
He was a founding lieutenant general, who committed suicide in 68 years, Chairman Mao gave eight instructions, and his son later became a lieutenant general

author:My name is Jasmine Chen

In May 1975, sad news spread throughout the country that Liu Peishan, an outstanding politician and military strategist, had completed his brilliant life. However, his life was not all smooth sailing, and he experienced many twists and turns, which finally ended with suicide.

Liu Peishan's life is full of ups and downs and glory. In 1912, he was born into a poor family in Chaling, Hunan Province. At the age of 15, he joined the local peasant movement and was angry at social injustice and oppression. At the age of 19, he resolutely joined the Red Army and devoted himself to the revolutionary cause. Although he was not highly educated at first, he was firm in his thinking, diligent and studious, and soon became an excellent political cadre in the army.

He was a founding lieutenant general, who committed suicide in 68 years, Chairman Mao gave eight instructions, and his son later became a lieutenant general

In the late Liberation War, Liu Peishan had already served as director of the Political Department of the 10th Corps of Sanye. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he worked in Fujian for a long time and made great efforts to maintain local stability and tranquility. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and in 1958, he was also the main commander of the front line during the Kinmen shelling battle, and made outstanding combat achievements and was trusted by the central government. However, it was at the end of the 1960s, when Chinese society was in turmoil, that his life underwent a dramatic change.

He was a founding lieutenant general, who committed suicide in 68 years, Chairman Mao gave eight instructions, and his son later became a lieutenant general

In April 1968, Liu Peishan received a notice to attend a theoretical study conference in Beijing, thinking that it was an opportunity for study and exchange, but he accidentally fell into the persecution of the "rebels". These "rebels" not only insulted and beat him, but also labeled him "suicide in fear of crime." Although Liu Peishan has always adhered to his beliefs, under the long-term torture, his body and mind gradually came to the brink of collapse.

On the evening of May 8, 1968, Liu Peishan completed his bumpy life and chose to commit suicide. However, this tragedy does not end there. Those "rebels" still did not let him go, continued to smear him, and reported the news of his death to the central authorities. Fortunately, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou were deeply shocked, and they gave eight words on the report, expressing their regret and regret for Liu Peishan. Subsequently, in order to protect Liu Peishan's family, the chairman specially received his wife Zuo Ying and several children to express respect and condolences to Liu Peishan.

He was a founding lieutenant general, who committed suicide in 68 years, Chairman Mao gave eight instructions, and his son later became a lieutenant general

Although Liu Peishan's life encountered many injustices and sufferings, his character and influence were passed down and influenced many people. His secretary, Song Qingwei, was deeply influenced by him and later became a general. Recalling Liu Peishan, Song Qingwei said with respect: "He was very strict back then, but without his criticism, there would be no me now." This sentence speaks to Liu Peishan's strict but upright character and his profound influence on future generations.

He was a founding lieutenant general, who committed suicide in 68 years, Chairman Mao gave eight instructions, and his son later became a lieutenant general

In addition, Liu Peishan's two sons also achieved great achievements under his influence. The eldest son, Liu Xiaorong, was the deputy political commissar of the General Logistics Department, and the second son, Liu Sheng, was the deputy director of the General Armament Department, and they both achieved outstanding achievements in their fields. The good story of a third lieutenant general has also become a splendid continuation of Liu Peishan's life.

Liu Peishan, his life is full of glory and twists and turns, and his character and influence have been passed down in the long river of history. His death was a sad event, but his spirit will forever inspire future generations and guide them to a brighter future. No matter how time changes, Liu Peishan's name will be engraved on every page in the annals of the Chinese revolution and become an indelible memory.

He was a founding lieutenant general, who committed suicide in 68 years, Chairman Mao gave eight instructions, and his son later became a lieutenant general