
Is hand joint pain gout? Not necessarily, it may be these four diseases, which one are you?

author:Gout expert Zhou Guilan

In real life, many people have experienced finger joint pain. Some people think that finger joint pain is related to gout, and gout is mostly related to high uric acid, so it is not necessarily. So the cause of finger joint pain may also be other diseases. The following from the cause and symptoms, teach you a simple analysis, once the problem is found, need to be treated in time, to remember the truth of "long-term illness into disease", physical health is the foundation of people, need to pay attention.

1. Osteoarthritis:

Is hand joint pain gout? Not necessarily, it may be these four diseases, which one are you?

Osteoarthritis usually causes pain in the joints of the hands, and the most common symptom of osteoarthritis is joint pain, which is usually progressive and progressively worsens over time. Pain may worsen with exercise or activity and may decrease at rest. However, a feeling of stiffness may occur after a period of rest, and you may feel inflexible early in the activity.

This stiffness will gradually subside, but will reappear after rest. Osteoarthritis can be caused by a variety of reasons, including age, genetics, and overuse of joints. As we age, the risk of joint wear and degeneration increases, and people over the age of 65 are more likely to develop osteoarthritis. It is more common in women after menopause.

2. Gout:

Is hand joint pain gout? Not necessarily, it may be these four diseases, which one are you?

Gout is a metabolic disease caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints. Gouty arthritis is common in the basal knuckles of the thumb, but other joints of the fingers may also be affected. Symptoms include sudden onset of severe pain, redness, swelling, fever, etc., and if the symptoms are slightly more severe, they can cause joint mobility disorders.

The onset of gout is related to long-term high uric acid levels in the body, especially when the uric acid in the blood exceeds the saturation. High uric acid may be caused by the intake of high-purine foods in the diet, kidney dysfunction, or genetic factors.

3. Tenosynovitis:

Is hand joint pain gout? Not necessarily, it may be these four diseases, which one are you?

Tenosynovitis usually presents with painful finger extensions, sometimes accompanied by snapping. The most common type of tenosynovitis is carpal tunnel syndrome, whose symptoms include pain, numbness, and tingling in the wrist. Other types of tenosynovitis may cause pain and friction in the corresponding fingers. Tenosynovitis is usually caused by inflammation of the sheath around the tendon. Overuse of hand muscles and tendons, trauma, or prolonged repetitive movements may lead to tenosynovitis.

4. Rheumatoid arthritis:

Is hand joint pain gout? Not necessarily, it may be these four diseases, which one are you?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that mainly affects the hands, wrists and knuckles. Morning stiffness, swelling, redness, limited mobility, and pain are characteristic symptoms. Rheumatoid arthritis may also be accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Rheumatoid arthritis is mostly caused by the immune system attacking its own joint tissue. The exact etiology is unknown, but genetic, environmental, and immunological disorders may be factors in its pathogenesis.

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