
Review: Issuing an "eviction order"? The closure of the office in China is "scary" by the Chinese side

author:A 265

In recent years, with China's continuous opening up and integration into the global economic system, its economic development momentum has been rapid. However, this openness also provides opportunities for some unscrupulous forces, and some shady forces hidden behind the scenes take the opportunity to infiltrate China and engage in illegal activities. Recently, China issued an "eviction order", requiring the American company Mintz Group to immediately close its office in China. Western media reacted strongly to the incident, saying China's attitude was worrying. So, what happened?

Review: Issuing an "eviction order"? The closure of the office in China is "scary" by the Chinese side

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the dangers of espionage. In the context of China's opening up, the number of spies of various countries in China is increasing. It was revealed that at least 14,000 American spies exist in China. Most of these spies entered China through various means, some were Chinese citizens seduced by profit, and more were foreigners who used business activities as a cover.

These foreign spies often cloak themselves in business and secretly gather intelligence. They use their business dealings to both gain financially in China and claim to have been treated unfairly when exposed. Once this method is disseminated in public opinion, it will cause great damage to China's image. As in the case of Mintz Group, as a huge multinational company, it is actually a "supernumerary department" of the US intelligence service, stealing China's secrets through trade activities.

Review: Issuing an "eviction order"? The closure of the office in China is "scary" by the Chinese side

It is worth noting that Randall Phillips, the founder of the Mintz Group, once worked for the CIA, specializing in intelligence in the Chinese region. This status should have aroused China's alarm, but he also served as vice president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, allowing his activities in China to run smoothly. In the Xinjiang cotton incident, Mintz Group used its status as a multinational to conduct commercial trade with China and slander China for human rights problems. Similar activities occur frequently in China, which has left a very bad influence on the Mintz Group in China.

Review: Issuing an "eviction order"? The closure of the office in China is "scary" by the Chinese side

In the face of these espionage activities, the Chinese government has taken a serious attitude. Under the Espionage Law, China has launched operations against core members of the Mintz Group, arresting a number of people and issuing deportation orders. However, China's punishment appears relatively mild compared to what other countries have done to similar groups. This relatively gentle approach has also been criticized by the Western media, which ignore the facts and continue to attack China, criticizing China for treating foreign companies unfairly.

Review: Issuing an "eviction order"? The closure of the office in China is "scary" by the Chinese side

In the face of an influx of espionage threats, China must strengthen its own precautions. On the one hand, China needs to step up scrutiny of those involved to avoid spies entering the country. On the other hand, the protection of state secrets is also particularly important, and measures must be taken to ensure that secrets are not stolen. In addition, the awareness of prevention among the whole people is also crucial, and citizens need to be more vigilant about possible suspicious behaviors around them to increase the probability of spies being discovered.

In short, espionage poses a serious threat to national security, and China not only has the right but also the responsibility to take necessary measures to safeguard national security. China's handling does not exclude foreign investment, but only requires foreign enterprises to abide by Chinese laws and regulations and operate in good faith. Only in this way can Sino-foreign cooperation achieve win-win results on the basis of honesty and fairness.

Review: Issuing an "eviction order"? The closure of the office in China is "scary" by the Chinese side