
I didn't dare to go anywhere, and the pressure cooker at an altitude of 4400 meters cooked noodles, and the effect was unexpected

author:XAG said something

I didn't dare to go anywhere, and the pressure cooker at an altitude of 4400 meters cooked noodles, and the effect was unexpected

As the pandemic spreads across the globe, people's travel and lifestyles have been impacted like never before. Many people chose to stay home because they were worried about the risk of infection, canceling their planned trips. However, in the shadow of the pandemic, there are also some people who have chosen a different way to spend this special time. For example, I chose to go to the mountains at an altitude of 4400 meters and cook noodles in a pressure cooker, but I was pleasantly surprised.

I didn't dare to go anywhere, and the pressure cooker at an altitude of 4400 meters cooked noodles, and the effect was unexpected

On a sunny morning in 2023, with a curious mood and a pressure cooker, I embarked on a trekking journey to an altitude of 4400 meters. Although I was full of doubts about this attempt before I set off, my deep-seated desire for adventure drove me forward.

After arriving at my destination, I chose a relatively flat place to set up my tent and start preparing the noodles in the pressure cooker. Due to the high altitude, low temperatures, and strong winds in the mountains, ignition became challenging at first. However, after many attempts on my part, the flames finally jumped under the pressure cooker, bringing a touch of warmth.

After bringing the water to a boil, I carefully placed the noodles in the pressure cooker. At this altitude, the boiling point of water has been greatly reduced, and I can't help but feel a little worried about whether I can successfully cook the noodles. However, a few minutes passed and I found that the noodles did not become as difficult to cook as I expected. Instead, they quickly soften in a pressure cooker, as if kissing the warm lake water.

I didn't dare to go anywhere, and the pressure cooker at an altitude of 4400 meters cooked noodles, and the effect was unexpected

Over time, the pressure cooker fills with the enticing aroma of noodles. I felt a long-lost appetite and was looking forward to the meal I was about to enjoy. Finally, in a tumbling sound, the noodles were cooked perfectly. I couldn't wait to put them in a bowl, add some seasonings, and a steaming bowl of noodles was born.

Sitting on the meadow of the mountains, I looked at the simple bowl of noodles in front of me, and my heart was full of emotion for life. In the face of the pandemic, people's lives have been hit like never before, and many have had to abandon planned trips and gatherings. But I, in this remote mountain wilderness, re-examined the beauty of life through an unusual experience of boiling noodles.

When I tasted the first bite of noodles, I was amazed by its deliciousness. Perhaps it was the environmental factors peculiar to the high altitude, or perhaps my deep-seated craving for food, this simple bowl of noodles turned out to be one of the most delicious foods I've eaten in recent years. The noodles are full of tenacity and the soup is delicious, as if all difficulties and exhaustion become insignificant at this moment.

This attempt to cook noodles in a pressure cooker at an altitude of 4400 meters gave me a taste of the infinite possibilities in life. In extreme environments, through our own efforts and creativity, we can still create beautiful experiences. Although the pandemic has changed the way people live, we can still find happiness and fulfillment in unusual ways.

Looking back on this experience, I am deeply aware that every moment in life is worth cherishing. Whether in the silence of the mountains or in the busy city, we can find our own happiness. In the face of difficulties and challenges, we should be like this bowl of noodles, maintain tenacity and tenacity, and believe that we can overcome all difficulties.

After I ended this unique journey of boiling noodles, my heart was full of hope and gratitude for life. No matter how the external environment changes, we can use creativity and courage to create beautiful memories. Just like this bowl of noodles cooked in a pressure cooker at an altitude of 4400 meters, the beauty of life lies in our daring to try and explore new things.

I didn't dare to go anywhere, and the pressure cooker at an altitude of 4400 meters cooked noodles, and the effect was unexpected