
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

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Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

In recent years, Victoria's Secret, an underwear brand that has encountered many problems and has to stop its annual fashion show, recently suddenly released the news of "King Fried". On September 26, the 2023 Victoria's Secret show will kick off again, and the lineup of supermodels participating in this show is exceptionally strong. Among them, Ji Niangniang, Naomi Campbell, Adriana Lima, and "Tang" Candace are all on the list. It is really "the return of the gods and the beginning of the feast".

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

(Not only will they appear at the annual Victoria's Secret fashion show, but they will also be the face of Victoria's Secret's new ICON collection, along with Ho Sui and the spokesperson.) It has to be said that the name of this series coincides with these characters. At ICON level, this is indeed very appropriate. )

It was a surprise to see that Ji Niangniang, who had been "sealed" for many years, could appear in the show again! No wonder when Ji Niangniang announced the news, fans at home and abroad were ecstatic. "The Queen Mother is back!" "Oh my God, I'm not ready!"

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

(Ji Niangniang last walked the catwalk at the 2016 Olympics in her native Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.) At the peak of her career, she was worth $450,000 at every step. But, she said, it's the "free catwalk" at the Rio Olympics that counts. The rarest experience of my life. )

For most young people, the aura of the Ji Niang Niang Runway seems to be the story of the last century. In the past decade, she has been more like a "former supermodel" and an enviable heroine of century marriage. Supermodel Ji Niangniang, who is worth 400 million, and legendary football star Tom Brady, who is worth 250 million, did not officially announce the end of their marriage in the form of an idol drama until October last year, which also caused a sensation around the world.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

It seems that the parties handled it calmly and extremely low-key: in September, the news of the breakup of the two appeared in the media, and it was announced to the outside world in October. No bad words or plots. In the divorce statement, they wrote: "After much deliberation, we have decided to end the marriage ... We will continue to play the role of parents together, ensuring that our children continue to be surrounded by love and free from blame, such children are our honor and have always been at the center of our lives. "After the divorce, they still maintain respect and loyalty to each other, which can almost be said to be a model for divorced couples.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

Of course, all this is actually not as smooth as it seems. In a recent interview, Ji Niangniang spoke for the first time about the impact of last year's divorce on him. "Breaking up is never easy, especially when the media around the world are speculating," she admits. ”

But she withstood strong pressure and ended the divorce cleanly, because this is the life she really wants. For more than a decade, the family's life has revolved around Brady's career, moving forward with the team he played for. Brady trains at least 12 hours a day and co-founded several companies. Giselle, by contrast, shifted her focus almost entirely to the family, completing "widowed parenthood."

In February 2021, Brady decided to retire for the first time, giving Ji Niangniang hope that the two sides would return to the same front. But weeks after writing this eloquent essay, Brady suddenly "realized his place was still on the court, not in the stands". He decided to return to the team for another year. In the eyes of many, this incident became Giselle's insurance for deciding to leave.

Giselle knows better than anyone how much Tom loves the sport. But: "I did what I had to do." "I still have a whole list of things I want to do," she said.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

(Exercise, meditation, nature, gardening, and spending time with family are all Giselle's favorites.) )

Digression, Brady played an entire season after his divorce. In February, he again announced his permanent retirement. In August, he became a shareholder of Birmingham City in the English Second Division. As for the romance, it was recently revealed that he is dating another supermodel, Elena.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

In contrast, Giselle, who appeared in front of everyone after the divorce, was more determined. He has more time to do what he wants.

Immediately after the divorce, she shot a promotional video for the Louis Vuitton and Kusama Yayoi LVxYK series.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

In June this year, the 42-year-old once again participated in the filming of LV's new fashion project "HorizonEndless". Her figure and condition still look like a top supermodel, which is amazing.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

He spends a lot of time with his family: celebrating his 43rd birthday with his twin sister, playing volleyball on the beach with his in-laws, singing karaoke at home with his 10-year-old daughter Vivian, visiting my favorite nature and getting up close and personal with the horses.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

She also organized a fundraiser for her Luz Alliance Fund, which supports efforts to protect and rebuild seven Brazilian biomes, including the Amazon jungle. Ji Niangniang's supermodel friends Karlie Kloss and Karolina Kurková also showed up at the party to cheer him on.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

A year after the divorce, the media speculated about her love life. For example, paparazzi photographed her and Jiu-Jitsu teacher Joaquim Valente regularly going out to workout, speculating that he was Giselle's new boyfriend, while reports said she was dating Brady's wealthy real estate developer boyfriend. For these rumors, Ji Niangniang's denial is both firm and implicit.

"Just because I got divorced, they (tabloids) had to try to connect me with someone. Joakin is my teacher and my child, and most importantly, someone I admire and trust. Let him have this energy. The energy around my kids is so wonderful. ”

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

(Giselle and her family both learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and coach Joaquim Valente is depicted as her date in some lace motifs.) )

For that wealthy real estate developer friend, Giselle just scoffed. "My relationship with him is zero... They say I'm with this guy because he's rich. This is ridiculous. Why would anyone make up such rumors? There is only one reason. They want me to look like me. "Not at all."

"I am a simple girl who wants to be in nature. Leave me alone, I just want to focus on work and raise my children quietly. "Even if she walks the most expensive fashion shows, deep down she is still a girl who prefers cycling and nature.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!
Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

As Ji Niangniang said in the Victoria's Secret promotional video: Loving yourself is not selfish. The more I respect and meet my needs, the more I can express myself. Now the person who loves her the most is Ji Niangniang.

Ji Niangniang, who has been sealed for many years, is about to come out of the mountain again!

Image source: INS, Weibo

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