
China warns that the White House dissuades, why does Pelosi still dare to sneak into Taiwan? Key figures behind the scenes surfaced

author:Positive and happy little fish 19

Recently, an international political incident has attracted widespread attention, the protagonist of this incident is US House Speaker Pelosi, who visited the controversial Taiwan region. Although she knew that her actions would infringe on China's sovereignty, Pelosi still insisted on going. However, the follow-up impact of this visit continues to ferment, causing a wave of condemnation from the international community, and many countries and regions have expressed their opposition to the US interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

What is puzzling is that before Pelosi went to power, US President Biden clearly dissuaded, saying that "it is not appropriate to visit Taiwan at this time", and China also gave a stern warning, but Pelosi did not hesitate to visit. Recently, it was revealed that the key person behind the incident, a political lobbyist named Geyhart, became a key player. Geyhart had long served as the leader of the Democratic Party in the US House of Representatives, but after retiring from politics, he was hired by the Taiwan authorities to specifically promote Pelosi's trip to Taiwan.

China warns that the White House dissuades, why does Pelosi still dare to sneak into Taiwan? Key figures behind the scenes surfaced

This is apparently not the first time that Taiwan authorities have used money to influence American politics, and it has reportedly invested more than $12 million in buying American politicians since the DPP came to power in 2016. Geyhart himself began working with the DPP in 2013, working for it and earning up to $22,000 a month. In addition to Geyhart, a number of other American politicians have also been hired by the Taiwan authorities and have become the "trump card" role on the Taiwan issue.

China warns that the White House dissuades, why does Pelosi still dare to sneak into Taiwan? Key figures behind the scenes surfaced

However, Pelosi's visit behavior is not completely manipulated by the behind-the-scenes figures, and as an important figure in American politics, she has experienced decades of political struggles and is not an easy object to be influenced by others. From an objective point of view, Pelosi's move is more likely to be based on self-interest. In recent years, the United States has faced many problems in the country, such as rising inflation, social unrest, and public discontent, which have seriously affected the support rate of the Democratic Party. Pelosi, as the number two figure in the Democratic Party, may hope to brush a wave of presence by using the Taiwan issue to win the support of domestic China hawks to consolidate her political position.

China warns that the White House dissuades, why does Pelosi still dare to sneak into Taiwan? Key figures behind the scenes surfaced

Although the presence of Geyhart, the behind-the-scenes figure, has aggravated the complexity of the incident, even without his promotion, the Democratic Party of the United States and the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, two parties that "abuse power for personal gain", may promote similar incidents in various ways. However, this interference by the United States will only be condemned by the international community, and the Taiwan authorities can only get Pelosi's irrelevant support words, which may bring tension with the mainland. After all, no matter how much the Taiwan authorities spend money to buy US politicians, they cannot change the fact that both sides of the strait belong to one China, and the United States is unlikely to break out a war with China over Taiwan. Pelosi may understand this and dare to visit Taiwan, but whether the Taiwan authorities really understand this reality is worth pondering.

China warns that the White House dissuades, why does Pelosi still dare to sneak into Taiwan? Key figures behind the scenes surfaced

To sum up, Pelosi's Taiwan visit has aroused widespread attention and discussion, and the political manipulation behind the scenes has made the incident more complicated. However, neither the US political calculations nor the expectations of the Taiwan authorities can change the basic facts of cross-strait relations. In the international arena, political intrigue will eventually be judged by the general trend of history.