
Why the United States suppressed Huawei Cai Zhengyuan: The United States cannot eavesdrop on Huawei

author:Say so, fa

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In the Internet era, the United States has always been the dominant player of the global Internet and has absolute control. However, the recent US crackdown on Huawei has attracted widespread attention, what is the reason for this?

Huawei, a Chinese communications technology giant, has emerged to challenge the dominance of the United States in communications technology. The United States has been trying to block Chinese products from entering the U.S. market on the grounds of cyber information security and to force its European allies to abandon Huawei's communications equipment.

Why the United States suppressed Huawei Cai Zhengyuan: The United States cannot eavesdrop on Huawei

The truth, however, is that the United States has always been the world's largest listener and information thief.

By building the Internet infrastructure, the United States has mastered the lifeblood of the global Internet. From the root server to the database, the U.S. has it all. Every country's data is backed up on root servers controlled by the United States, which allows the United States to dictate the fate of the country in the Internet world. However, this control is not limited to the Internet.

In the 60s of the last century, the United States began to establish the prototype of the Internet in order to surpass the Soviet Union in the military and space fields.

Why the United States suppressed Huawei Cai Zhengyuan: The United States cannot eavesdrop on Huawei

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States applied a great deal of military technology to the commercial sector, creating technologies like GPS navigation systems and the global Internet, which today are widespread around the world. But the truth behind it is that U.S. companies and the military have been working closely together, planting backdoors to monitor and analyze global Internet databases and software.

However, Huawei's rise has changed that landscape. For the first time, a core technology company is in the hands of non-European and American countries, and American capital cannot control it. Huawei's emergence not only threatens the United States, but also breaks the theory of white centrism, giving China the opportunity to become a leader in the next era of the Internet of Everything.

Why the United States suppressed Huawei Cai Zhengyuan: The United States cannot eavesdrop on Huawei

The reason why the United States suppresses Huawei is far more than the inability to monitor. Huawei's rise has undermined the dominance of European and American technology, allowing the world to see the possibilities of diversification. Huawei is not listed and is not controlled by European and American companies, which makes it impossible for the United States to surpass it technologically or to annex it in the capital market, and the United States has lost control of Huawei. Therefore, the United States cannot leave a backdoor in Huawei equipment as before, because Huawei does not follow the orders of the United States.

Overall, Huawei's rise has challenged U.S. technological hegemony and weakened U.S. control.

Why the United States suppressed Huawei Cai Zhengyuan: The United States cannot eavesdrop on Huawei

But for the United States, the problem goes far beyond surveillance; it involves a major shift in power and status.

So, how do we meet this challenge?

The development of Internet technology is a process of continuous iteration, and mastering these technologies means mastering the right to speak in the future. In the past Internet technology development, we have been in a relatively backward state, but in the 4G and 5G era, we have gradually caught up, avoiding the situation that the United States is alone.

In the 5G era, we have achieved a certain dominance, which helps to secure our communications.

Why the United States suppressed Huawei Cai Zhengyuan: The United States cannot eavesdrop on Huawei

However, the best way to avoid being spied on by others is to master the technology and ensure that they are under your control.

In the field of 5G technology, we actively invest in research and development and occupy a global leadership position in standard-essential patents. We are also already leading the way in future 6G technology, which will further strengthen our position in the field of communications.

In addition to technological developments, we are also working to change the landscape of Internet infrastructure. For a long time, domain name delegation has been in the hands of the United States, resulting in an uneven distribution of network resources. We have already begun to make breakthroughs in core technology areas and plan to build submarine cables to reduce dependence on the United States.

Why the United States suppressed Huawei Cai Zhengyuan: The United States cannot eavesdrop on Huawei

Although the popularization of technology and the replacement of the base is a difficult task, we are well prepared. From Web 4.0 to Web 6.0 technologies, we are always catching up and preparing to ensure our information security and communication privacy.

In general, through the development and mastery of technology, as well as the improvement of Internet infrastructure, we are building our own information security firewall to protect our national interests and communication security. In these challenging times, we must firmly follow our own path and protect our future.

Why the United States suppressed Huawei Cai Zhengyuan: The United States cannot eavesdrop on Huawei

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