shows that despite the differences and challenges between China and the United States, the two sides are still willing to solve problems through cooperation and consultation and seek a path of common development, and the resilience of Sino-US economic and trade cooperation lies in the willingness and common interests of both sides, which will provide a solid foundation for the stable development of bilateral relations.

At a critical juncture: the United States summoned five countries to cross the Taiwan Strait

However, despite some consensus between the two sides, U.S. actions on certain issues have raised concerns. Recently, the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand planned to jointly pass warships through the Taiwan Strait, which caused regional tensions. On the Taiwan Strait issue, China's determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unswerving, and any interference by external forces will be resolutely countered.

Biden got his wish, China finally gave enough face, and at a critical moment, the United States convened five countries to sail through the Taiwan Strait

In the face of external interference, China's determination to safeguard its core interests is unquestionable. Whether it is economic and trade cooperation or regional security, China will firmly defend its own rights and interests. China hopes to resolve the issue through dialogue and consultation, but it will never back down or compromise. The resilience and stability of China-US economic and trade cooperation will be maintained with the joint efforts of both sides, contributing to world peace and prosperity.

The resilience of Sino-US economic and trade cooperation and the achievement of stable consensus have provided positive signals for the development of bilateral relations. Despite the differences and challenges, the determination of the two sides to resolve the issue through dialogue and consultation is visible. China and the United States should adhere to the principles of equality, mutual benefit and cooperation, promote economic and trade cooperation and continuously achieve new results, and contribute to the prosperity and stability of the world economy.