
Commenting on the conduct of Yao Ce and Guo Wei's parents: Taking Yao Guo Wei as a yardstick, why is this considered narrow-minded?

author:Magic Jun Xuexue

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From "wrong life" to "stealing storms", although the incident has maintained the connection between people and things, with the passage of time, people's hearts are no longer what they used to be. If "wrong life" is staged on the stage of the "Guo family", then "stealing the storm" is the stage of the "Yao family". However, after months of turmoil, Yao Ce's condition deteriorated, the search for claims was finally answered, and the two families returned to the ordinary, but dispersed like dust.

This incident has undeniably transcended the limitations of the private sphere, and under the extensive attention of public opinion, it has almost become one of the "Top Ten Social Hot Events of 2020". This brings all kinds of motives, interests, and family chores related to the "parties" into the sun.

Commenting on the conduct of Yao Ce and Guo Wei's parents: Taking Yao Guo Wei as a yardstick, why is this considered narrow-minded?

What follows is the layered analysis of the truth: on the one hand, the "truth at the level of the parties", although it is impossible to call it absolute, it is closer to the "absolute truth"; On the other hand, there is "truth at the level of the public opinion pool", where the media and insiders provide fragmented information to enrich the multi-dimensional truth.

However, in the pursuit of truth in any event, such hierarchical differentiation is inevitable. For "wrong life" and "stealing storms", "truth at the level of the public opinion pool" seems to have the upper hand, and there is no simple answer to whether such a situation is worth advocating. Although the "truth at the level of the public opinion pool" can provide support for the rights protection of the parties, it will inevitably trigger a backlash from public opinion.

In such a controversy, both families seem to be caught in the vortex of public opinion. When the disturbance of right and wrong is reduced to a trivial structure, "talking to oneself and each reasoning" has become the norm among parents. Although the "sneaking storm" seems to make the "Yao family" take the initiative, the pain in his heart has not decreased.

Evaluating the behavior of Yao Ce and Guo Wei's parents, public opinion once again focused on these two young people, and the two major factors of "genes and environment" were magnified and examined. These two factors are used to deduce their parents and thus evaluate the conduct of the two families. However, in the context of openness, the conclusions are often narrow, which is worth pondering.

Often, when discussing an individual's behavior, he or she unconsciously thinks of the conduct of his or her parents. Parents are not only genetically passed on, but also play a key role in growth. However, personal growth is influenced more by more influences from outside of parents. While aspects such as intelligence are passed on in genes, conduct is more influenced by the environment. However, no amount of emphasis on the role of genes and environment can assert that parents completely determine everything about their children.

Therefore, it is obviously far-fetched to put "Yao Ce's attitude towards the adoptive mother" and "Guo's parents' avoidance of finding relatives" in the identity sequence. This must also be based on the premise that "Guo Weihanhou" and "Yao Family Parents are Difficult" are placed in the same sex sequence.

However, in the stage of "wrong life", Yao Ce was blackened, and in the stage of "stealing and changing", Yao Ce's mother was also attacked. This led public opinion to associate "Yao Ce and his mother" and "Guo Wei and his mother". However, whether it is "genetic determinism" or "environmental determinism", it is obviously too absurd to simply attribute individual behavior to parents.

However, people's perception of personal growth always seems to be limited to the "continuation scale" or "construction scale". Individual self-growth is often overlooked, which leads many parents to self-doubt in the process of "chicken baby". It also means that spiritual self-growth is underestimated in matters of education and is examined in the context of family chores rather than in peace. As a result, individual self-control depends mainly on physiological factors and personal experience, rather than intellectual regulation.

Therefore, when discussing the right and wrong of the Yao and Guo families, the relationship between parents and children should be separated. Neither gene transmission nor environmental impact is absolute. When evaluating the two families, it is more important to clarify what the meaning of "wrong exchange" and "steal exchange" is.

Summary: From "wrong life" to "stealing storm", a troubled event will bring people and things, home

The court is intertwined with society. Although the incident aroused widespread attention in society, over time, the focus gradually shifted from the core, and people began to pay attention to the dispute between parents and children. The attention of public opinion seems to make people pay more attention to the character of the family, which has led to a heated controversy over "genetic determinism" and "environmental determinism".

However, this debate tends to over-magnify the influence of the family. Although parents play an important role in gene transmission and the environment in which they were raised, the self-growth of individuals is also indispensable. Over-attributing individual behavior to parental conduct, or explaining it solely by environmental factors, is an oversimplification.

The development of the "wrong life" and "stealing the storm" has also made people reflect on the issue of education. In the process of educating children, people often emphasize the transmission of knowledge and skills too much, and neglect the cultivation of emotions and values. Spiritual growth is particularly important in education, but it is often overlooked. The individual's self-control ability not only depends on physiological factors, but also requires intellectual regulation and emotional cultivation.

When discussing the problems of the Yao and Guo families, we should go beyond the narrow "genetic determinism" and "environmental determinism" and understand that human growth is the result of a combination of factors. It is necessary to look not only at the influence of parents, but also on the autonomy of the individual and multiple factors from the outside world. Simply attributing individual behavior to parents or circumstances misses the broader dimension of growth.

In short, the impact of the "wrong life" and "sneak change" events transcends the scope of individuals and families and becomes part of society. In the process, the debate over "genetic determinism" and "environmental determinism" has once again highlighted the importance of education. Human growth is not only subject to the family, but also to one's own efforts and the influence of the external environment. Understanding this diversity is crucial when evaluating people and events.

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