
Regarding the "Lianghuai River" project, Huang Xiaowu emphasized...

author:Bengbu network information

On August 30, Huang Xiaowu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went deep into Longzihu District, Bengshan District and Yuhui District to investigate the "Lianghuai River" project, key engineering projects such as Binhe South Road, Yan'an Road Huaihe Bridge and Huijin International Building. Guo Jiaman, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary general and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, attended the meeting.

Regarding the "Lianghuai River" project, Huang Xiaowu emphasized...
Regarding the "Lianghuai River" project, Huang Xiaowu emphasized...

The construction of Binhe South Road plays an important role in further improving the urban road network, improving the quality of urban areas, optimizing the ecology of the Huaihe River, and improving the flood control function. Huang Xiaowu successively went to Longzi Hekou Hub, Baoxing Flour Mill and other places, inspected the progress of the project along the way, required relevant units and departments to strengthen coordination and cooperation, pay close attention to important nodes of road construction, adhere to the easy before difficult, stubble pressing, complete the relocation work on time in a stable and orderly manner, make every effort to solve the difficult problems encountered in the project promotion, and accelerate the promotion of the entire Binhe South Road.

Regarding the "Lianghuai River" project, Huang Xiaowu emphasized...

The construction of the Yan'an Road Huaihe Bridge has been the expectation of the people of the city for many years. Huang Xiaowu walked into Guangming Street and other places to learn more about the engineering design, preliminary work development, etc., and coordinated on site to solve difficult problems affecting the progress of the project. He stressed that it is necessary to take the construction of the Yan'an Road Huaihe Bridge as the top priority and top priority, further speed up the progress of work, optimize and improve the plan, ensure that the project starts construction on schedule, and let the "dream of the Yan'an Road Bridge" of the Bengbu people come true as soon as possible.

Climbing to the top of the 200-meter-high Huijin International Building overlooking Zhucheng, the banks of the Huai River are thriving, and a magnificent picture of a modern ecological city suitable for living, working and traveling is in full view. Huang Xiaowu carefully understands the decoration, lighting, investment promotion, etc., and encourages enterprises to actively attract high-end business formats to help the old city improve quality and stimulate vitality. He stressed that it is necessary to carefully design and promote the landscape lighting work on both sides of the Huaihe River, actively promote the application of photovoltaic building integration, create a beautiful landscape along Huaibu, and highlight the urban taste and cultural connotation of Bengbu.

"We come to the 'Lianghuai River' every day to walk around, hoping that the project can be completed as soon as possible!" During the survey, residents expressed their support and expectations for the construction of the project. Huang Xiaowu interacted with the masses and listened carefully to everyone's suggestions. He pointed out that the implementation of the Huaihe flood control and transportation ecological comprehensive treatment project in the main urban area is an important measure to build two centers in "three regions and one district" and build a modern and happy Bengbu, which is related to the long-term development of Bengbu. It is necessary to fully learn from the advanced concepts of urban planning, construction and governance such as Shanghai's Xuhui Riverside, solidly promote the "Lianghuai River" project, adopt overall planning and piecemeal development and other modes, and accelerate the pace of renewal and transformation of old cities and the construction of the North Bank New Area. It is necessary to further optimize the design, enrich business formats, avoid uniformity, strengthen the connection between urban roads and Binhe South Road, do a good job in project maintenance and maintenance management, improve public toilets and other supporting facilities, and facilitate citizens to be close to water and close to water. It is necessary to give full play to the comprehensive benefits of the "Lianghuai River" project, promote the complementarity of ecology, culture, tourism and commerce and trade of the Huaihe River, concentrate efforts to build people's hearts and people's livelihood projects, help optimize the business environment, do a good job in double recruitment and introduction, and better empower Bengbu's high-quality leapfrog development.

Source: Bengbu release