
【Grassroots Dynamics】Grasping Work and Leading the Team to Improve Cultivation -- Cultivating a Thick-Rooted Xiangfu Procuratorial Culture

author:Kaifeng inspection
【Grassroots Dynamics】Grasping Work and Leading the Team to Improve Cultivation -- Cultivating a Thick-Rooted Xiangfu Procuratorial Culture
【Grassroots Dynamics】Grasping Work and Leading the Team to Improve Cultivation -- Cultivating a Thick-Rooted Xiangfu Procuratorial Culture

In order to further improve the party building work system, strengthen the goal-oriented and problem-oriented, supervise and urge all departments to fully perform their duties, and create a working atmosphere in which the Xiangfu District Academy catches up with and surpasses the study and the officers start a business. On July 7, the Xiangfu District Procuratorate held a party building work meeting in the first half of 2021 to summarize and review the work of various departments in the first half of the year, analyze the situation and tasks, and study and deploy various key tasks in the second half of the year.

The meeting was presided over by Yang Jinsong, deputy secretary of the party leading group and deputy procurator general of the Xiangfu District Court.

【Grassroots Dynamics】Grasping Work and Leading the Team to Improve Cultivation -- Cultivating a Thick-Rooted Xiangfu Procuratorial Culture

The responsible comrades of various departments respectively made reports on the party building work, performance of duties, and clean government construction in the first half of the year, which not only summarized the achievements and characteristics, but also analyzed and found the problems and deficiencies in the work, and put forward the work ideas and goals for the second half of 2021.

【Grassroots Dynamics】Grasping Work and Leading the Team to Improve Cultivation -- Cultivating a Thick-Rooted Xiangfu Procuratorial Culture
【Grassroots Dynamics】Grasping Work and Leading the Team to Improve Cultivation -- Cultivating a Thick-Rooted Xiangfu Procuratorial Culture
【Grassroots Dynamics】Grasping Work and Leading the Team to Improve Cultivation -- Cultivating a Thick-Rooted Xiangfu Procuratorial Culture
【Grassroots Dynamics】Grasping Work and Leading the Team to Improve Cultivation -- Cultivating a Thick-Rooted Xiangfu Procuratorial Culture

The supervisor commented on the work in charge one by one.

【Grassroots Dynamics】Grasping Work and Leading the Team to Improve Cultivation -- Cultivating a Thick-Rooted Xiangfu Procuratorial Culture

In his concluding speech, Dai Chaohui, secretary of the party group and chief procurator of the procuratorate, fully affirmed the achievements made by the heads of various departments in party building, clean government construction, and team building in the first half of 2021, and put forward requirements for cultivating five auspicious procuratorial cultures of deep struggle, dedication, dedication, tenacity, and cooperative friendship.

01 In terms of procuratorial work:

First, we must clarify the tasks, assume responsibilities, and strive to cultivate the spirit of pioneering and innovating. Focus on seriously studying the business evaluation plan, for the shortcomings, clear requirements, responsibilities to the people, so that the heart is clear, into the chest; second, we must dedicate ourselves, stimulate vitality, and strive to cultivate the awareness of creating the first and striving for excellence. Pay attention to going out to study and train, improve the reward mechanism, give play to the role of advanced models, stimulate vitality, and comprehensively improve. Third, we must strengthen the system, scientific management, and strive to strengthen sustainable development. Take the opportunity of implementing the judicial responsibility system, implement various measures for the construction of party style and clean government, promote scientific management and standardized law enforcement, and enhance the management ability of the team.

02 In terms of team building:

The first is to plant a good "responsibility field" for its own business. Clear thinking, combined with reality, select the right innovation point, and find the breakthrough point at the commanding heights. The second is to firmly grasp the "responsibility system" of party style and clean government. Tighten the discipline string, pay attention to daily management, and use their own style image to drive the image of the department. The third is to enhance the "sense of responsibility" of officers to start a business. Take the initiative to plan, integrate into the overall situation, vigorously grasp the implementation, and solidly promote the target to ensure the handover of eye-catching report cards.

03 In terms of improving self-cultivation:

First, leading cadres play an exemplary and leading role everywhere. Strengthen the sense of responsibility, work hard, do your best to do your daily work, dare to be responsible in the face of difficult problems, and dare to take responsibility for mistakes. Second, every cadre and police officer strictly regulates law enforcement at all times. Strengthen the faith, do not forget the original heart, let the original heart lead its own value pursuit, maintain a normal heart, dilute the utilitarian heart, always have a sense of awe, clean officers, clean use of power. Third, it is necessary to stress discipline, rules, prudence, independence, and moderation. Guarding the small grid, there is a big pattern, the avenue is simple, as a procuratorial organ, we should strictly abide by party discipline, party rules, and discipline inspection rules.

At the same time, the meeting commended the winning collectives and individuals of the "July 1st Red Song Competition" and the advanced individuals of the "Xiangfu Procuratorial Star" from January to May, and conducted the selection of the "Xiangfu Procuratorial Star" in June.

Contributed by: Xiangfu Procuratorate

Proofreader: Chang Yujie


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