
Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home

author:Happy Coke H9L

In today's information age, chips have become an indispensable element of science and technology. However, the technical difficulties of chip research and development should not be underestimated. China started late, and most of the core technologies in this field are controlled by other countries. Therefore, in order to realize the independent research and development of chips, we must start from the basics.

The chip industry supply chain also poses a major problem, covering multiple complex steps such as lithography, etching, cleaning, and precipitation, involving more than ten kinds of semiconductor equipment, as well as design and packaging and testing. The United States is trying to keep China out of the supply chain in order to curb the development of Chinese chips, but this is only self-deception and will eventually weaken the global semiconductor industry.

Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home

To achieve great development in the field of chips, it is still necessary to rely on independent research and development. Only by mastering the core technology can we truly ensure that we are not troubled by technical barriers. Many Chinese enterprises and talents have been deeply engaged in the chip field and have made important contributions to the rise of Chinese chips. Among them, Deng Zhonghan and his "Starlight China Core Project" have become an important part of the history of Chinese chips, and can even be called the pioneers of China's independent research and development of chips.

The young genius Deng Zhonghan left his hometown and returned home. Born in 1968, he not only founded Zhongxing Micro Group, but also won the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, led the "Starlight China Core Project", and contributed greatly to the development of Chinese chips. He successfully developed China's first chip with independent intellectual property rights, ending China's historic gap in the chip field.

Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home

As early as his youth, Deng Zhonghan entered the Department of Earth and Space Sciences of the University of Science and Technology of China with curiosity and a spirit of exploration. He received the attention of professors for his different views on the problem solutions provided by professors and was invited to participate in the project team.

After entering Berkeley, Deng received three degrees: a master's degree in physics, a doctorate in electrical engineering, and a master's degree in economic management, becoming the first all-round talent in Berkeley's history to cover three disciplines: science, engineering and business. After graduation, he founded an integrated circuit company in Silicon Valley, where its market value soared to $115 million. Despite the company's vigorous development, at the invitation of Zhou Guang, chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, Deng Zhonghan resolutely gave up the American company and returned to China to devote himself to chip research and development.

Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home

After returning to China, he founded Zhongxing Micro Company and advocated the "Starlight China Core Project" and officially entered the field of chip research and development. However, the initial research and development conditions were very difficult, he could only study hard in the warehouse, and even faced the crisis of breaking the capital chain for a while. However, Deng Zhonghan did not give up lightly, he rose to the challenge and overcame the problem again and again.

On March 11, 2001, through the unremitting efforts of Deng Zhonghan and his team, Zhongxing Micro successfully launched China's first chip with independent property rights - "Starlight No. 1". This multimedia chip combines the characteristics of a large integrated circuit chip, and its high technical content attracted attention at the time.

Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home

Since then, Zhongxing Micro has launched a series of Starlight series chips and successfully listed in the United States, spreading the reputation of Chinese chips around the world and laying the prelude to the rise of Chinese chips. Deng Zhonghan himself was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and also became a foreign academician of the American Academy of Engineering. From these facts, it is not difficult to see that Deng Zhonghan has made great contributions to the rise of Chinese chips.

Over time, many Chinese technology companies have joined the chip competition. According to statistics, since 2019, more than 40,000 enterprises in China have entered the chip field, and Chinese chips are catching up and booming.

Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home

Thanks to the support of national policies and the strong investment of many enterprises, Chinese chips have made breakthroughs in many fields, such as Huawei's self-developed Kirin chip and EDA industrial software, which are also among the best in the world. Shanghai Microelectronics has gradually come to the forefront of the world in the field of semiconductors such as etching machines and lithography machines, and its market share ranks among the top five in the world.

Today, China's chip industry is blooming, and a complete chip industry chain has been established in China. But in any case, we should remember that it was Deng Zhonghan and his "Starlight China Core Project" that opened a new era of Chinese chips.

Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home

The United States tried to pass the chip

The blockade to stop the rise of China's semiconductor industry and high-tech sector is doomed to be futile. China's chip companies are gradually emerging and showing strong development momentum.

For a long time, many Chinese companies have relied on the mentality of "building is better than buying, buying is better than renting". While buying chips in the short term can save costs, it will be dangerous to be unable to get rid of dependence on foreign supplies without mastering the core technology. We cannot have the illusion of foreign enterprises, only independent innovation can ensure that our technology will not be shackled.

Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home

With the encouragement of China's national policies and the investment of funds, China's chip industry has gradually shown vitality. However, to remain sustainable, we still need to step into the technological frontier and constantly climb the peak of innovation.

Undoubtedly, Deng Zhonghan and his "Starlight China Core Project" have created opportunities for the rise of China's chip industry. His courage, wisdom and perseverance set an example for those who came after him. It is precisely because of the efforts of these pioneers that Chinese chips can gain more and more recognition and respect on the international stage.

Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home

In international competition, China's chip industry still faces many challenges and requires unremitting efforts and continuous innovation. Only in this way can Chinese chips win a larger share in the global technology field and become an important force leading innovation.

To sum up, the development of Chinese chips is going through an exciting stage. Deng Zhonghan and his "Starlight China Core Project" contribution can not be ignored, he has laid a solid foundation for the rise of Chinese chips. With the joint efforts of the Chinese government, entrepreneurs and researchers, it is believed that China's chip industry will continue to flourish and go further and more steadily in the global scientific and technological competition.

Biden's dream is broken! It's time for this "mysterious figure" who left the United States and returned home