
Who dares to move the 34 countries of North Korea to pressure China, the Chinese side expressed its position, Kim Jong-un paid homage to the volunteer martyrs' cemetery

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The recent turbulence on the peninsula is like a dark sky heralding the coming of wind and rain. A series of events, from the deployment of missile systems by the United States in South Korea, to North Korea's frequent missile tests, to the joint statement led by the United States and South Korea, all indicate that the mountain rain is coming. In less than 48 hours, China responded and sent representatives to North Korea. However, behind this tension, lies more complexity and far-reaching implications.

North Korea's missile test is undoubtedly a muscle-flexing to the United States and South Korea and other forces, clearly expressing a warning that its interests will not be violated. This highly tense situation has attracted widespread attention from the international community because North Korea is sticking to its nuclear weapons development path. However, the joint statement issued by the United States and South Korea focused on China, demanding that it not help North Korea evade sanctions. The logic behind this is that China is suspected of allowing North Korea to trade oil under UN sanctions, thereby slowing the impact of sanctions on North Korea's economy.

Who dares to move the 34 countries of North Korea to pressure China, the Chinese side expressed its position, Kim Jong-un paid homage to the volunteer martyrs' cemetery

China's Foreign Ministry's response emphasized the importance of a peaceful settlement of the issue, while also indicating that China's position on North Korea cannot be interfered with. This stance actually has far-reaching strategic considerations, warning against interference in China's internal affairs on the one hand, and expressing China's hope that the Korean Peninsula issue can be resolved peacefully and avoid the escalation of conflict.

The recent visit of China and Russia to North Korea is also of great significance. The visit of high-level representatives of China and Russia not only demonstrates close cooperation between China and Russia on regional affairs, but is more likely to have a positive impact on the situation in North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's memorial to the volunteer martyrs' cemetery highlights the profound historical origin of Sino-DPRK friendship.

Who dares to move the 34 countries of North Korea to pressure China, the Chinese side expressed its position, Kim Jong-un paid homage to the volunteer martyrs' cemetery

However, U.S. interference in North Korea has sparked a series of speculations. Some analysts believe that the reason why the United States has set its sights on North Korea may be because it is difficult to gain superiority on the Taiwan issue, so it tries to pressure China through North Korea to achieve its strategic goals. However, the United States may not have fully assessed the history of friendship between China and North Korea, as well as China's firm stance on regional peace.

The deep foundation of Sino-DPRK friendship is not only reflected in China's support for North Korea, but also stems from the history of the two countries jointly resisting aggression. North Korea's assistance in the Mainland Liberation War laid a solid foundation for friendship between the two countries. This historical experience of mutual help and mutual assistance and overcoming difficulties has made the relationship between China and the DPRK increasingly close. North Korea's assistance and support for the Chinese People's Liberation Army has built an impregnable barrier in history and become a strong support for the friendship between the two countries.

Who dares to move the 34 countries of North Korea to pressure China, the Chinese side expressed its position, Kim Jong-un paid homage to the volunteer martyrs' cemetery

However, with regard to the situation on the Korean peninsula, we should not only see cooperation between China and North Korea. In fact, there are more profound strategic considerations behind the involvement of the United States. The United States has turned its focus to North Korea to pressure China out of strategic concerns about China's rise. However, the United States may have underestimated China's determination and strength to defend its core interests, which, as Zhang Jun, China's ambassador to one country, warned, should not allow the war to spread to the peninsula, otherwise China will take measures.

Who dares to move the 34 countries of North Korea to pressure China, the Chinese side expressed its position, Kim Jong-un paid homage to the volunteer martyrs' cemetery

We must not forget history, and we owe our highest respect for the martyrs. The settlement of the Korean issue requires the joint efforts of the international community and, more importantly, a calm and restrained attitude by all parties. As for China, as the person responsible for peace and stability, we will always promote the settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue in a constructive manner, maintain regional peace and stability, and will not tolerate any attempt to create chaos in our neighborhood.

To sum up, the situation on the Korean peninsula is touching the nerves of the international community, and all parties are closely watching every movement. As a major country in the region, China will do its utmost to maintain regional peace and stability in a responsible manner, unswervingly defend its core interests, and will continue to promote the peaceful settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue so that peace and prosperity can bloom in this land.

Who dares to move the 34 countries of North Korea to pressure China, the Chinese side expressed its position, Kim Jong-un paid homage to the volunteer martyrs' cemetery

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