
From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

author:Pioneer Valley Film and Television Entertainment Review


From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

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From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

Text | Sicily

Editor|Pioneer Valley Film and Television Entertainment Review

818 is a very good day, Zhang Yi's "Tip of the Knife" issued the first round of trailers.

As a "save" that has been pressed for 5 years, the supporting cast is also not to be underestimated.

The powerful Wang Qianyuan, Jin Shijia and others joined, and the quality of this wave of works is stable.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

As a low-key and stable "spokesperson", Zhang Yi focuses on his life when he is not filming.

However, even so, it was still involved in the vortex of "rolling play" and "playing big names".

How on earth was he labeled as a "misfit"?

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin


Could it be that Zhang Yi really offended a certain "big guy" before he was "isolated"?

A good drama "Crazy" at the beginning of the year almost made all the crew start to "go crazy".

Zhang Songwen, Gao Ye and other originally unknown supporting roles exploded overnight.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

The control of details and the grasp of emotions made the audience shout: the characters are alive.

In contrast, the popularity of the protagonist Zhang Yi is a little "unable to keep up".

As a policeman with his own insistence on the "good old man" setting.

The space for role play is actually far less than that of villains such as "Gao Qiqiang".

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

On the contrary, it has fixed thinking and limitations, which does not highlight too much acting skills.

An Xin's "suffering" was bitter in the end of his life.

Only his opponent really toasted him.

But Liu Ruoqing, who played the apprentice of "An Xin" in the play, publicly "connotated" Zhang Yi.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

He said that "filming with him is very painful, and it is the kind that I don't want to see in my life."

"In the future, it is better not to meet because you can't wait."

When asked if Zhang Yi was very handsome, he also had a disdainful tone.

After that, he also said that his scene was tampered with by Zhang Yi without authorization.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

The scenes of plainclothes police officers have all been deleted, which is also heart-wrenching.

Since the beginning of "Crazy", even the police officer "Little Five" has been frequently searched.

But "Jiang Chao" played by Li Ruoqing has no sense of existence.

And when someone praised Xiao Wu, the actor was brilliant.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

She will also say: "The other party will sneak around and pat the horse and ask Zhang Yi to add drama to her."

"He doesn't know that, he has the final say in everything."

This is very different from the image of a good old man in everyone's eyes.

He is the artistic director of the show, and many amazing details are his handiwork.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

There is a certain right to speak in the crew, and the scene where the black boss and the police meet in the play.

It is known as a "cordon" shot that can be written into film and television textbooks.

An Xin, played by Zhang Yi, holds the police cordon, and his eyes are firm and pressing.

Zhang Songwen's Gao Qiqiang is careless and unrepentant.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

In the scene of positive and negative hostility and incompatibility, the whole process did not speak more oppressively than countless words.

If it were not for Zhang Yi's presence, the effect could not be as good as expected.

Seeing the fermentation of public opinion, Liu Ruoqing stood up again and said that netizens over-interpreted.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

In fact, I like Mr. Zhang Yi very much, and his professionalism is beyond doubt.

I say I don't want to work with them because I learn too much and it takes time to digest and grow.

However, Zhang Yi's "incompatibility" with the crew seems to have become a sure thing.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin


From the beginning to the end of "Crazy", Zhang Yi did not make any publicity for the show.

On the second day of the finale, the only dynamic promoting the show was also deleted.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

When the "Crazy" crew held a celebration banquet, Zhang Yi's IP address was displayed in Hainan.

did not attend the celebration, and also did not show up for sister-in-law Gao Ye.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

But she responded on social platforms that "I'm filming, I really can't go."

Zhang Yi did not express anything on the cusp of the storm.

And there is no translated photo in the cast list in the physical book of "Crazy".

Instead, putting the villain Gao Qiqiang in the first place can't help but make people wonder.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

There are different opinions about the reason for the breakdown between Zhang Yi and the crazy crew.

Some people say that it was because Zhang Yi stripped him of the title of art director.

Some people say that he was dissatisfied with the change of role, and at the beginning the role of An Xin was set to Yang Yang.

And he was Gao Qiqiang, and as a result, Yang Yang's resignation led to Zhang Yi being replaced by An Xin.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

The more brilliant villain Gao Qiqiang became played by Zhang Songwen.

Judging from the popularity of the broadcast, Zhang Songwen's limelight is more prosperous.

Therefore, Zhang Yi will inevitably feel unbalanced and will have some opinions.

Some people also say that Zhang Yi's salary is too high, and Zhang Songwen is lower.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

With the title of actor, his value has risen, but his performance is not satisfactory.

But no matter what, the success of "Crazy" is inseparable from Zhang Yi's dedication.

And his character has long been officially recognized and praised.

Being featured on the news network is tantamount to giving critics a resounding slap in the face.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

On the news broadcast on February 7, Zhang Yi's figure appeared.

At that time he dressed modestly and attended an important meeting.

Speaking on behalf of outstanding literary and artistic workers, his words were sonorous and powerful.

I have to say that Zhang Yi played "An Xin" with his superb acting skills.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

Perhaps Anxin will also appear in the assembly after finishing his mission.

Report at such a solemn meeting.

As soon as "Crazy" was broadcast, Zhang Yi appeared on CCTV.

The official recognition slapped those false accusations and criticisms in the face.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin


Zhang Yi, who has debuted for many years, has always had a good audience popularity and word of mouth.

It's just that the appearance is slightly "sorry", so there are restrictions on filming.

So he turned into a "drama maniac", entered the industry for many years and worked diligently, insisting on not using a stand-in.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

When filming the scene of "Above the Cliff", it was in pursuit of a more realistic effect.

Zhang Yi will experience electric shocks firsthand in order to present the real state.

When filming "One Second", Zhang Yimou needed to see obvious cheekbones in order to present the effect.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

He lost more than 20 pounds in a month and a half, and he was tanned in the 42-degree sun.

"The Climber" was filmed barefoot in extremely cold weather.

In "Yaohan", because of the plot, you need to soak in the cold river water for several hours.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

While filming an explosion scene in Operation Red Sea.

Zhang Yi's lower leg was accidentally fractured, in order not to be replaced.

He was supposed to take a break of 3 months, and he continued filming lame for less than a week.

In order not to lose the mystery of the actor, he chose not to participate in variety shows.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin
Chen Kaige commented on him: "The drama is bigger than the sky", and Jin Xing said: "He will definitely win the actor one day."

However, it is such a hard-working and dedicated actor.

In the early days of his debut, he ran for 10 years because of his appearance.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin


In 2006, the filming of "Soldier Assault" began, and Zhang Yi thought about it again.

Mao Sui volunteered to write down his own ideas and pocketed the role of the squad leader.

But Zhang Yi, who had just shown his edge, did not immediately usher in an explosion.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

Until 2015, he won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor with "Dear".

His deductive path can be regarded as truly "taking off".

In 2016, he won the best actor of the year with "The Chaser".

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

In 2017, a "Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky" made him win the best actor of Magnolia.

In the 2018 Spring Festival, a "Operation Red Sea" won 3.6 billion box office.

After that, Zhang Yi became a popular candidate for various main theme movies.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

Plus this year's "Manjiang Red", Zhang Yi and "National Teacher" Zhang Yimou have cooperated four times.

He has simply become the royal male protagonist, and he is still as desperate as ever.

Movies and TV series are in full bloom, low-key, and dedicated to acting.

Presumably this is the reason why the passers-by are popular and the whole network supports him.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

For a time, Zhang Yi slept almost only four hours a night.

After filming and returning to the room, I went to the carpet and said to rest for two minutes before getting up to remove my makeup.

As a result, as soon as I woke up, it was dawn, and I was about to leave again before my makeup was removed.

When he collaborated with Li Chen on a play, Zhang Yi got kidney stones.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

Every day in the corridor, I insisted on filming.

Li Chen often saw Zhang Yi walking against the wall, because he couldn't walk, it hurt too much.

For so many years, friends hardly saw him rest.

He said he would panic when he stopped, and that was the life he wanted.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

"I used to be idle to death, and I always wanted to have a job."

"I always want to be busy, I want to make money, I want my career to improve."

In fact, the actors suffered a little when filming, and there was nothing to say.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

This is the proper meaning of the industry, in the era of popular traffic.

This normalcy has become scarce, and people can't help but sigh that the world has changed.

After the explosion of "Crazy", Zhang Songwen scolded Zhang Yi, which became a two-sided traffic password.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

Even if they deliberately remain silent, they still can't escape the shackles of traffic.

"Rolling plays" and "playing big names" were labeled one by one on Zhang Yi.

Just because he doesn't explain doesn't mean he's really like that.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin


Zhang Yi is a famous "good play", and he is often the "guarantee" of a drama.

A person who has been filming diligently for so many years may have acted more in criminal investigation dramas.

It makes everyone feel a little repetitive, but looking closely at the characters is completely different.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

The Qin team, shrouded in the aura of death in "Rebirth", wanders confused in survival and death.

Completely different from An Xin, Zhang Yi's accent shows idealism into cuteness in temperament.

Zhang Yi himself is righteous, and An Xin is really a person as his name suggests, making people "at ease" when they see it.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

Outside the play, he is also a dedicated person, with a butterfly on his tie.

The tears in the corners of his eyes may be a reminder of his lover who died unexpectedly when he was young.

The most common thing that everyone saw was a faint smile on his calm face.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

A thin wall protected him, drawing a polite distance.

There was a cordial sense of alienation, and occasionally his suddenly throbbing eyebrows could be seen.

Inadvertently widened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth outlined a mischievous arc.

Even rarer, you can also see his cunning eyes.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

The restless finger quickly poked out, and then looked at the person innocently.

In a moment when he didn't care, he could see a lonely moon in his heart.

Like a forest night, cool moonlight spreads on a small lake.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

Sparkling, like a tear, you can see his silent sadness.

The black material flood generally hit, and Zhang Yi still did his own thing unhurriedly.

This time, his indefensibility has become the best explanation.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin


Zhang Yi deserves to be a double-material and dual-vision actor, and his talent is beyond doubt.

He dares to pursue dreams, has courage, persistence, and unwavering faith.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

After many years of debut, he still maintains a pure and sincere original intention and is strict with himself.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

At the same time, it is also bold to find breakthroughs and keep trying, strive for excellence, and keep a low profile and humility.

Even if you sometimes can't help yourself, encounter injustice, and be slandered, you will not complain or fight back.

Perhaps he is more like a walker in chaos, a lonely, kind and lovely person.

From "strength responsibility" to "drama bastard", Zhang Yi's "mask", it's time to peel off the skin

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