
Why do Chinese prefer to eat pig's head and pig's feet? Many people are not clear, after reading it, the knowledge rises

author:Dreamy little short

In the wafting cooking smoke, a hearty meal is placed on the dining table at home, exuding a tempting aroma. The father was immersed in a joyful atmosphere, and his mouth kept tasting small wine and a special delicacy, pork head. However, this scene is not the first time it has been staged, and it has also caused concern and controversy among the family.

"Dad, they all said not to buy pig's head meat to eat anymore, why did you eat it again today?" I tried to intervene in this situation in the form of a conversation. However, my father did not receive my warning, and he continued to enjoy this seemingly ordinary dinner without care.

Why do Chinese prefer to eat pig's head and pig's feet? Many people are not clear, after reading it, the knowledge rises

My mother joined the little family argument, echoing my concerns about pig's head intake. She was thinking about how to persuade her father to give up this food, she asked curiously: "All Chinese like to eat pig's head, this is true, but you don't know how old you are, don't let your children worry about you, tell me today, what is delicious about this pig's head?" Father smiled, and he didn't answer, just continued to savor the delicacy that he had in mind.

Why do Chinese prefer to eat pig's head and pig's feet? Many people are not clear, after reading it, the knowledge rises

In fact, my father had a soft spot for pork head, and he always tasted it himself, but he loved it. However, this love affection also raised my concerns. For fathers who are in their prime, frequent consumption of pork head meat is indeed not suitable, although this meat is rich in high nutritional value, it is also accompanied by a high fat content. He buys pork head frequently, 3-5 times a week, which makes me very worried about his health.

So I decided to look for a way to compromise, not to deprive him of his appetite, but to make his diet more reasonable. I made an excuse to announce that I would not cook today, and proposed to eat noodles with fried sauce instead. To make this proposal more persuasive, I also asked my daughter-in-law for advice. She said that she was not feeling well during this time, and perhaps eating some fried sauce noodles could stimulate her appetite. However, she knew my true intentions and immediately mentioned the pork head meat purchased by my father and advocated eating it with the pig head meat.

Why do Chinese prefer to eat pig's head and pig's feet? Many people are not clear, after reading it, the knowledge rises

So, I went to the stewed vegetable shop and bought more than 2 pounds of pork head. Although I stir-fried a few side dishes, I deliberately avoided making too many side dishes so that people would eat more of the main meal than pork head. I cooked a pot of fragrant fried noodles with a table full of ingredients. At this new table, instead of monopolizing the pork head as usual, the father sandwiched a chopstick of pork head while the others enjoyed the rich fried sauce noodles.

After the meal, the daughter-in-law disguised herself and told her father that she was only allowed to eat pork head once a week to protect his health. Although my father did not object, he asked a question: "Why do Chinese prefer to eat pig's head and pig's feet?" This question has led me to think deeper, and below I will share some personal insights.

Why do Chinese prefer to eat pig's head and pig's feet? Many people are not clear, after reading it, the knowledge rises

First of all, the popularity of pork head meat stems from its rich taste. This is fully verified by my daughter-in-law. She was initially prejudiced against pork head, but after trying it out with a friend, she quickly fell in love with it. Different parts of pork head, such as pork ears and tongue, have a unique taste and flavor, rich in gum and cartilage, making people feel rich taste and flexible taste. This rich taste has become a major feature of pork head.

Why do Chinese prefer to eat pig's head and pig's feet? Many people are not clear, after reading it, the knowledge rises

Secondly, the price of pork head meat is relatively affordable, which is one of the reasons why it is so popular. Compared to other meats, pork head meat is less expensive and can provide rich protein and nutrients in a more economical way. Especially in the daily diet of families, the price advantage of pork head meat makes it an indispensable choice.

Then, the unique taste and bargain of pork head

The price did not affect its popularity, on the contrary, the way pork head was cooked and tasted made it an irreplaceable delicacy. Compared with other meats such as beef and lamb, the taste of pork head meat is more rich and diverse, and the taste changes brought by different parts, such as the crispness of pig ears, the fat of pork arch meat, and the mellow aroma of pork tongue, have become the unique charm of pork head meat. This unique flavor and texture has made pork head an indispensable delicacy in the hearts of many people.

Why do Chinese prefer to eat pig's head and pig's feet? Many people are not clear, after reading it, the knowledge rises

However, there are also health risks associated with excessive consumption of pork head. The high fat content of pork head meat makes it too much intake, which can lead to obesity and other problems. In addition, for elderly people in poor physical condition, excessive pork head intake may induce a series of health problems. Pork head meat is considered a "hair thing", and in traditional Chinese medicine, excessive consumption may cause some discomfort.

Eating pork head meat should be controlled in moderation, especially for those who are already unhealthy. Excessive intake of pork head meat may cause problems such as indigestion and bloating, so while enjoying the food, it is necessary to reasonably control the amount of food to ensure the health of the body.

In addition, the processing of pork head meat also needs attention. When buying pork head, it is very important to choose a reputable store to ensure the safety and hygiene of the meat. The marinating process of pork head meat also requires certain skills, mastering cooking methods, and ensuring the safety and quality of ingredients.

The price difference between pig's head and pig's foot is also worth exploring. Pork knuckles, another highly sought-after delicacy, have a relatively high price but have a wider range of sales channels and are more popular. Pig's feet are rich in collagen and are recognized

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