
Primary school students' essays are really talented, and the teacher's comments are also wonderful, netizens: I want to be a teacher to give them essays

author:Baby name music sharing

Welcome to Writing Adventure! As our little ones step into elementary school, another important mission awaits – to nurture their writing talent. From the initial picture talking, climbing all the way, polishing all the way, they will eventually become small writing masters with a fountain of literary thoughts.

However, writing is not an easy game! When elementary school students first learn to write, they often create hilarious masterpieces. In the face of these cute attempts, the poor composition teachers can't help them.

Primary school students' essays are really talented, and the teacher's comments are also wonderful, netizens: I want to be a teacher to give them essays

Recently, on the big stage of Weibo, there are several rising stars of elementary school students' writing, and their essays have amused a lot of teachers. However, the teachers' comments are also different. In the first essay, a primary school student ingeniously gave the teacher a difficult problem: "A classmate took leave today because of 4567. The head teacher was stunned, but the music teacher laughed as soon as he read it. So, the question is, what is 4567? It turns out that this little student is playing scale hide-and-seek! It can be seen that sometimes taking leave is also a science that requires creativity!

There is also a young writer whose essay is entitled "My Ideal". What about content? It's hilarious: I want to be a Jiangyang thief, steal from the rich to the poor, and make everyone happy. The teacher replied in the comment: "This is a good idea, but if you really succeed, don't forget the teacher." By the way, remind you that your ideal at the table is to be a police officer. ”

Primary school students' essays are really talented, and the teacher's comments are also wonderful, netizens: I want to be a teacher to give them essays

After reading it, netizens sighed one after another: "Haha, I also want to be an elementary school teacher and paint and change them!" "4567=A new realm of leave, give me a thumbs up! "Elementary school students are amazing! "This child's essay is really interesting, and I feel the infinite creative storm." However, essays are more than just fun and creative. Writing requires more logic of thinking and organization of language.

To write great works, parents can teach their children some tips: 1. Describing the word "have" is reborn** In elementary school, children often have to face essay topics such as "my friend" and "my teacher", which inevitably involve the description of the appearance of the characters. However, children with limited experience often use the same vocabulary and write the same sentences.

Primary school students' essays are really talented, and the teacher's comments are also wonderful, netizens: I want to be a teacher to give them essays

For example: "She has long curly hair, big black grape-like eyes, a high nose, and a small cherry mouth." "Well, it seems a bit dull and repetitive. Is there a way to make these adjectives less dull? Here's an improved version: "Her curly hair stands like a waterfall, her eyes are like black pearls twinkling, the bridge of her straight nose looks up to the sky, and her pink mouth hides infinite caution." "Hehe, isn't it much more vivid?

2. Don't "talk" endlessly Elementary school students write dialogues and often prefer the "He said..." sentence. That's right, that's fine. However, imagine if an essay is filled with a lot of "say" words, doesn't it sound a little dry? In fact, before describing the dialogue, you can try to replace the word "say" with actions and demeanors, so that the whole composition will be more vivid and lively.

Primary school students' essays are really talented, and the teacher's comments are also wonderful, netizens: I want to be a teacher to give them essays

3. Not so spelling idioms** Some children find that their writing is not long enough. In order to make up the word count, I always unconsciously fill in some nonsense, and as a result, the composition pales in comparison. At this time, don't underestimate the idioms in Chinese, they are concise and expressive. However, you must also be measured in the use of idioms, and do not let the article lose its luster because of too many idioms. Idioms sometimes make articles too generalized and lose detail. Instead, it is enriched with specific descriptions that are both three-dimensional and do not seem stiff.

4. "Very" and "Very" turn over to be specific** These two degree adverbs are simply elementary school students' favorites. However, frequent use of them can obscure the writing. For example, "it's very hot today" is a bit pale. To put it another way: "Today's sun is hot, the air seems to be cooked, and even the leaves are hanging low and dare not make a sound." "Isn't it more graphic?

Primary school students' essays are really talented, and the teacher's comments are also wonderful, netizens: I want to be a teacher to give them essays

Savor it, our Chinese characters have been passed down for thousands of years, containing infinite wisdom and charm. Every citizen should confidently and proudly navigate their language and culture. Every attentive pen is the love and inheritance of this land. Cultivating children's writing talent from an early age is a continuation of emotions and a transmission of culture.

After all, language is not only a course, but also a way for us to express our emotions and ideas. Writing is like a magical brush, which can outline the flight of thoughts, the surge of emotions, and condense small moments into a thousand words. Through these interesting attempts and exercises, children can also better feel the beauty and depth of the Chinese language.