
ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

author:Jiangmen Ventures

In this paper, for structural data retrieval, we propose a structure aware deNse ReTrievAl, SANTA-oriented dense vector retrieval method, which designs two tasks: structural data alignment and mask entity prediction to continue training pre-trained language models. Experimental results show that SANTA, which learns more accurate structured data representation by capturing the semantics of structured data, finally achieves advanced results in the two tasks of code and product search.

ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

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ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

1. Research background

Structured data such as code, HTML documents, and product descriptions are ubiquitous in articles, books, and web pages. Learning the semantic information behind text structure to represent structured data is essential to building a more complete retrieval system. As shown in Figure 1, structured data retrieval tasks, such as code retrieval and commodity retrieval, require the model to retrieve structured data based on user queries. Dense vector retrieval is a commonly used information retrieval method that returns the structured data required by the user by encoding the user query and structured data in the vector space, and matching according to the similarity of the vector.

ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

Figure 1. Example diagram of unstructured data retrieval

However, most pre-trained language models lack structure-aware pre-training to provide efficient vector representations for structured data retrieval. Related work proposes some structure-aware pre-training methods for continuing to train pre-trained language models to make them structure-aware to better represent structured data. These methods typically design a specific mask strategy and train a pre-trained language model using mask language modeling.

However, simply using masked language modeling may not adequately train a pre-trained language model for efficient structured data representation. Since there are usually some natural alignment signals between structured and unstructured data, structured data also contains special structural information, which provides strong support for training structured data representation. On this basis, we propose a structure-aware language model pre-training method to realize a dense vector retrieval model for structured data.

Second, the pre-training method of language model oriented to structure perception

ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

Figure 2. Structure-aware pre-training method description diagram. We use two pre-training methods: structured data alignment (SDA) and mask entity prediction (MEP).

For structure data retrieval, we propose a dense vector retrieval method for structure perception (SANTA). As shown in Figure 2, SANTA designed two pre-training tasks: Structured Data Alignment (SDA) and Masked Entity Prediction (MEP) to continue training the pre-trained language model to make it more sensitive to structured data and better learn the representation of structured data.

  1. Data collection and processing: We construct pre-trained data pairs using natural alignment signals, code-description documents, and description-commodity-gist that exist between structured and unstructured data. For code, we treat some code identifiers as entities, such as variables, function names, external libraries, and methods, and use BytesIO and tree_sitter in Python and other programming languages to identify entities, respectively. For content, we use NLTK tools to identify nouns and special nouns that appear in both content and titles, and treat them as entities.
  2. Structured data alignment: We calculate the similarity score between the encoded unstructured data and the structured data, and then use contrastive learning to continue training the language model. The language model is guided to optimize vector spaces by aligning training with two modal data.
ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

Equation 1. Structural data alignment. Consists of structural data sampled in negative samples within batches

  1. Masked entity prediction: Since entity semantics play an important role in learning the structured semantic information of the data, we use the masked language model method to help the language model capture the structured semantic information behind the data when pre-training the language model. Specifically, we train the language model using Equation 2 to obtain the necessary information from the context and the learned knowledge to recover the masked entity, so as to better understand the structured semantic information of the data.
ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

Equation 2. Masked entity predictions

Third, the experimental results

ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

Table 1. The effect of different search models on code retrieval and item retrieval tasks

As shown in Table 1, our model (SANTA) exhibits strong zero-sample capability by comparing it to the fine-tuned model performance. A 6.8% performance improvement over fine-tuned CodeT5 for code retrieval tasks. After fine-tuning, there are about 8% and 2% performance improvements over CodeT5 and T5 on code retrieval tasks and product search tasks, respectively. At the same time, CodeRetriever also achieved a performance improvement of 4.3% compared to the most advanced code retrieval model.

ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

Table 2. Ablation experiments

As shown in Table 2, adding the MEP task to the baseline model is almost identical to the previous performance, indicating that the mask language model approach alone has little effect on representation learning of structured text. However, unlike MEP, the SDA task is a significant improvement in both structured data retrieval tasks. When two pretraining tasks are used at the same time, the retrieval performance is further improved. This phenomenon suggests that MEP tasks can provide a more efficient vector representation of structured data by combining with SDA tasks.

ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

Figure 3. Vector space display of different pre-training methods

As shown in Figure 3, we find that the SDA task aligns unstructured and unstructured data well, but the vector representations of the two are mixed together; With the addition of MEP tasks, language models have the ability to distinguish between structured and unstructured text and distribute it into different regions. In summary, SDA and MEP help language models capture the structural characteristics of data from different aspects, so as to achieve more accurate search results.

IV. Summary

The current pre-training work neglects to design specific structure-aware pre-training tasks to learn the representation of structured data, which makes their performance in the corresponding structural data retrieval task unsatisfactory. In this article, we design two tasks, structural data alignment and mask entity prediction, and train the language model to learn the structural semantic information behind the data structure. Our experimental results show that SANTA, which learns more accurate structured data representations by capturing the semantics of structured data, ultimately achieves advanced results in two tasks: code and product search.

Author: Li Xinze, Liu Zhenghao and other sources: public number [social media SMP]

Illustration by IconScout Store from IconScout

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ACL 2023 | Structure-aware language model training method for information retrieval

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