
He Yunshu: A record of the uprising of the cavalry regiment of the 246th Division of the Kuomintang

author:Nature and Society


*The original author of this article is He Yunshu. I originally wanted to make an evaluation, but in order to avoid preconceptions, I still ask the officials to taste it for themselves.

He Yunshu: A record of the uprising of the cavalry regiment of the 246th Division of the Kuomintang

The following is the Liangzhou Party History Micro-class - "Countering the Enemy Army" content:

After Zhang Zhong and Chen Yanbang completed the task of dissolving the Songshan Cavalry Regiment of the 191st Division of the Kuomintang 91st Army, they were escorted by a squad of the regiment along the line of Ganchaiwa and Dajing, crossed Tumenzi, and arrived at Shisanlibao in the east of Liangzhou City on September 14. When he learned that the Dou Renshan Cavalry Regiment of the 246th Division of the Kuomintang 91st Army was stationed in Haizang Temple, the Xuelian Cavalry Regiment of the Zhizhi Army was stationed in Dongguan Garden, and the Ouyang Zhuo Cavalry Regiment of the 173rd Division was stationed in Niujia Garden, and there were only a small number of parts of the self-defense brigade and Yang Shengsheng's city defense troops stationed in the city, he decided to go directly to the city to counter the enemy army. The two disguised themselves as local people in Shisanlipu, Chen Yanbang carrying a load of potatoes, Zhang Zhong wearing a straw hat and bare feet, carrying oil bottles and other sundries on his shoulders, sneaked into the city on foot from the east gate, and acted as a waiter.

Liangzhou City is dead silent, pedestrians are sparse, shop doors are closed, and the atmosphere is extremely tense. When the two walked to East Street, they were discovered by enemy patrols and came to search their bodies, Zhang Zhong moved wisely, pulled out a pistol from the potato basket and held it against the enemy soldiers, revealed his identity to them, and said that the PLA had entered the city from all directions, and asked the enemy soldiers to take them to meet the security captain. Zhang and Chen escorted the enemy soldiers to the team headquarters and found the captain. Zhang Zhong handed the propaganda materials he carried with him to the captain and asked him to order the soil soldiers to post them on the street. The captain obeyed, and Chen and Zhang went straight to the Liangzhou Grand Hotel on West Street to hide. When he arrived at the Grand Hotel, he happened to meet Mu Yaolong, the quartermaster chief of the second lieutenant of the cavalry regiment of the enemy's 246th Division, Liu Moumou, a captain military doctor, and others. The arrival of Zhang and Chen surprised them. Mu Yaolong stepped forward to inquire, Zhang Zhong explained his intentions to him, and after discussion, Zhang Zhong first brought a letter to Lin Yanchun, the commander of the machine gun company (Lin was Zhang Zhong's classmate), and asked him to come to the interview immediately after seeing the letter. But after the letter was delivered, I waited until 2 p.m. and no one came. In a hurry, Zhang Zhong planned to go to the regiment headquarters to see Dou Renshan. Not long after setting off, Lin Yanchun led a group of cavalry to gallop, surrounded Zhang and Chen and shot them, wanting to shoot Zhang Zhong on the spot. After Mu Yaolong's bitter intercession, Lin Yanchun and Shi Kefeng put away the fierce phase and withdrew the bullets, ordering the on-duty soldiers to escort Zhang Zhong and Chen Yanbang to the regimental headquarters of Haizang Temple and detain them to the 3rd company of the regiment headquarters to be processed.

In the early morning of the 15th, regiment commander Dou Renshan, when he saw Zhang Zhong, he jumped like a thunderbolt, grabbed his pistol and was about to shoot. Zhang Zhong ignored his personal life and death, painstakingly persuaded Dou Renshan, and handed over a stone seal letter urging Peng Dehuai and Xi Zhongxun to revolt, expounding the situation of the People's Liberation Army advancing westward, and urging him to lead his troops to surrender. After Dou Ren thought in silence for a while, he summoned the company commanders to come to an emergency meeting. At the meeting, he told everyone about the situation that Zhang Zhong brought back and asked for their opinions. Deputy regiment commander He Yunshu also talked about his views on the situation, believing that there was no way out by following the west, and that defecting to the People's Liberation Army was the only way out. Finally, after weighing all aspects of the situation, Dou Renshan issued an order to refuse to flee west and march east. The whole regiment of more than 1,000 horses and horses drove around the new city to the east and threw themselves into the arms of the people.


The cavalry regiment of the 246th Division of the Kuomintang went through 13 months and 15 days from its formation to its reorganization into the Cavalry Regiment directly under the Third Corps of the Second Corps of the First Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.


In the summer of 1948, in order to prolong its rule in the northwestern corner, the Kuomintang planned by the Northwest Governor's Office and simultaneously formed five brigades (three regiments under their jurisdiction) in Gansu, including the 244th Brigade (Jiang Yuntai), the 245th Brigade (Liu Mantian), the 246th Brigade (Shen Zhisheng), the 247th Brigade (Chen Qiu), and the 248th Brigade (Han Liancheng and Cheng Xuehao), which were soon reorganized into divisions. Among them, the 246th Division, in addition to the divisional headquarters organs and directly subordinate battalion companies, had two infantry regiments under the 736th Regiment (regiment commander Wang Zhensheng), the 737th Regiment (regiment commander Wu Guanghe), and a cavalry regiment (regiment commander Dou Renshan), all of which were formally established in Lanzhou on August 1, 1948. At the end of the year, the whole division was stationed in the area of Wuwei and Zhangye, and the cavalry regiment was stationed in Yongchang County. By March 1949, the cavalry regiment was equipped with personnel, horses, and equipment, and began basic training one after another, until the troops went east in January of the same year. During this period, I went to the Wuwei Division Headquarters as the commander of the division teaching group for three months, responsible for the military training of the whole division.

The main members of the cavalry regiment were: regiment commander Dou Renshan, deputy regiment commander He Yunshu, regiment annexed first Bian Junduo, then Zong Yumin (both left before the uprising), and political work director Tao Tongzhi. In terms of the actual division of labor, the regiment commander holds the personnel and financial power of the whole regiment. The operations, training, equipment, communications and document processing of the troops are mainly under the responsibility of the deputy regiment commander. The regiment headquarters consists of six offices, including secretaries, quartermasters, military doctors, veterinarians, adjutants, and political workers, and one ordnance officer, and the combat unit consists of four companies of cavalry, machine gun companies, artillery companies, and special agent companies (including guard platoons, communications platoons, and engineering platoons).

Source of cadres: Officers at or above the deputy company level are mainly appointed by the Northwest Governor's Office, and platoons and classes are solved by divisions and regiments. Most of the officers above the platoon level of the regiment are graduates of the cavalry section of the eighth to eighteenth classes of the army officer school and branch campuses. Since Dou Renshan and I were both from the First Independent Cavalry Regiment, it was agreed that 72 soldiers with better military qualities were selected and transferred from the First Independent Cavalry Regiment stationed in Tongwei to serve as squad and platoon commanders of each company, thus laying an organizational foundation for the consolidation and training of the troops in the future.

After the formation of the cavalry regiment, there were about 1,200 soldiers, 1,300 horses and mules (heads), more than 700 rifles, more than 90 submachine guns, 54 light machine guns, 4 heavy machine guns, 16 six-O guns, and 4 82 mortars. The officers above the company were equipped with 1 Canadian pistol, and until liberation, there was no major change in strength.

Down east

In June 1949, Xi'an had been liberated, and when the situation in the Battle of Fuxian and Guguan was tense, the main force of the 91st Army, including the headquarters of the 246th Division and the 236th and 737th infantry regiments, had moved east from Hexi and was assembling in the area of Qin'an. At that time, in order to maintain the stable situation in Hexi, the cavalry regiment remained in Shuichang. Later, with the change of the situation, around the beginning of July, the division headquarters ordered the cavalry regiment to go east and return the formation in the direction of Qin'an, but no time limit was issued, let alone a report on the situation of the battle, which was obviously a method of blocking news in order to calm the army's heart.

At this time, although we did not know the specific actions of the main forces of the army and division and the situation of the battle in Guanzhong Province, the general trend of Chiang's army losing defeats one after another in the national and northwestern battlefields and being unable to save the overall situation was certain. Dou and I were both tacit and war-weary. We all believe that the newly formed cavalry regiment has poor military quality, and the division headquarters orders have no time requirements, so it takes brigade marches to train the troops. In this way, from Yongchang to Lanzhou, including supplying and resting in Wuwei, after 12 or 3 days, the troops arrived on the north bank of the Yellow River in Lanzhou, and Dou and I went to the Northwest Governor's Office once, on the one hand, to report the situation of the troops, but mainly to inquire about the news ahead, and originally planned to meet with Peng Mingding, deputy chief of staff (and chief of operations), but did not meet, and was received by deputy director Wu Wenxuan. During the conversation, Wu's mood was low, and he said: "It is a natural danger. If it can hold on, Lanzhou can be guaranteed for one year." When he took his leave, Wu said to Dou in a low voice: "Commander Dou, you are from Qinghai, and you are looking for a few houses for my family in Xining. ”

After stopping in Lanzhou for two or three days, we continued to move towards Dingxi, and in the short 120-kilometer journey, on the grounds that the horses had many saddle wounds and replaced and replenished the shoes, we stopped and dragged on for six days, in order to maintain the mobility of the men and horses and see the situation change. During the march, I once said to Dou: The legend outside said that Guguan has long been lost, why hide it from us? If they want us to go to the front, but they have the idea of retreating backwards, it can only show that the military and people's hearts have long been scattered, but they are just deceiving each other and messing around; Besides, the possibility of the communist army taking Xining first in the battle, sending troops to enjoy the hall (Minhe), and then taking Lanzhou exists, so Wu Wenxuan wants to send his family to Xining, which may not be a safe measure! It also shows that these decadent and incompetent people have underestimated the various possibilities of the development of the military situation, and they are invincible! Moreover, we have also learned that the personnel and families who remained in Wuwei and Zhangye were arranged by the division to prepare to move west to Jiuquan, and it seems that the next step is to flee west to Xinjiang. All this made me have to consider my personal future plans, and the first move was to secretly tell my wife who was far away in Zhangye that Xinjiang was even farther away from the hinterland, and that I would do everything possible to stay in Zhangye, never go west, and never make a noise. That's something around the end of July, the beginning of August.

Escape west

The cavalry regiment left Lanzhou and traveled east, and in just seven days, Dingxi became a turning point in the flight from east to west, which was not only a 180-degree change in direction, but also a further exposure of the decadent and fraudulent reactionary nature of the Jiang and Ma ruling clique, and also heralded the imminent end of the reactionaries. The westward escape of this regiment began from the Dingxi Jingnei official camp. The division headquarters ordered the 91st Army (including the 246th Division) and the 245th Division (all of which belonged to the Chiang family) to assemble in Lanzhou through Shouyang Town, Weiyuan, and Taosha in Longxi, together with the main forces (all of which belonged to the Chiang family) that had been returned from Qin An. Later, it followed Beishan to Wuwei via Yongdeng, Gulang's Dajing and Lanxin highways. During this period, there were attempts and actions to serve the reactionary rule of Jiang Ma, as well as activities to preserve strength, brew uprisings, and surrender.

After this Chiang force returned to Lanzhou to assemble on the north bank of the Yellow River, the 246th Division was ordered to serve as the river defense on the north bank of the Yellow River southwest of Jingyuan to cover the Majia troops to guard the left side of Lanzhou, but the 246th Division stopped stationed near the Shuibu River, and only sent a cavalry regiment to guard along the river on the Beiwan line. From here, in order to break the blockade of information from the army and division and strive to keep abreast of the changes in the situation of the campaign, I ordered the communications platoon: In the future, every time I camp, I must install a special telephone at my residence and hang the covered line directly on the long telephone line. Through eavesdropping, I learned about the fierce fighting between Qingqing and Ningxia in Lanzhou. Knowing in advance the intention of the main forces of the corps and divisions is very beneficial to the subsequent actions of the cavalry regiment.

On the night of the battle between Shenjialing and Gouwashan in Lanzhou, Huang Zuxun, commander of the 91st Army, suddenly urgently gathered his troops in the area between Shuibuhe and Hejiachuan, loudly preaching that "the communist army has failed in its attack" and "there are signs of a rout," and ordered several cavalry regiments under his command to make preparations and wait for the order to pursue. This is all self-deception. At the time I wondered if this was a feint or a failed attack? Even if the attack is thwarted, it will never lead to a rout, or it may be readjusted and redeployed to attack again, the situation is unknown. If you pursue, you may get beaten in your pocket. In fact, Lanzhou was liberated one day later, and the whole army continued to withdraw westward. In the marching sequence, the infantry and cavalry are intertwined, completely losing the mobility of the cavalry, but more fatigued than the infantry, there are few pedestrians on the road, and the air is dull. I took advantage of the opportunity to march, sometimes in front of the team, sometimes in the back of the team, and also in the camps of each company, and in different tones, I tested the inner activities of each company commander. The intentions of the seven companies are: Liang Caiying, commander of the first company, He Song, commander of the second company, Zong Yumin and Qi Zhigao of the third company, and Wang Peiru of the fourth company, all of them resigned themselves to their fate, and had no specific plans, but all expressed "listening to you"; The attitude of Zhang Zhaoqi, commander of the special agent company, and Zhao Honghook, commander of the artillery company, was warm; The commander of the machine gun company, Lin Yanchun, is Dou's henchman and fellow villager in Qinghai, and he is relatively stubborn. Because he is not a military student, he has less contact on weekdays.

The main force withdrew west to Dajing in Gulang, leaving behind two cavalry regiments of the 191st Division and the 246th Division, and the 2nd Company (Company Commander Cai Mou) of the Cavalry Regiment of the 191st Division (regiment commander Qu Yixing) and the second company (company commander Cai Mou) were on guard at Wusheoling, and all other teams of the army and division were grouped in Tumen. Three or four days later, the division ordered our regiment to move to the vicinity of the Tumenzi division, and soon withdrew to Wuwei City with the whole division.

There are several things that should be recorded in the escape from Lanzhou: First, the cavalry regiment camped in a village (the name of the village has been forgotten) after crossing the Songshan Beach, and before setting out the next morning, the commander of the second company, He Song, reported to Dou: "Deputy company commanders Zhang Zhong and Chen Yanbang fled with a light machine gun and a few soldiers, and their whereabouts are unknown. At that time, Dou did not express his position, and said to me afterwards: "The more the troops go, the more difficult it is to bring them, and they must be strictly controlled." When he arrived at the camp in Dajing, he immediately summoned officers at and above the company level to give a lecture. On this day, the sentry intercepted Duan Liangqiu, the platoon commander of the fourth company of the cavalry regiment of the 91st Army (my old subordinate, now Lanzhou), who had been released after being captured in the Battle of Fujun, and he wanted to see me. During the conversation, I asked about the communist army's policy on prisoners, the relationship between officers and soldiers, the relationship between the military and the people, discipline and living conditions, and the attitude towards him, and he answered without concealment. My general impression is that "those who win the hearts of the people prosper, and those who lose the hearts of the people die", which strengthened my determination to abandon the secret and turn to the light. Around this time, Dou called a meeting with Quartermaster General Mu Yaolong and a few henchmen behind my back to privately divide the gold (exposed and admitted during the rest after the adaptation). Since then, I have been further wary of this person. The second thing was that Dou went with me to visit Qu Yixing, commander of the 191st Division's cavalry regiment, Wang Chengxian, deputy regiment commander, and Qin Guizhang, the regiment's annex. In casual talk, it is nothing more than a bad situation, and what to do in the future? However, none of them clearly stated their intentions. It was just that Qu Yixing proposed that an "Anmin notice" be issued in the name of the two regiments, the content of which is generally in two aspects, one is the regulations and requirements for the discipline of the troops, what does not ravine, does not disturb the people, and does not fire shots for no reason; The second is to eat the rich and secure the poor, requiring the rich households to supply food and grass, and support the army to defend the localities, and so on. The third thing was during the three or four days in Dajing, because Qu was a cadet of the ninth term of the military academy, Wang and Qin, and company commander Xia Zhaosheng were my classmates in the same team, and old friends often talked together. We talked about the internal situation of the troops and the idea of abandoning the secret and turning to the open, especially the deputy regiment commander Wang Chengxian had more contact with me and indicated to each other his intention to take the camera action. Then the division headquarters ordered us to leave Dajing and move closer to the Tumenzi division. One evening after I arrived at Tumenzi, Wang Chengxian exchanged phone calls with me three times for the Qu regiment, and the first time Wang said that he had sent a cavalry platoon to send the quartermaster to the military headquarters (stationed in Tumenzi) to collect funds, but he had not yet returned, and asked me to go and see; The second time, I called back to the king, saying that I had received two thousand (silver) dollars, and had returned, and that I could arrive in the middle of the night; The third time, around twelve o'clock in the morning, Wang called me and told me: "The troops have been assembled, the money has been received, we have set off, and there will be a deadline later." I said, "See you in Wuwei!" "After the call, I suddenly remembered that during the march, the military headquarters was also using long-distance lines, what if the telephone soldiers of the military switchboard heard the content of our call and reported to the military headquarters? Inner tension. For the safety of individuals, countermeasures must be taken: first, the telephone does not leave the person, and the bell must be heard; Second, in the name of strengthening the security of the regiment headquarters, I immediately transferred a dozen reliable veterans to the regiment headquarters, under my direct command, and always paid attention to my surroundings; Third, the gun does not leave the body, and more than three people must be taken with him when he goes out, and he does not stay at the regiment headquarters, especially at night, does not fix the position, and often changes and rests in several cavalry companies to prevent accidents. As expected, the telephone rang in the middle of the night, and it was the telephone soldier of the military headquarters switchboard who reported to the headquarters: "The Dajing Cavalry Regiment has gone east." The officer who received the call asked, "How do you know?" Answer: "When we were testing the line just now, we asked Dajing what was going on by the way, and the operator of the post and telecommunications office said that the cavalry regiment had just set out and left east. "I didn't say anything more, my heart was a little calmer, but I still had doubts.

At dawn, the division headquarters informed us that the military headquarters would open up today, telling us to prepare, and the whole division would follow suit tomorrow. On this day, Dou said: "The second company of the Qutuan regiment has been withdrawn, and we want to send two companies to serve as a guard in the direction of Wusheoling, you take it with you!" I said, "My stomach hurts, I haven't slept all night, and if I have two companies, just ask the regiment to go to it." "This task was not carried out after that, but I even wanted to hold a meeting behind my back a few days ago, and today I wanted to ask me to leave the main force of the regiment, and I suspect that Dou had any idea on me? After that, I talked to Dou Xian that there has been no situation on the front of the Lanxin Highway, Wuwei to Zhangye, it takes seven or eight days on foot, and no matter how fast the cavalry is, it will take four days, if there is a situation in the direction of Biandukou and Minle, the division headquarters and infantry can be transported by car, and it is our retreat that is cut off, what should we do? Is it to the division headquarters? I remember that one noon, we arrived at the division headquarters and saw the chief of staff, Cao Zhanzhi (a fellow villager of division commander Shen Zhisheng), who meant to ask him to talk to the division commander to see what plans he had. Cao said: "Duke Shen's temper, you also know, turned his face, what should I do?" "We went directly to see Jiang Hanqing, my old superior, my fellow deputy division commander for many years. He was eating lunch alone.

Dou first said something bad about the situation, and I said, "How is it good?" We listen to you. Jiang didn't look up, just ate, and after a while, his eyelids rolled up and said, "You still want to be the regiment leader?" "Just one word, no more words. We did not achieve our intended goal, so we had to return to the regiment headquarters and withdraw to Wuwei the next day, around September 10.


The cavalry regiment arrived at Wuwei East Pass to assemble, and the main force of the division was originally planned to be stationed in Xiguan, but they could not see the division commander and infantry regiment, only to find that the army and division headquarters had fled west to Zhangye. Only the 173rd Division, the two cavalry regiments directly under the 91st Army and our cavalry regiment remained in Wuwei. On September 14, Li Huannan, commander of the 173rd Division, suddenly came forward and called a meeting of the regimental-level officers of the three cavalry regiments and issued an order to the corps commander, to the effect that the three cavalry regiments were under his unified command, deployed in Wuwei, delayed the advance of the communist army, and covered the main movement of the army. Xue (Lian) Regiment (military subordinate) was south of Wuwei, frontally defending the Lanxin Highway, and the Baoyang Zhuo Regiment (subordinate to the 173rd Division) took Xue's regiment on the right, left to Xincheng, and spread out in the direction of Daheyi; The Dou (Renshan) regiment was in reserve, and the command post of the same division lived in the area near Haizang Temple, and sent a platoon sentry to the east to cover the left side of the Xue regiment. Then Li Huannan also stipulated: At dawn on the 15th, a bluffing operation began to be carried out, and the drunken regiment entered the city from the west gate and went out of the east gate, and the other two regiments entered the east gate and went out of the west gate, indicating that Wuwei continued to have large troops assembled, in a vain attempt to calm the people's minds, and confused the other side with suspicious soldiers. This is really a cover-up and a futile effort.

After the incident, Dou was having lunch with me and his attachés on West Street, when he learned that Zhang Zhaoqi, the commander of the special agent company, had left empty-handed. On my way back to the regiment headquarters after dinner, Lin Yanchun, the star officer of the regiment and commander of the machine gun company, sent Shi Kefeng (now known as Shi Zhen), the adjutant of the regiment headquarters, to bring a few soldiers. The report said: "Commander Lin Lian sent me to the Liangzhou Grand Hotel in the city to arrest Zhang Zhong and return. Dou said: "They have guns, be careful to hold them to resist arrest." In order to dispel Dou's suspicions about me, I immediately echoed: "In the event of a shootout, the corpses that were killed must also be recovered." In the afternoon, Zhang Zhong and the others had been detained in the machine gun company, and Dou was in front of me and verbally ordered Lin Yanchun: "No one is allowed to see Zhang Zhong without my warrant." After Lin left, Dou stood on the steps in the courtyard and said to me: "The army commander (referring to Huang Zuxun) promoted you to be the commander of the 191st Cavalry Regiment, and the commander of the Cai company (that is, the commander of the second company who did not follow the Qu regiment) to be your deputy regiment commander." "At this time, the military department had already gone to Zhangye. I said, "What kind of regiment leader is there at this time, so let's forget it together." "I immediately realized: this is another plan - to move the tiger away from the mountain. Then he said, "You went and shot Zhang Zhong, right? I said, "It's not my business to shoot people, you can send a company commander or adjutant." However, I see that it is so far that we must think in the long term and not act rashly. "At this point, we broke up and went back to our rooms, I was in the front yard, Dou lived in the backyard, and after a while, it was evening, I saw Lin Yanchun interpreting Zhang Zhong to Dou, Dou and Zhang talked alone for a while, Zhang came to my room and gave me a letter signed and printed by Chen Haihan, chief of staff of the Sixth Army of the People's Liberation Army, urging us to recognize the situation, throw ourselves to the people, and said that we would ensure our life safety. After reading the letter, Zhang said to me: "This matter is for the deputy commander to decide. At that time, it was already dark, and I was afraid of Dou listening, so I just said: "Don't worry, rest first, I will act with the camera." After Zhang left, Dou's face turned blue and his expression was confused, and he asked me: "How to deal with (Zhang Zhong)?" "After further talking, I suggested that a meeting of the heads of each room and officers above the company commander level be held overnight, at which Regiment Commander Dou was first asked to explain the matter of Zhang and the others who had returned to the regiment and the current situation, and also said his own plans for the future, and then listen to the opinions of the company commanders. In fact, most of the responsible persons already knew about Zhang Zhong's return to the group at this time. Before the meeting, the air was different from usual, no one gossiped, Dou arrived at the venue, he spoke first, to the effect that Zhang Zhong dragged the gun and absconded, and military law did not tolerate. Now that he has returned from the Communist Party, he will hear it to the military commander (Huang), and he cannot bear it. At present, the situation is very tense and difficult to handle, but if there is no such thing, it will end from now on. I hope that everyone will remember the friendship that has worked together for many years, and do not pass it on. When he spoke, he really "had a deep affection," and he went back and forth, but not to the extent of pleading, and then stressed the need to maintain military discipline, bring the troops well, and it is difficult to account for the troops if they are dragged down, and so on. But let's not talk about his plans. Of course, some people said: "Please rest assured that Commander Dou." Since I never spoke, and everyone didn't speak, the atmosphere was dull, and Dou said, "Deputy Regiment Commander speak." "I took the opportunity to ask a few questions: First, as the saying goes, there is no impermeable wall, good things do not go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. In case it reaches the army, who to go to? Second, there have been two incidents of officers escaping from the regiment, and everyone knows about them. Most of our soldiers are from Zhangye and Gaotai, and the further west they go, the more they can't take them away, and once a large number of escapes occur, can your company commander take care of the guns and horses on board? Third, Xining and Lanzhou gave up, it has been nearly 20 days, and there is still no frontal advance of the communist army, is there any intention to delay, waiting for the Qinghai soldiers to come out of the folk music and insert Zhangye? Maybe we won't be able to run Zhangye, and we'll already be in our pockets. I continued: "Chen Haihan's letter in front of me points out that investing in the people can ensure the safety of personal lives. In my opinion, our people's guns are state, and whoever is in power will be handed over to whomever is in power, so as not to have an endless mind and unexpected consequences. At this time, we should not hesitate, we should cut through the mess quickly, strive for the dawn operation, and the troops should first drive around the new city to Daheyi (30 li east of Wuwei) to get rid of the current situation." In this way, it can be regarded as obtaining the consent of Dou and most people. It was already the early morning of September 16. Next, I issued several orders in the first company: the commanders of each company stayed at the regimental headquarters to rest; Shi Kefeng (adjutant) sent a communicator to inform the companies to assemble before the regiment department (I had already notified in advance); Call Zhang Zhong and Chen Yanbang to the regiment headquarters to see me. After the troops assembled, Dou and I walked ahead, and the company commanders and Zhang Zhong followed, on the way from the regiment headquarters to the assembly site, I said: "Please give the regiment commander the order to leave." Dou said, "Let's go to Dunchengduo (30 li in Wuwei West) first and then see the situation?" I said, "It's already been said at the meeting, how to change it!" Dou said, "Then you give the order, I won't give it." I guess he was afraid of taking risks, so I said, "Okay, I'll go down." When I got to the troops, I said, "The company commander is in position!" "In order to arrange the marching sequence, it must be possible to supervise the regimental headquarters and machine-gun companies with cavalry companies to prevent sudden incidents during the march of the queue. I verbally ordered: "Today the whole regiment has another task, immediately advance in the direction of Daheduo through Xincheng, with a speed of one-third (cavalry terminology), Liang Caiying led the first company as the vanguard, Qi Zhigao led the third company as the rearguard, and the rest followed in the sequence of regiment headquarters, special agent company, second company, machine gun company, fourth company, and artillery company." "After Adjutant Shi, Zhang Zhong, and Chen Yanbang and the sharp platoon of the avant-garde company, pay attention to grasping the situation in front and report to me at any time. My place is in the guard company (I designate Du, the commander of the third platoon of the third company with combat experience, as the guard platoon. Dou did not say anything and set off. When I entered the vicinity of the new city, I was greeted by Ma Dewu, the company commander of Ouyang Zhuo's regiment who was originally deployed on the left flank of the first line (a student of the sixteenth phase of the Wang Qu No. 7 Branch), and hurriedly asked me: "Order to retreat, where are you going?" I replied, "There is a cover mission." "Only then did I know that Li Huannan gave the order to retreat. Then I met an armed skirmisher Lei Xinghua (Mazi), a correspondent of Zhao Fengguang, deputy commander of the cavalry regiment under the army, and a soldier when I was a company commander. He said: "I asked the regiment commander (Xue Jian) and deputy regiment commander, and they left last night. "I think Xue Tuan also withdrew. Just say, "Come with me!" ”

At 8 a.m., arrive at Daheyi. Shi Kefeng reported to me: "The sharp platoon has engaged in a confrontation with a small unit of the People's Liberation Army. "I immediately rode forward quickly, went to the regiment headquarters and rushed to the vanguard company with Dou Renshan to meet with Zhang Zhong with the PLA. After mutual introduction, we learned that it was Xing Ziyu (a native of Lao County, Shanxi), a reconnaissance staff officer of the Second Section of the PLA Third Army Headquarters, and Xing Section, chief of the Reconnaissance Section of the Ninth Division, who led two reconnaissance detachments. After paying tribute to each other, I asked Shi Kefeng to pass on the order: "Now that we have thrown ourselves into the People's Liberation Army, everyone has pulled off the Kuomintang's hat and badge, and the troops are resting in place and waiting for orders." "The righteous act of the cavalry regiment of the 246th Division to abandon the secret and surrender to the light was successful, and the officers and men of the regiment were given a new life since then.

Xing Ziyu and other comrades asked me and Dou in a deliberative tone: "How about we liberate Wuwei today?" According to the intention of the superior, a day or two in advance, we telegraphed to the superior. I said, "Good. "I thought that the two cavalry regiments had all withdrawn to the west, and Wuwei was already empty. However, in the march towards Wuwei, Xing and others proposed to me: The Kuomintang still has a regiment stationed in Wuwei, and our regiment must advance in a combat-ready posture and prepare for fighting. I didn't think so, but in order to take precautions, I still decided to launch the cavalry regiment outside the East Pass and take an attack deployment, commanded by Regiment Commander Dou, and I, together with Xing and others and a reconnaissance detachment, pierced the East Pass, and sure enough, I first encountered Wang Fengge, commander of the machine gun company of the Xue Regiment (a native of Hebei, who used to be my subordinate), and upon inquiry, he said: "My machine gun company is in Dongguan, the rest are in Beiguan, only Li Fangshan, deputy regiment commander, is at the regiment headquarters, and Regiment Commander Xue and Deputy Regiment Commander Zhao left last night." I pointed to the people around me and said, "The People's Liberation Army has arrived, don't move anymore, just stand by." We rushed into the city with half a doubt, and when we reached Xidashi, I said to Xing: "They have no heads, and they are not ready to fight, maybe they are waiting to be contained, right?" "At this point, we broke up, Xing and others went to Beiguan to be surrendered, and I went to ask Dou to collect troops to garrison Dongguan, and closed the radio station and concentrated the political workers. The whole group is waiting for the arrangement.

The next day, Xu Guangda, commander of the Second Corps of the People's Liberation Army, and the vanguard of the Third and Sixth Armies (including the Qu Regiment, which had just rebelled), also arrived one after another. In the afternoon, Commander Xu summoned officers at and above the company level of three cavalry regiments at the restaurant of the Liangzhou Grand Hotel for dinner, delivered an important speech entitled "Serving the People Is the Only Purpose of the PLA," and announced on behalf of the former CPC Committee that the former cavalry regiment of the 91st Army of the Kuomintang was allocated to the Fourth Army and that the cavalry regiment of the former 246th Division was reorganized into the cavalry regiment of the Third Army. Immediately established the political commissar of our army (Su Xing, now Aihu Prefecture, Heilongjiang Province) and the political work system (political director Yang Shangyu) Each company sent instructors, appointed Dou Renshan as the regiment commander, He Yunshu as the first deputy regiment commander, Zhang Zhong as the second deputy regiment commander, and the company commanders of each company remained unchanged. Since then, under the leadership of the Party, the cavalry regiment has become an armed force of the people.

On the third day, an entrance ceremony was held. This cavalry unit was organized several times later, and still contributes to the defense of national defense and socialist construction on the northern border of the motherland and the land of Gansu.

November 1984


Selected Literature and History of Gansu